Deelen Family Home Page -- Personal Home Photos
~ Deelen Family Photo Album ~
- Alexandra's Grade 2 Conservatory Ballet Exam. December 2002.
- Alexandra's Grade 3 Conservatory Ballet, May 2004.
~ Daytona Trip February 12-27, 2004 ~
- Here is a family shot of us on Race Day! Sunday February 15, 2004.
- Here is a view from our sets in Allison Tower (Section R, Row 47).
Not bad, eh!
- Here is a panoramic view of the track in front of the finish line.
There were approximately 250,000 people at the race that day.
- Pre-race photos, before the grass gets all beat up! Notice the
man-made lake in the middle of the track.
- Air Force One just behind our seats on the Daytona Airport
- The Stealth, accompanied by 2 F-15 Fighter Eagle Jets flew over
just as the National Anthem was climaxing. What an awesome sight!
- A spectacular crash (end over end) right in front of us. The driver
was Michael Waltrip who Sponsor is Napa Auto Parts. Also, Teresa
Earnhardt owns the car which is interesting.
- Another view of the crash. He was lucky to walk away from this one.
- Winner Dale Earnhardt Jr. #8, in his Victory Lap.
- This Albino Crocodile is vegging out at the St. Augustine
Alligator Farm.
- A beautiful sunset from Daytona Beach.
- Sea World in Orlando, the Walrus show.
- Sea World in Orlando, the Dolphin show.
- Sea World, the kids touching a dolphin.
- Sea World, the Killer Whale show. The small whale to the left was
only 2 weeks old when we saw the show.
- Walt Disney Worlds Magic Kingdom ~ The Haunted House.
- Walt Disneys ~ Mickey & Mini ~ gardening.
- The night show on the Main Street at Magic Kingdom. Every 10 minutes
the Castle would change color.
- Winnie the Pooh and Wesley, I won't say anymore.
- Kennedy Space Center - "Vehicle Assembly Building." The rockets
are assembled on a moveable launch pad used on launch day.
- Two happy little Astronauts!!!
- Here is Alex at the Sun Viking outdoor pool in Daytona Beach. Very
enjoyable, had a minimum temp of 87 degrees.
- Baby Gators at the Daytona Beach Mini-Golf.
~ Our Deck ~
- A view from the house, awesome eh!! August 2004.
- Here is another view of the gardening, summer of 2004.
How I created this Web Page
Last Updated: October 5, 2007