Matti Pursula
Transportation Engineering,
Helsinki University of Technology, P.O.Box 2100, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
1. Introduction 2. Traffic as a simulation object 3. Areas and approaches in traffic simulation 4. Trends in traffic simulation References |
During its more than forty years long history computer simulation in
traffic analysis has developed from a research tool of limited group of
experts to a widely used technology in the research, planning, demonstration
and development of traffic systems. The five driving forces behind this
development are the advances in traffic theory, in computer hardware technology
and in programming tools, the development of the general information infrastructure,
and the society's demand for more detailed analysis of the consequences
of traffic measures and plans.The basic application areas of simulation
have mainly remained the same, but the applications have grown in size
and complexity. In the 1990's demand analysis through simulation has emerged
as a new application area. New programming techniques and environments,
like object-oriented programming and virtual reality tools are coming to
common use. Integrated use of several programs and the applications of
parallel computing and GIS databases are some of the latest trends in traffic
systems simulation. New ideas, like cellular automata and rule-based simulation
with discrete variables have also proven their strength.
KEYWORDS: transportation, simulators, virtual reality, discrete simulation, object-oriented |
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Areas and approaches in traffic simulation
The applications of traffic simulation programs
can be classified in several ways. Some basic classifications are the division
between microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic, and between continuous
and discrete time approach. According to the problem area we can separate
intersection, road section and network simulations. Special areas are traffic
safety and the effects of advanced traffic information and control systems.
A newly emerged area is that of demand estimation through microscopic simulation.
One of
the oldest and most well known cases of the use of simulation in theoretical
research is the car-following analysis based on the GM models. In these
models a differential equation governs the movement of each vehicle in
the platoon under analysis (Gerlough and Huber 1975).
Car-following, like the intersection analysis, is one of the basic questions
of traffic flow theory and simulation, and still under active analysis
after almost 40 years from the first trials (McDonald
et al. 1998).
The traditional
simulation problem with practical orientation in road and street traffic
analysis is related to questions of traffic flow, that is, to capacity
and operational characteristics of facilities. Delays and queue lengths
at intersections are a never-ending object of analysis and simulation studies
with a newly grown international interest in roundabouts.
In the
area of traffic signal control, the classic Webster's formula (Webster
and Cobbe 1966) is an example of early use of simulation with practical
results. In this formula a simulation-based correction is added to an analytical
delay formula derived by the use of queuing theory. Modern vehicle-actuated
traffic signal controllers have added a new dimension to signal control
simulation. In traditional fixed time signal control only the traffic was
reacting to signals, now the signals are also reacting to traffic, and
the analysis of controller reactions is quite as important as the analysis
of traffic itself. New solutions, like the connection of a real controller
to the simulation system (Kosonen and Pursula 1991)
are used in the analysis.
urban transportation problems are network related. In networks, one has
to combine different kinds of intersections (signalized, unsignalized)
and links (arterial roads, motorways, city streets). This makes the simulation
quite complicated and the number of comprehensive simulation tools for
network analysis is quite small in comparison to that of programs for isolated
intersections and road sections. The most widely known package in this
area is probably the American NETSIM from the 1970's (Byrne
et al. 1982). Later examples of tools in this area are e.g.
INTEGRATION and AIMSUN2 (Algers et al. 1997).
In link
traffic flow analysis motorway simulation seems to be more common than
simulation of ordinary two-lane two-way traffic roads. One of the reasons
here is that in two-lane road environment the interactions between vehicles
travelling in opposite directions have to be modelled. The platooning and
overtaking are not only dependent on traffic situation but also on the
road environment (sight distances, passing control). This way the problem
is much more complicated than in the motorway environment. Probably the
most well known programs in this area are the Swedish VTI-model (Algers
et al. 1996) and the Australian TRARR (Hoban
et al. 1991), both basically developed in the 1970's.
traffic system simulation applications today are based on the simulation
of vehicle-vehicle interactions and are microscopic in nature. Traffic
flow analysis is one of the few areas, where macroscopic (or continuous
flow) simulation has also been in use. Most of the well known macroscopic
applications in this area originate from the late 1960's or the early 1970's.
The British TRANSYT-program (Byrne et al.
1982) is an example of macroscopic simulation of urban arterial signal
control coordination and the American FREQ- and FREFLO-programs (Byrne
et al. 1982; Payne 1971) plus the corresponding German analysis
tool (Cremer 1979) are related to motorway applications.
A mesoscopic approach with groups of vehicles is used in CONTRAM (Leonard
et al. 1978), a tool for analysis of street networks with signalized
and non-signalized intersections.
safety related questions have been quite a hard problem for simulation.
In traditional simulation programs the drivers are programmed to avoid
collisions. Thus, they do not exist. Some trials for analysis of conflict
situations through simulation can be found (Karhu
1975; Sayed 1997), but a general approach to the problem and widely
used safety simulation tools are still missing. Traffic safety simulation
belongs to the field of human centred simulation where the perception-reaction
system of drivers with all its weak points has to be described. This kind
of approach is sometimes called nanosimulation in order to separate it
from the traditional microscopic simulation.
On the
other hand, safety aspects and human reactions in different traffic situations
have for long been analyzed using driving simulation systems, where the
test subjects are exposed to artificial driving tasks in a simulated vehicle
and traffic environment and the driver has to react to the given traffic
(Moisio 1973). Here the developments in virtual
reality technology will increase the possibilities for realistic simulations
(Laakko 1998; SNRA et al. 1998).
A new
application area is the simulation of the use and effects of telematic
services in traffic. This is on the other hand related to the simulation
of traffic flow, and on the other hand to the simulation of human behaviour
and decision-making (Algers et al. 1997).
Even the effects of totally human-free driving are tested in this area.
In recent
years another new area of traffic simulation has emerged, namely simulation
of travel demand. This is an area, where the analytical tradition has gone
from aggregate gravity modelling to individual based disaggregate choice
models. In demand simulation the question is to reproduce the trip pattern
(the number, time of day, purpose, origin-destination pattern, modal split
and use of routes) of the citizen population within an area by summing
up the behaviour of the individuals. Examples of this approach are the
American SAMS and SMART, both still under development (Spear
1996). One of the most advanced modelling approaches, the American
TRANSIMS, combines demand modelling and flow behaviour on the streets and
roads thus trying to describe the whole traffic system behaviour in one
simulation environment (Smith et al. 1995).
Trends in traffic simulation
The development in traffic simulation from the early
days in the 1950's and 1960's has been tremendous. This, of course, is
partly related to the development of computer technology and programming
tools. On the other hand, the research in traffic and transportation engineering
has also advanced during this 40-year period. Simulation is now an everyday
tool for practitioners and researchers in all fields of the profession.
In the
following, some of the development trends in sight are shortly discussed.
Most of these trends are related to microscopic simulation. It is, however,
noteworthy that there are some quite interesting new developments in the
theoretical macroscopic models for fundamental traffic flow analysis, which
give new insight to the fundamental speed-flow-density relationships (Helbing
et al. 1997).
The applications
are growing in size, that is, we are moving from the quite well covered
local or one facility type applications to network wide systems where several
types of facilities are integrated in one system. Another trend that increases
the need of computing power is the more and more precise description of
the physical road and street environment, especially in local applications,
like in simulation of intersections. In both these cases the use of graphic
user interfaces and integration to GIS and CAD systems (Etches
et al. 1998) are a feasible approach.
The American
TRANSIMS development work is an example of a network approach. The simulation
of the traffic system of a whole city is based on massive use of parallel
computing (Nagel and Schleicher 1994), which
again is a feature that is coming more common in modern applications (Argile
et al. 1996). Parallel computing can be achieved for example
through simultaneous use of several microcomputers communicating through
a local network (Argile et al. 1996).
In addition
to the parallel computing, the modern programming principles and methods
have their effect on the simulation. Object-oriented programming has been
found very suitable in the description of the great amount of practically
parallel interactions in traffic. Objects, or agents, can be programmed
to interact in a very natural way to produce accurate models of traffic
flow behaviour (Kosonen 1996).
is an example of still another change in the approach. The traditional
traffic flow descriptions are based on continuous speed and distance variables.
TRANSIMS, in turn, uses a discrete approach where the road and street network
is build from elements that can accommodate only one vehicle at a time
unit. In this cellular automata approach the vehicles move by "jumping"
from the present element to a new one (Nagel 1996;
Brilon and Wu 1998) according to rules that describe the driver behaviour
and maintain the basic laws of physics at present in vehicle movements
(Figure 3).
3 Principle
of a Cellular Automaton (Brilon and Wu 1998).
way of looking at the need for system level simulations is to develop open
environments where several analysis tools can be used interactively to
solve the problems each one of them is most suitable. An example of this
is the FHWA TRAF-program family and the FHWA Traffic Management Laboratory,
whose primary goal is the development of a distributed, real-time testbed
to simulate traffic conditions for Advanced Traffic Management Systems
(FHWA 1994). For example, a common graphical
user interface has been developed for the TRAF-family programs. The cooperation
of Finnish, Swedish and British partners around the Finnish HUTSIM program
for an open traffic modelling environment (Kosonen
1996) is another example of this kind of work that is going on (Figure
In traffic
flow simulation rule based approaches, like in HUTSIM and TRANSIMS, are
coming more and more common. In this kind of framework the use of fuzzy
logic to describe the human perception can easily be used, and there are
several applications of fuzzy car-following models available (Kikuchi
and Chakroborty 1992; Rekersbrink 1995; Wu et al.1998).
of control systems as a part of traffic operations is also coming more
and more important with the wide ongoing research in transport telematics.
The new control systems interact with traffic, and thus both the control
system reactions and the driver reactions must be described in a true way.
An especially important feature in driver reactions is the route choice
decision that must be treated dynamically. In the future more and more
simulation systems are embedded in control systems for the anticipation
of the state of traffic flow and the effects of alternative control measures.
reality systems and programming tools become in common use, especially
in simulations where the driver reactions and behaviour must be analyzed
in great detail. Traffic safety related simulation will therefore probably
be an area that greatly benefits from VR technology. There is, of course,
no reason why VR tools could not be used in more traditional simulation
tasks, as well. In planning applications VR gives new possibilities for
the planning work, and for the demonstration of plans to decision-makers
and public (Brummer et al. 1998).
4 A Proposal
for an Open Traffic Modelling Environment (Kosonen
The combination
of traditional driving simulators and traditional traffic flow simulation
systems becomes possible through virtual reality techniques. In traditional
driving simulator the test driver has to react to the fixed traffic that
he/she sees on the display. A more natural situation is achieved if the
traffic also reacts to the test driver behaviour, that is, the vehicle
with the test driver comes an interactive part of the simulated traffic
The simulation
of travel demand will grow up rapidly. The basic research in time-use studies
and trip chaining of individuals combined with disaggregate modelling form
a theoretical basis for this new methodology. Demand simulation will also
use GIS databases and tools for basic data input and demonstration of the
results. The simulation approach will be useful not only in the analysis
of peak hour traffic in congested urban areas but also in the planning
of special low demand transport services like demand responsive public
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