Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 1-10

How representative are samples in a sampling network ?

Grégoire Dubois
Institute of Mineralogy & Petrography, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

1. Introduction
2. Nearest Neighbours Index (NNI)
3. Fractal dimension of sampling networks
4. Morisita Index
5. Thiessen/Voronoi polygons
6. Coefficient of Representativity (CR)
7. Conclusions
ABSTRACT Sampling schemes frequently present irregular structures that can affect the analyses of the studied phenomenon. Many methods that can evaluate the sampling bias do exist but none of them are entirely satisfying. These methods will be briefly discussed here and on the basis of their advantages and drawbacks, an attempt is made to design a new method which will evaluate the level of "representativity" of samples in a monitoring network. This method introduces a Coefficient of Representativity (CR) based on Thiessen polygons as well as on distances of nearest neighbours. The use of this coefficient should facilitate the identification of clustered data as well as isolated points, allow the researcher to define the measurements that can be averaged for declustering problems and make possible the comparison of different sampling strategies for a given surface.
KEYWORDS: sampling network, spatial structure, coefficient of representativity, Morisita index, Thiessen/Voronoi polygons, fractals, nearest neighbours index.

Earth scientists are often handling data provided by monitoring networks and/or sampling campaigns over which they have had little control. For many reasons, an important one being the problem to access certain locations, sampling schemes present irregular structures and clusters that may affect the analysis of the studied phenomenon. On the basis of the theory of regionalized variables (Matheron, 1963), one can assume that the maximum standard error of the kriging estimate is a reasonable measure of the goodness of a sampling scheme. McBratney et al. (1981) have shown that a sampling strategy based on a regular triangular grid would keep the maximum standard error to a minimum and that a square grid is approximately equivalent where variation of the studied phenomenon is isotropic. Much work has already been done on the design of optimal sampling strategies that involve the use of the semivariogram which expresses quantitatively the spatial dependence of the variable (see e.g. McBratney et al., 1981 ; Burgess et al., 1981 ; Oliver & Webster, 1986 ; Burrough, 1991). If the use of semivariograms is of particular interest when the analysed phenomenon present an anisotropy in space, it requires the independence from the absolute locations of the statistical properties of the variable. The validity of such a hypothesis, known as hypothesis of stationarity, can be analysed with the help of moving windows that will calculate locally the average and the variance of the variable. However, such a method is clearly influenced by the sampling scheme and clustered data will have a strong impact on the estimation of these statistics.
        Sampling bias can be evaluated with the help of methods aiming to describe the level of irregularity in the spatial distribution of the samples and some of these methods will be discussed here. Two dataset of daily rainfall made in Switzerland on the 8th of May 1986 will be used to illustrate the methods: one contains all 467 samples, the second contains a subset of 167 samples extracted randomly from the previous one. Both data sets are illustrated in Figure 1 and  Figure 2.

Figure01.jpg (51561 bytes)
Figure 1.  Sampling locations of the 467 measurements made in Switzerland
Figure02.jpg (35060 bytes)
Figure 2.  Subset of 167 samples from Figure 1.

2. Nearest Neighbours Index (NNI)
The nearest neighbours index (NNI) (Clark and Evans, 1954) compares the distances between nearest samples to distances that would be expected by chance. The NNI is defined as the ratio of the mean of the Nearest Neighbours distances (NNdist), that is

where N is the number of sampling points and, to the mean of the Nearest Neighbours distances for a uniform distribution of the points . This mean random distance (MRD) is defined as

where Stotal is the total surface of the investigated area. The NNI is thus equal to

The NNI is close to 1 when the sampling points have an uniform spatial distribution. When NNI < 1, the samples are more clustered than expected compared to a random distribution. In the contrary, an NNI > 1 indicates a dispersion of the samples. The statistics of the distances to the nearest neighbours as well as the NNI are given in Table 1. The surface used as total surface is  the area of Switzerland (41 293 km2).

Table 1. Statistics of the nearest neighbours and nearest neighbour index (NNI). The units are kilometers.
167 points 8.113 6.646 0.751 335.708 0.033
467 points

One will note two limitations to the method. If the whole data set can be described by the NNI, it does not indicate the clusters. Secondly, the geometry of the analysed surface can be complex and have an impact on the spatial distribution of the sampling points.

3. Fractal dimension of sampling networks
    Mandelbrot (1982) introduced the term of "fractal" which is used to describe continuous spatial phenomenon that present spatial correlation at different scales. For a linear fractal function, the Hausdorff-Besicovitch (D) dimension can vary between 1 (it can be completely derivated) and 2, the function is so irregular that it covers the whole space of 2 dimensions. Lovejoy et al. (1986) have applied fractals to describe de heterogeneity of measuring networks. When the heterogeneity of the network appears at different scales of a space of dimension E, it can be characterised by a fractal dimension Dm. The authors have also shown that each time Dm< E, phenomena of fractal dimension Dp < E - Dm cannot be detected by the network even if the density of the monitoring stations is infinite. Dm is defined by the variation of the average number n(R) of observations found within a circle with a varying radius R centered on each point of the monitoring network. A set of measures has a fractal dimension Dm if it satisfies the following condition

n(R)R Dm
The quantity Dm is then deduced from the slope defined by the log(nL) plotted against log(L). As underlined by Doswell and Lasher-Trapp (1997), there are two limitations of the method. The first one is the arbitrary definition of the slope when the plot is not linear. This is illustrated in Figure 3 where the fractal dimension of the sampling network is 1.71 until 80 km and 0.75 for the remaining distances (Table 2).

wpe4.jpg (36507 bytes)
Figure 3. Estimation of the fractal dimension of the 467 points data set.
Table 2. Fractal dimension of the sampling networks for both the 467 and 167 points data set.
(0-80 km) Drs
(0-300 km) Drs
467 1.71 0.75

The second one is due to border effects. The circle used to define the average number of points falling within R will find only a part of those found when the circle is somewhere in the middle of the data (Tessier et al., 1994 ; Doswell and Lasher-Trapp, 1997).

4. Morisita Index
Another method is Morisita's Index (Morisita, 1959; Cressie, 1993, p. 578, 590-591). The analysed surface is divided into rectangular cells of equal size d and the index is defined as


where N is the number of points in the sampling network, ni is the number of samples found within the ith cell, and Q is the total number of cells. By displaying the values of the index against the size of the cells, one can investigate the degree of contagion of the sampling network, that is the probability that two points from the network fall within the same cell.

For the considered data set, the Morisita's diagram is shown in Figure 4 and 5, for the 467 and 167 points, respectively. As for the fractal approach, one can notice that Morisita's index is also affected by border effects and the arbitrary definition of the size of the cell.
wpe4.jpg (36856 bytes)
Figure 4. Morisita's diagram for the 467 points data set
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Figure 5. Morisita's diagram for the 167 points data set

The maximum of the index, that is the typical size of a cluster, is reached for a cell size of 19 km for 467 points and 22 km for 167 points.

5. Thiessen/Voronoi polygons
Thiessen polygons, also known as Voronoi polygons or Dirichlet cells  (Thiessen, 1911; Okabe et al., 1992) have the property to contain only one measurement and to have a geometry that will include all the data points that are closer to the measurement than to any other measurement. Isolated observations will therefore have polygons that will be larger than those associated to clustered data. These polygons are also frequently used to define weights that are used to decluster the data when an attempt is made to obtain statistics that are representative of the studied phenomenon over the whole surface of interest (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989). Histograms of the areas of these polygons  might help to describe quantitatively the homogeneity of the sampling network: by knowing the average cell size, which represents the cell size one would have in case of an homogeneous network, one can evaluate the impact of extreme values on the sampling network. The Thiessen polygons of the 467 points data set are shown in Figure 6.

Image11.gif (21955 bytes)
Figure 6. Thiessen polygons of the 467 sampling points.
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Figure 7. Frequency histogram of the surfaces of the Thiessen polygons shown in Figure 6.

    The frequency histogram of the surfaces of these polygons (Figure 7) shows a skewed distribution: while the ideal cell size, that is the total surface divided by the number of samples, has a surface of 88.13 km2, one can observe few polygons having extremely large areas and many small polygons highlighting the presence of clustered data.
    Two drawbacks appear when applying such a method. The first one is due to the fact that the borders of the polygons are frequently defined   by a convex hull which is constructed on the basis of the outern points. If such an approach is acceptable if one is working only within the geographical limits defined by the sampling network, a bias may be introduced when the shape of the analysed region does not correspond to the convex hull. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) facilitate the use of additional information that could better define the boundaries of the region of interest. For the here presented case study, the sampling network is expected to provide information for the whole surface of Switzerland. Reconstructing the Thiessen polygons with the help of the country borders will let appear a new map which is shown in Figure 8.


ch_thiessen2.bmp (985014 bytes)
Figure 8. Thiessen/Voronoi polygons  of the 467 sampling points and country borders.
Scatterplot Thiessen2.BMP (1358910 bytes)
Figure 9. Comparison of the surfaces of the Thiessen/Voronoi polygons generated with and without country borders.

    The differences between the surfaces of the Thiessen polygons of the two maps (Figures 6 and  8) are shown in Figure 9. The use of country borders has clearly reduced the impact of the very large polygons found in the South of the country .
A second problem in using such an approach is that points can be clustered and still have relatively large Thiessen polygons as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Large Thiessen polygons do not guarantee that the points are isolated.

6. Coefficient of Representativity (CR)
One the basis of the preceding observations, a new measure that would combine both the surfaces of Thiessen polygons and the distance of each point to its nearest neighbour is proposed. This measure, which we will call Coefficient of Representativity (CR), is a product of two terms:

A will be increase with the size of the Thiessen polygon.
The CR of any point can therefore be defined by

The properties of the CR are summarised in Table 3.

Table 3. Influence of   parameter A (the area of the Thiessen polygon) and B (distance to Nearest Neighbour) on the coefficient of representativity (CR).

Values of  A
Values of B
Values of CR
Thiessen area > mean surface 

NN > mean distance 

The measure is isolated: 

CR > 1

Thiessen area = mean surface 

NN =  mean distance 

Ideal case: 

CR = 1

Thiessen area < mean surface 

NN < mean distance 

The sample is close to a neighbouring point (cluster) : 

CR < 1

Because a CR can be attributed to any sampling point, one can create maps of CR that should help to identify clustered data as well as regions where few data are available. For mapping purposes, one could use the logarithm of CR,


instead of the CR so that the CR < 1 become negative. Figure 11 displays the values taken by log10(CR) for the 467 (top) and 167 (bottom) sampling points. Isolated points as well as those that are clustered are put in evidence, respectively by log10 (CR) > 0 and a log10 (CR) < 0.

CR467.png (36500 bytes)

CR167.png (22977 bytes)

Figure 11. Levels of log10(CR) for 467 (top) and 167 (bottom) sampling points.

The mean, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation (CV) of the values taken by the CR also allow the description of the structure of the sampling networks (Table 4).

Table 4. Statistics of the CR for the 167 and 467 sampling points data sets.
m (CR)
s (CR)
167 points
467 points

        CV's greater than 1 indicate the presence of high erratic values that underline the irregularity of the sampling network. The CV for the 467 points data set is lower than for 167 sampling points and shows therefore an improvement in the spatial distribution of the sampling points even if clusters are still present (the mean value of the CR is < 1). The proposed method presents, however, a limitation. Points for which the CR = 1 (or log10CR = 0) can not be automatically classified within the class of those points that fall in the middle of Thiessen polygons that have a surface that is equal to the expected average surface. A measurement located within a large polygon but close to another point can indeed have a CR = 1.
        If the CR can not be used directly to weight the samples prior to a declustering because of the contagion problem, that is that two points very close to each other will have a low CR, one can still make use of the CR's obtained for each point for  a declustering problem. The point that has the lowest CR can be averaged to its nearest neighbour and a new sampling network is obtained.  By proceeding in such a way and after several iterations, the CR of the network will tend to 1. A drawback is that such a process can be time consuming since the construction of the polygons has to be repeated after each iteration. Moreover, the use of boundaries that have a complex geometrical shape might require from the user to check to which polygons corresponds a single point since a single polygon can be split in several pieces when "clipping" it with the boundaries. The attempt to convert an irregular sampling network in a more regular one is similar to triangulations techniques that fill the holes with points until all triangles have the same sizes (Kanevsky and Savelieva, 1995). The main difference comes from the averaging of the data that will reduce systematically the amount of information while preserving the most important one while the triangulation method requires the sampling of new locations.

7. Conclusions
    "All samples are equal but some are more equal than others...". Isolated points require more attention than clustered data even if these last ones are essential for the analysis of microscale variations of the studied phenomenon. The Coefficient of Representativity should help decision makers to improve sampling campaigns by identifying undersampled areas as well as for the declustering of the data in order to obtain statistics that are representative of the analysed phenomenon. One can argue that the use of a single value to describe the complexity of sampling network is somehow limitating. It does, however, allow the comparison of different sampling strategies within a defined region. The CR benefits from the information provided not only by both the NNI and the surfaces of the Thiessen polygons, but also by the boundaries of the region of interest which clearly influences the spatial structure of a monitoring network. Used in combination with semivariograms, it should also provide an interesting information on the impact of each sample during an estimation problem.

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