vanquished on the lake
i took refuge
in the stolen land
on my way home.
angels appeared,
spheres revealed constellations
a braille to my blindness;
dream crystals fell,
were vanquished on the lake.
i felt i was seeing
i had no right to see
– sacred things.
i turned away, and
when i looked again
the future was gone.
slender threads
a truant path, a slender thread
always leads to fate,
vision is an amber cord
tying a noose around the passage of time.
past never was. be here and now.
the future casts gigantic shadows on today.
a vast bird of prey,
it broods over its shadows--
over the eggs our thoughts would be.
a tightening grip on a slender thread,
a rebel grasp on a lengthening cord
slips forward and gives way.
tomorrow plants debris between
the interstices of time.
far-off centuries laugh in beholding this;
dense patches of fog obscure the sound,
but listen. . . and we may salvage time's pieces,
pile and mould them into a legacy,
an unblinking watch upon the days.