Professor | |
Bruce Freed | |
Department of Philosophy | |
Talbot College | Room 415 |
University of Western Ontario | (519) 661-5764 |
London, Ontario, N6A 3K7 | E-mail: |
The philosophies of language & mind, epistemology & American Pragmatism are the subjects I like best, and they have been ever since John Yolton & Virgil Aldrich introduced me to philosophy during my last two years at Kenyon College (in 1958 & '59). They also helped me get a Fulbright to Oxford, where I took tutorials from James Thomson & A. J. Ayer (1959-60), and talked philosophy with Jerry Fodor, who was also there on a Fulbright. My next four years were at Berkeley, where I wrote my thesis (a critique of behaviorism) under the supervision of Charles Chihara & John Searle. My first job was at Wisconsin. There I had the good fortune to have Fred Dretske as a colleague. I've continued to be impressed by his work. Searle & Dretske, along with Quine, are the authors I have spent most of my time talking about in my classes. During the last few years my interest in American pragmatism has been revived. My approach to the classical pragmatists has been to compare their work to the contemporary authors I have been teaching, Searle, Dretske, Quine & Davidson. I've also found a new enthusiasm for teaching our introductory course, Phil. 20. I suspect this is because I've recently taken on the job of assisting the assistant chairman, functioning as the department's undergraduate counselor.
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Education and the Limits of Authority, Monograph, 1976, 200 pages.
Forms of Representation, co-edited with A. Marras and P. Maynard, North Holland, 1975.
Contemporary Research in Philosophical Logic and Linguistic Semantics, co-edited with D. Hockney and W. Harper, Reidel, 1975.
Back to INDEX . . . Back to TOP"Reliability, Reasons, and Belief Contexts", Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1988, pp.681-697.
"Critical Notice: Alvin I. Goldman, Epistemology and Cognition", for Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 18, No. 1, March 1988, pp. 125-146.
"Modest Scepticism", Dialogue, XXV:2, 1986: 353-361.
"Names and Descriptions in Epistemic Contexts", International Logic Review, 1975.
"Saying of and Saying That", Journal of Philosophy, 1970.
"Beliefs about Objects", Philosophical Studies, 1968.
"Some Ambiguous Tokens", Analysis, 1963.
"Pains, Puns, Person, and Pronouns", Analysis, 1961.
Back to INDEX . . . Back to TOPTwo papers co-authored with Z. Lu:
"Natural Realism or Direct Realism?": submitted to Canadian Journal of Philosophy.
"Putnam's Natural Realism and Gibson's Ecological Psychology": submitted to British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Back to INDEX . . . Back to TOP"Natural Realism or Direct Realism? -- Some Reflections on Putnam's 1994 Dewey Lectures", co-authored with Z. Lu.
"Empathy, Transference and Content", paper read to Department of Philosophy, The University of Western Ontario, January 27, 1995.
"Dewey and Consequentialism: The Possibility of a Calculus of Growth," paper read at The International Society for Utilitarian Studies International Congress 1992, April 4, 1992.
"Illusion, Skepticism and Gibson's Theory of Perception", paper read to University of Western Ontario Philosophy Club, November 21, 1990.
"Naturalism and the Argument from Illusion", paper read at Concordia University, Montreal, November 23, 1990.
"Pragmatism and Content," at the Canadian Philosophical Society Annual Meeting, Victoria, May 1990.
"Semantics Naturalized", University of Guelph, Department of Philosophy, February 28th, 1989.
"Reliable Beliefs, Normal Worlds, and Relevance Frames", Ontario Philosophical Society Annual Meeting, Sir Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, October 24, 1988.
"Pragmatism and the Future of Philosophy", Brock Conference on the Future of Philosophy, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, May 1987.
"A Framework for Knowledge and Meaning", Canadian Philosophical Association, Annual Congress, Hamilton, Ontario, May 1987.
"Reliability, Reasons, and Belief Contexts", Canadian Philosophical Association, Annual Congress, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 1986.
"Simple Names and Simple Knowledge", Philosophy Club, Michigan State University, 1980.
"Pragmatics and Semantics of Epistemic Contexts", Philosophy Clubs at McMaster University and University of Waterloo, 1980.
"Causal and Reliability Analyses of Knowledge", Philosophy Club, University of Western Ontario, 1979.
"Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language", Philosophy Club, Univ. of Essex, England, 1978.
"Names and Descriptions in Epistemic Contexts", Canadian Philosophical Association, 1976.
"Conditions of Extensionality for Intentional Contexts", University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1973.
"Believing Of and Believing That", Canadian Philosophical Association, 1973.
Invited Lecture on the Philosophy of Education, London Teacher's College, London, Ontario, 1972.
"Pragmatic and Semantic Aspects of Intentional Contexts", Philosophy Club, University of Waterloo, 1972.
"Names and Descriptions in Belief Contexts", Hemlock Society, University of Western Ontario, 1970.
"Reference and Descriptions", Philosophy Club, York University, Toronto, 1970.
"An Analysis of Belief", Graduate Colloquium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1969.
"Psychophysical Relationships", Graduate Colloquium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968.
"Intentional Anomalies", Oberlin Philosophy Colloquium, 1966.
Back to INDEX . . . Back to TOP1964-65: Lecturer, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA.
1965-70: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
1970-present: Associate Professor with Tenure, UWO.
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1955-59 Kenyon College; B.A.
1959-61 Oxford University
1961-65 University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D.
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March 10, 1998
Department of Philosophy,
Talbot College,
University of Western Ontario
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