Jamie Baxter   Jamie Baxter
Associate Professor - UWO Geography

Geography 2153 - Environment Economy and Society

GEOG 2153
Owl Sakai
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Handing in Late
Critical Appraisal
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Environment Economy and Society

This syllabus is "dynamic" or a "living document", it will change throughout the term. Come back here before each lecture.

3 lecture hours, half course, Fall term

Prerequisite and Modules

None!  This course fits into several Geography Modules including the (relatively) New Major in Environment and Health.


Bring laptop/smartphone to poster session
Further to our discussion in class, the inter-group peer evaluations (your evaluation of everyone else's posters) will be done online. You will be emailed a link at the beginning of class and will likely have time to complete it in class. I will still provide sheets for you to collect your thoughts while visiting each poster if you prefer to take notes manually first, then fill out the survey after class. Those who complete the survey will have a 1% bonus mark added to their final course grade. Owl resources section.

ROOM CHANGE for last day
Please come to SSC 1059 - the room is flat with walls and tables, much better for a poster session. (see this map) You do NOT need to bring tape or anything for mounting posters - I will bring that.
Assignment 2 - intra-group evaluation form
To prepare for the slight mayhem of our little conference consider filling out most of peer intra-group evaluation form(s) (aka "did everyone pull their own weight in the group") before class on the last day. The inter-group form I will bring.

Assignment 2 template
Rick has provided a blank white template with the correct poster dimensions in the Owl resources section.

Assignment 2 - submitting posters
Please submit your poster for printing and pre-review on Mon. Dec. 7 9:00 a.m. (thanks to Liam for pointing out I had Dec 2 posted, Dec 2 is incorrect). That is, you have to A) get a copy to Rick Cornwall via either: i) email rmcornwa@uwo.ca or ii) a usb stick to Rick in Social Science Technology Services (see "SSC Receiving" on this map)
B) upload a copy to your Owl dropbox - only one per group - on the same day, Mon. Dec. 7 9:00 a.m.
See more details here.
Free Image Software: I mentioned Irfanview in class. It is a "pc" program I use for cropping and re-sizing/re-sampling images. I have used it for years, installed it on countless computers, but DISCLAIMER: I will not accept responsibility if installing it somehow bungs up your computer. Use at own risk. I am sure there is similar freeware for Macs and countless online tools.

Assignment 2 Groups Set
Assignment 2 groups. Here is the list of groups Assignment 2 group file

Did you miss Nov 3 class?
Assignment 2 groups. You need to sign up for a group, first come first-served - email me. Some already made their selection by proxy. Here is the list as of the end of today Assignment 2 group file

Assignment 2 Group Lottery
The following file indicates the order you each get to pick topics for assignment 2: Assignment 2 lottery file. If you do not show up to class (Nov. 3) you lose your spot...UNLESS...I am shown some sort of proof that somebody in class is acting as your proxy (e.g., signed sheet of paper, a text, email, signed and notarized affidavit etc.). If you email me, send a rank ordered list before class. Again, this is only for those who cannot make it to class due to illness etc.

Midterm answer examples
Here are some examples of answers that got full marks on the 2013 midterm.

Assignment and Turnitin
Remember to upload the final copy of your assignment to Turnitin as well as hand in a hard copy at the beginning of class.

Sept. 30/15
Geography Librarian
I mentioned Courtney Waugh is our Geography Librarian and here is the human geography library page. If you need help finding material for either assignment I suggest you consult that page or contact her directly.

Sept. 22/15
Used copy of text CLAIMED
Shania was the first to email and claim the used text.

Sept. 18/15
Talks on Global Climate Change
- 1) Daniel Mittler, Political Director, Greenpeace International, September 30, 2015, 11:30, SSC 4161 "What's at Stake at the Paris Climate Summit?"
2) Gordon McBean on Global Climate Change (for Liberal Party candidate), Sept 19, 1pm, 1021 Wonderland Road South
Used copy of text
I have a former TA's copy of the text for sale $90 first email to me (bring cash to class)

Sept. 14/15
- First class is Tues Sept. 15, 10:30 in B&GS-0165.  The purpose of the first class will be to give you a sense of how the course will be structured so you can decide if the course is right for your needs.  We have just over 40 students registered so far.


Calendar Description
This course concerns the human uses of and impacts on the environment and resources through a social science and policy lens.  While we will use the concept of "sustainability" throughout, we will critically analyze the meaning of this term in various contexts.  We will examine contemporary enviornmental and resource issues using case examples throughout the term.

This course consists of three lecture hours per week. The lecture hours will consist of a mixture of lecture and discussion.  Some lecture class time will be devoted to tutorial-style break-out group discussion. Students are responsible for i) completing readings prior to each lecture and; ii) being prepared to engage in active group discussions.

Contact Information

Instructor/TA Room Email Office Hour Student Surnames Turnitin ID Turnitin Pass
Jamie Baxter SSC 1407 jamie.baxter@uwo.ca Tue. 15:30-16:30    


Lect/Tut Day Duration Start Time End Time Room Instructor/TA
Lecture   3hrs       Jamie Baxter


Component Weight
Assignments (two) 40%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 35%
You must complete all course components to pass the course.
No electronic devices - e.g., phones, calculators are allowed at the midterm or exam.


Weight: 25%
Duration: 1.5 hours
Possible Format: mixed, all answers on exam paper - 85 marks

  1. Multiple choice and true/false - 20
    • 1 mark ea.
    • MC usually 1 of 5 choices (a - e)
    • NOT scantron, circle on exam paper
    • no "correction factor" (i.e., NO subtraction of incorrect answers from correct answers)

  2. Definitions - 25
    • 5 marks ea. 
    • choice - you will choose 5 from at least 7 
    • identify what the thing is, why it is important, how it relates to other things in the lectures and provide an example(s) 
    • I have been told by students that I, "expect a lot in a definition". I agree. 
    • only those definitions that include an example will receive full marks 
    • space - use only the space provided - approximately 1/5 of a page

  3. Short Answer - 40
    • 10 marks ea. 
    • choice - you will choose 4 from at least 6
    • address the question directly and include at least one example
      • e.g., if you are asked to "compare" - identify and describe both similarities and differences.  What are the implications of those similarities and differences e.g., for policy?
    • examples- only those short answers that include at least one example will receive full marks 
    • space - use only the space provided - approximately 1/3 of a page

Material Covered:
All lectures and readings up until the end of the class immediately prior to the midterm date. The focus will be on lectures, but the readings typically overlap the lectures considerably. Generally speaking you do not have to know specifics like who said what in what year for the multiple choice, but it would not hurt to know some of the more important figures mentioned in class to round out your definitions and short answer.

Final Exam

Weight: 35%
Duration: 3 hours
Format: mixed, all answers on exam paper. (100 marks)

  1. Multiple choice and true/false - (15 marks)
    - MC usually 1 of 5 choices (a - e)
    - NOT scantron, circle on exam paper
    - no "correction factor" (i.e., NO subtraction of incorrect answers from correct answers)

  2. Definitions
  3. (25 marks)
    - 5 marks ea.
    - choice - you will choose 5 from at least 7
    - identify what the thing is, why it is important, how it relates to other things in the lectures and provide an example(s)
    - I have been told by students that I, "expect a lot in a definition". I agree.
    - only those definitions that include an example will receive full marks
    - space - use only the space provided - approximately 1/5 of a page

  4. Short Answer
  5. (30 marks)
    - 10 marks ea.
    - choice - you will choose 3 from at least 5
    - address the question directly and include at least one example
    - examples- only those short answers that include at least one example will receive full marks
    space - use only the space provided - approximately 1/3 of a page

  6. Essay
  7. (30 marks)
    - choice - you will choose 1 from 2
    - address the question directly and include examples
    - space - use only the space provided - approximately 2 1/2 pages
    - outline - though there are no marks explicitly awarded for this, sketch an outline on the extra sheet of paper provided (back of last page)

Material Covered:
All lectures and readings since the midterm date. You are also responsible for material you might use in an essay answer. That is, the essay question will be quite general and will allow you to draw on material from the entire course. The focus will be on lectures, but the readings typically overlap the lectures considerably. Generally speaking you do not have to know specifics like who said what in what year for the multiple choice, but it could not hurt to know some of the more important figures mentioned in class to round out your definitions and short answer.


Course Text:

Draper, D. and Reed, M.  (2009) Our Environment: A Canadian Perspective (Fourth Edition) Toronto: Nelson.

All other material will be made available via Sakai

Lecture Schedule

These lectures are also available in the resources section of Owl.
Date Topic - Lecture files now aviailable on Owl in the "Resources" area Reading/Passwords
  Scope of Course None
  Introduction - Key concepts
Discussion Assignment 1
Draper and Reed Ch 1
  Role of science in environmental decision-making

Draper and Reed Ch 2
  Connections between physical and human systems on earth
Field camp week, some students may be away
Draper and Reed Ch 3, 4
  Our changing atmosphere Draper and Reed Ch 5
  Agriculture and food production
Assignment 1 Due 
Draper and Reed Ch 6
  Water, oceans and fisheries
Discussion Assignment 2
Draper and Reed Ch 7, 8
  Forestry and Mining Draper and Reed Ch 9, 10
Karen Van Kerkoerle to provide tips on creating posters
Draper and Reed Ch 11
  Sustainable Cities
Guest Speakers: Jamie Skimming and Pat Donnelly (City of London):
"Sustainable London"

Draper and Reed Ch 13
  Meeting environmental challenges
Course instructor evaluation
Draper and Reed Ch 14

  Assignment 2 Due - In-class poster session and peer grading
Review for exam

Handing in Material

I cannot get it in on time!

For cases where your reason is not medical, compassionate grounds (e.g., family death) etc. as per below there is a 5% per day penalty - a weekend counts as one day. The clock starts at 9am every morning. You can slide the paper under my door (I typically arrive before 9).

Accomodation for Illness, Family Death etc.

For UWO Policy on Accommodation for Medical Illness and a downloadable SMC see:


Downloadable Student Medical Certificate (SMC): http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/pdf/academic_policies/appeals/medicalform_15JUN.pdf
Students seeking academic accommodation on medical grounds for any missed graded course components must apply to the Academic Counselling office of their home Faculty and provide documentation. Academic accommodation cannot be granted by the instructor or department.

And now some messages from our lawyers...

Mental Illness

If you or someone you know is experiencing distress, there are several resources here at Western to assist you.  Please visit http://www.uwo.ca/uwocom/mentalhealth/ for more information on these resources and on mental health.

The Department of Geography has a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism. If a student commits plagiarism, the instructor will assign a grade of zero to the assignment. A second instance of plagiarism is regarded as a scholastic offense and will be dealt with according to The University of Western Ontario policy for Scholastic offenses - more on our policy on plagiarism via this link.  The most common offense is failing to cite properly - if you quote directly, cite the author!  You do not get the benefit of the doubt (you are not presumed innocent until proven guilty) when such offenses are committed.  That is, the burden of proof is reversed.  Can you prove "it was an accident" (this is a rhetorical question)?  The following is an excerpt from the university secretariat:
Scholastic offences are taken seriously and students are directed to read the appropriate policy, specifically, the definition of what constitutes a Scholastic Offence, at the following Web site:

Not citing the work of others is generally the main violation - ignorance is no excuse!  See next...

Unfortunately turnitin has "caught" several offenders in my classes, please do not be the next one - it is awkward for everyone involved.  If you do original work and write and cite properly you have nothing to worry about.  The univerisity has provided this mandatory wording: "All required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to the commercial plagiarism detection software under license to the University for the detection of plagiarism. All papers submitted will be included as source documents in the reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of papers subsequently submitted to the system. Use of the service is subject to the licensing agreement, currently between The University of Western Ontario and Turnitin.com"

Once logged in to Turnitin copy the id and pass below to the appropriate fields at the Turnitin website.

1. Login to turnitin - register if you do not have an account.
2. Join the course with the following credentials:

TA "All Students" ID:
"All Students" password:

  Copyright: This material is for students registered in this class. Others, particularly instructors, please do not use without permission.