Fabulous Home Page
Poetry turns all things to loveliness: it exalts the beauty of that which is most beautiful, and it adds beauty to that which is most deformed: it marries exultation and horror; grief and pleasure, eternity and change; it subdues to union under its light yoke all irreconcilable things. It transmutes all that it touches, and every form moving within the radiance of its presence is changed by wondrous sympathy to an incarnation of the spirit which it breathes: its secret alchemy turns to potable gold the poisonous waters which flow from death through life; it strips the veil of familiarity from the world, and lays bare the naked and sleeping beauty which is the spirit of its forms. (Percy Bysshe Shelley, A Defense of Poetry, 1812)
The life of the mind is not the rotation of a machine through a cycle of fixed phases but the flow of a torrent through its mountain-bed, scattering itself in spray as it plunges over a precipice and pausing in the deep transparency of a rock-pool, to issue again in an ever-new series of adventures. (R. G. Collingwood, Speculum Mentis, 1924)
You must be master and win, or serve and loose, suffer or triumph, be the hammer or the anvil. (J. W. von Goethe, 1789)
The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of the ruling class. (Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, 1848)
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it. (Karl Marx, 1845)
Reason is the slave of the passions. (David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, 1739)
Never let go of this fiery sadness called desire. (Patti Smith, Radio Ethiopia, 1976)
Unplugging the Digital Classroom A Critique of Class Evaluations Science Fiction TV Outline June 2015
Swedish Version of My "How to Write an Essay" Estonian Version by Karolin Lohmus
The Medium is the Massage
Research Sources, Libraries and University Web Sites
My Full-Length Essays (most are unpublished)
My Books, Articles, and Rants (articles are mostly on academic life, the books on philosophy and sociology)
Email: Page last revised July 4, 2017