Pam McKenzie's research: Other projects

1.      Student projects


I have been very lucky to work with a number of graduate students on their individual study and guided research projects. Some of these projects have resulted in conference presentations or research articles.  Student co-authors are bolded.

Borman, Brandi and Pamela J. McKenzie. 2005. Trying to help without getting in their faces: Public library staff descriptions of providing consumer and mental health information. Reference & User Services Quarterly. 45(2): 35-45. Awarded the Reference and User Services Association Reference Service Press Award 2007.

Dalmer, Nicole, Roz Stooke, and Pamela J. McKenzie.  In press 2017. Institutional ethnography: A sociology for libraries.  Library and Information Research.

Harris, Pam and Pamela J. McKenzie. 2004. What it means to be in between: A focus group analysis of barriers faced by children aged seven to eleven using public libraries. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 28(4): 3-24.

Ko, Grace and Pamela J. McKenzie. 2003. At the margins of mainstream? East-Asian Canadian Fiction for Children and Young Adults. Canadian children's literature. 109/110: 15-37.


Nzomo, Peggy, Ajiferuke, Isola, Vaughan, Liwen, McKenzie, Pamela.  2016.  Multilingual Information Retrieval & Use: Perceptions and Practices among Bi/multilingual Academic users.  The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 42 (5), 495-502


Pecoskie, Jennifer and Pamela J. McKenzie. 2004. Canadian Census data as a tool for evaluating public library holdings of award-winning lesbian fiction. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science. 28(2): 3-23.

Penta, Michelle and Pamela J. McKenzie. 2005. The big gap remains: public librarians as authors in LIS journals, 1999 - 2003. Public Library Quarterly. 24(1): 33-47.

Prigoda, Elena and Pamela J. McKenzie. 2007. Purls of wisdom: A collectivist study of human information behaviour in a public library knitting group. Journal of Documentation 63(1): 90-114.

Williams, Sherilyn and Pamela J. McKenzie. 2012. A Tapestry of Knowledge: Crafting a New Approach to Information Sharing. Gender, Sexuality, Information: A Reader. Editors Rebecca Dean and Patrick Keilty, 406-430. Library Juice Press.



2.      Mobilizing user-generated content for Canada’s digital content advantage. 


Samuel Trosow, Jacquelyn Burkell, Nick Dyer-Witheford, Pamela J. McKenzie. Mobilizing user-generated content for Canada's digital content advantage. SSHRC Knowledge synthesis in the new economy grant, 2010.


McNally, M., S. E. Trosow, C. Whippey, L. Wong, J. Burkell, & P.J. McKenzie.  2012.   User-generated digital content 2: policy frameworks. First Monday. 17(6), n.p.

McKenzie, P.J., J. Burkell, L. Wong, C. Whippey, S.E. Trosow, & M. McNally.  2012.  User-generated digital content 1: current state. First Monday. 17(6), n.p.

Trosow, S.E., Burkell, J., Dyer-Witheford, N., McKenzie, P.J., McNally, M.B., Whippey, C. and Wong, L. Mobilizing User-Generated Content for Canada's Digital Content Advantage. Poster session, Canadian Association for Information Science, 4 June 2011

Trosow, S.E., Burkell, J., Dyer-Witheford, N., McKenzie, P.J., McNally, M.B., Whippey, C. and Wong, L. Mobilizing User-Generated Content for Canada's Digital Content Advantage. Joint Research Day, The University of Western Ontario, 23 March 2011.

Trosow, Samuel E., Jacquelyn Burkell, Nick Dyer-Witheford, Pamela McKenzie, Michael B. McNally, Caroline Whippey, Lola Wong, Mobilizing User-Generated Content For Canadas Digital Advantage. Report to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, December 1 2010.


3.      Other projects

Huvila, Isto, Theresa D. Anderson, Eva H. Jansen, Pamela McKenzie, Adam Worrall.  2017. Boundary Objects in Information Science.  Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology. 68(8): 1807-1822.

McKenzie, Pamela J. 2003. User perspectives on staff cooperation during the reference transaction. The reference librarian. v.40 (no.83/84):5-22.

McKenzie, Pamela J. 2013. Failures and fixes: practices of information seeking, management, and use.  Invited keynote lecture, American Society for Information Science & Technology European Workshop, Åbo Akademi, Finland, June 5-6, 2013.


McKenzie, Pamela J.  2015. Informing/practice/research.  Invited keynote lecture, RAILS (Research Applications, Information & Library Science, researcher/practitioner conference), Sydney, Australia July 23 2015.


McKenzie, Pamela J.  “Context” in context: twenty years (and more) of an everyday concept in LIS/IS. Invited keynote lecture, Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS) conference, Uppsala, Sweden June 27-30 2016.


McKenzie, Pamela, Cameron Hoffman, and Roz Stooke.  Librarians and/as teachers: A discourse analysis of the representation of librarians and formal educators in the professional literature for public, academic, and school librarians. Canadian Association for Information Science, Waterloo ON May 31-June 2 2012.


McKenzie, Pamela J. and Rosamund K. Stooke. Who is entitled to authoritative knowledge? Category entitlements of parents and professionals in the literature on children’s literacy learning.  Canadian Association for Information Science, Université Laval, 27-29 May 2001.


McKenzie, Pamela J. and Robert F. Carey. “What’s wrong with that woman?” – Positioning theory and information behaviour. Canadian Association for Information Science; School of Library & Information Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, May 28-30, 2000.


Neal, Diane M. and Pamela J. McKenzie. 2011. Putting the pieces together: Endometriosis blogs, cognitive authority, and collaborative information behavior. Journal of the Medical Library Association 99(2): 127–134.


Neal, Diane & Pam McKenzie. 2010. Putting the Pieces Together: Endometriosis Blogs, Cognitive Authority, and Collaborative Information Behaviour. Canadian Association for Information Science, Concordia University, Montreal, June 1-4 2010.


Smith-Fullerton, Romayne and Pam McKenzie. Mothers "suck up to the boss(es)"?: Canadian media coverage of human milk sharing and Eats on Feets. Canadian Communication Association, Fredericton NB, June 1-3 2011.


Talja, Sanna and Pamela J. McKenzie. 2007. Editors' introduction. Special issue on discursive approaches to information seeking in context. Library Quarterly. 77(2): 97-108.


Wathen, Nadine, Shannon Sibbald, Siobhan Stevenson, Pam McKenzie. 2012. The Rhetoric and Reality of “Knowledge Mobilization”: Perspectives from the Research Front. Canadian Association of Information Science.


Last updated 2017.12.16

Comments to pam dot mckenzie at uwo dot ca