Insect Low Temperature Biology
The Sinclair Lab at UWO

Annegret Nicolai

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Among the entomologists, I’m the gastropod eco-physiologist bringing hundreds of Cepaea nemoralis in the lab in order to study the plasticity of cold tolerance in this invasive species. The Canadian post-doctoral research fellowship allows me to work until August 2013 in the Sinclair lab to answer the question if plastic physiological responses to temperature variation as experienced under climate change contribute to the high success of this species in North America. As my study model I come from Europe where I studied thermal tolerance in the endangered snail Helix pomatia and in the common snail Cornu aspersum. I started investigating cold tolerance and ice nucleating active bacteria during my master at the University Rennes 1, France. In my joint supervision PhD at the University Bremen, Germany, and the University Rennes1 I focused on metabolites involved in heat and cold tolerance and on temperature or season related life history traits. I designate my research to the protection of endangered species, like the development of extensive farming of Helix pomatia (Albschneck®) in Germany and the production of the Recovery Strategy Report of Tyrrhenaria ceratina in France. In the same way I want to contribute to the protection of rare gastropod species in Canada by conducting species surveys for COSEWIC.

        A. Nicolai, C. Rouland-Lefèvre, A. Ansart, J. Filser, R. Lenz, A. Pando, M. Charrier. (submitted) Seasonal dynamic of the bacterial gut community in three populations of the endangered land snail Helix pomatia. BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF LINNEAN SOCIETY, N°: BJLS-2362

A. Nicolai, P. Vernon, R. Lenz, J. Le Lannic, V. Briand, M. Charrier. (in press) Well wrapped eggs: effects of egg shell structure on heat resistance and hatchling mass in the invasive land snail Cornu aspersum. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY A, N°: JEZ-A-2012-03-0030

A. Nicolai, J. Filser, R. Lenz, V. Briand, M. Charrier. (2012) The composition of body storage compounds influences egg quality and the reproductive investment in the land snail Cornu aspersum. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY 90(9): 1161-1170

A. Nicolai, J. Filser, R. Lenz, C. Bertrand, M. Charrier. (2012) Quantitative assessment of haemolymph metabolites in respect to the physiological state in two populations of the land snail Helix pomatia. PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ZOOLOGY 83 (3) : 274-284

A. Nicolai, J. Filser, R. Lenz, C. Bertrand, M. Charrier. (2011) Adjustment of metabolite composition in the haemolymph to seasonal variations in the land snail Helix pomatia. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY B 181 : 457-466

A. Nicolai, J. Filser, V. Briand, M. Charrier. (2010) Seasonally contrasting life history strategies in the land snail Cornu aspersum: physiological and ecological implications. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY 88 : 995-1002

A. Ansart, A. Nicolai, P. Vernon and L. Madec. (2010) Do ice nucleating agents limit the supercooling ability of the land snail Cornu aspersum? CRYOLETTERS 31 (4) : 329-340

A. Nicolai, P. Vernon, M. Lee, A. Ansart and M. Charrier. (2005) Supercooling ability in two populations of the land snail Helix pomatia (Gastropoda: Helicidae) and ice-nucleating activity of gut bacteria. CRYOBIOLOGY 50 : 48-57


M. Charrier*, A. Nicolai*. (in review) Plan National d’Actions de Tyrrhenaria ceratina, escargot terrestre endémique de Corse. NATIONAL RECOVERY PLAN, Ed. Ministry of Ecology, of Energy, of Sustainable Development and of the Ocean

A. Nicolai. (2010) The impact of diet treatment on reproduction and thermo-physiological processes in the land snails Cornu aspersum and Helix pomatia. JOINT-SUPERVISION PHD THESIS University Rennes 1, France / University Bremen, Germany,

A. Nicolai, R. Lenz.Roman. (2007) Weinbergschneckenzucht auf der Schwäbischen Alb – ein Beitrag zur Regionalentwicklung. HORIZONTE 30 : 3-4

A. Nicolai, R. Lenz. (2006) Die “Albschneck®”-Zucht auf der Schwäbischen Alb. ©Interessengemeinschaft Albschneck, SNAIL FARMING INSTRUCTION MANUAL, Ed. Region Aktiv, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

L. Williams*, A. Nicolai*. (2005) Monitoring of rare species 2005 and study of tourism impact in the Nalychevo Nature Reserve. RESEARCH REPORT, WWF Russia
(*contributed equally)


A. Nicolai, J. Filser, R. Lenz, C. Bertrand, M. Charrier. (2011) Adjustment of metabolite composition in the haemolymph to seasonal variations in the land snail Helix pomatia. 4th International Symposium on the Environmental Physiology of Ectotherms & Plants at Rennes, France; Society for Experimental Biology Annual Main Meeting at Glasgow, United Kingdom

A. Nicolai. Cold and heat resistance in Cornu aspersum. (2009) National Congress of Snail Farming at Ile de Ré, France

A. Nicolai. (2006, 2008, 2009) The impact of diet treatment on reproduction and thermo-physiological processes in the land snails Cornu aspersum and Helix pomatia. Scholarship seminar series, Federal Foundation for Environment of Germany

R. Lenz, A. Nicolai. The roman snail as a member of the Ark of Taste of SLOW FOOD. (2006, 2008) TERRA MADRE, International Congress at Turin, Italy

R. Lenz, A. Nicolai. (2007) Albschneck® - Roman snail farming in the Svabian Alps. Regional Agriculture Exposition, Münsingen, Slow Food Exposition, Stuttgart, Germany

R. Lenz, A. Nicolai. (2006, 2007) Ecology of the roman snail and its farming in the Svabian Alps. Ark of Taste Market, Slow Food, Beurren, Germany

A. Nicolai. (2006) The impact of diet treatment on reproduction in the land snail Helix pomatia and roman snail farming as contribution to regional sustainable development in the Svabian Alps. UMR-CNRS 6553 Ecology/Biology, University Rennes 1, France

A. Nicolai. (2006) Roman snail population management in the Svabian Alps – a contribution to regional sustainable development. UFT, University Bremen, Germany

A. Nicolai, P. Vernon, A. Ansart, M. Lee, M. Charrier. (2003) Eco-physiological research in Helix pomatia: Supercooling capacity and potential role of intestinal bacteria as ice-nucleating agents. 3rd International Congress of European Societies of Malacology at La Rochelle, France

A. Nicolai, S. Fournier, V. Briand and M. Charrier. (2007) Allocation of energy to reproductive success in Cornu aspersum before and after hibernation. International Congress of Malacology at Antwerp, Belgium

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Annegret Nicolai