GNOME and KDE are getting a lot of these days, because they offer a truly easy-to-use
interface to UNIX-based operating systems, most notably Linux.
Before we get into the fun stuff, though, we need to step back and understand a little more
about the X Windows System and how it relates to GNOME and KDE. This will give you
a better idea of the big picture of Linux and one of its fundamental architectural differences
with Windows NT.
NOTE: This chapter assumes you are logged in as root. However, all of the changes we
talk about here can apply to any user.
The History of X Windows
The designers of UNIX-based operating systems, like Linux, take a very different view of
the world when it comes to user environments than do those behind Microsoft Windows or
even Macintosh OS.
Under Linux, you can kill the GUI and restart it without affecting any other services being
offered by the system (such as network file services).
Also established was a well-defined set of functions programmers could call on to perform
basic window manipulation.
The simple definition of how windows are drawn and mouse clicks are handled did not
include any model of how the windows should look. (In fact, X Windows in its natural
state has no real appearance. It doesn’t even draw lines around windows!) Control of
appearance was passed off to an
external program called a windows
Because the window manager was external to the X Windows subsystem, and the X
Windows application programmers interface (API) was open, any programmer who
wanted to develop a new window manager could, and many did.
The icing on the cake was the relationship between applications and X Windows. Typical
applications were written to communicate directly with X Windows, thereby working with
any window manager the user opted to use.
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The Downside
A Windows programmer might equate programming for X Windows to programming for
the original MS Windows prior to the visual tools and MFC libraries.
Enter KDE and GNOME
With unfriendly programming environments and unfriendly user interfaces, X Windows had
the potential to one day turn into a legacy interface. This would be extremely unfortunate,
because it offers a design that was (and still is) leaps and bounds better than other commercial
In the latter 1990s, two groups came out of the woodwork with solutions to the problems
with X Windows: GNOME and KDE. KDE offers a new window manager and necessary
libraries to make writing applications for it much easier. GNOME offers a general framework
for other window managers and applications to work with it. Each has its own ideas for how
things should work, but because they both work on top of X Windows, they aren’t entirely
NOTE: Despite what you might hear in newsgroups and on Web sites, the two groups are
not “at war” with each other. Rather, they welcome the open competition. Each group can
need off of each other’s ideas, and in turn, both groups can offer two excellent choices for us,
the users.
What This Means for Us
In order for KDE and GNOME to offer features such as drag and drop, they must offer a
uniform way for applications to communicate with each other and a set of developer libraries
to do so. Unfortunately, because the two methods are different, they aren’t compatible.
The ksysv program was written with KDE in mind, but because the functionality it relies on is
100% available (such as Red Hat) will allow the applications to run without a problem.
About KDE
KDE is a desktop environment (the K Desktop Environment). It is slightly different from
typical window managers that we have mentioned: Instead of just describing how the interface
should look, KDE also provides a set of libraries that, if used, allow an application to take
advantage of some of the special features the window manager has to offer.
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The flip side to this technique of window management is that once an application is designed
to run with KDE, it requires KDE in order to work.
From a programmer’s point of view, KDE offers a library that is much easier to work with
than working directly with the X interface. KDE also offers a standardized object-oriented
framework that allows one set of tools to build on another, something that was not available
with X Windows alone.
NOTE: For more details and information on KDE, visit their Web site at http://www.kde.org.
Licensing Issues
Until recently, there were some problems with the license restrictions imposed by the developers
of Qt library, which is what KDE is based on.
Recently, Qt’s license was revised. The revised license, known as the QPL, is now more open
and does allow for commercial usage; however, it is different from the GPL Berkeley-style
licenses used by the majority of the packages that ship with Linux distributions.
Starting X Windows and KDE
When setting up X Windows, you may have had a choice of starting up the system straight
into X. If so, all you need to do is log in and you’re there—using KDE and X Windows.
If that option was not selected, you will have a text-based login prompt. To get into the X
Windows environment, simply log in and run startx, like so:
[root@ford^/root]#^startx (brings up the gnome)
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In a few moments, you will be in KDE. Your screen will probably look something like,
age 50 top.
Ctrl + alt + + (press this key combination twice in a row and you will get the proper
screen size.
If your screen doesn’t look like that, but rather it displays the GNOME banner window
on the startup, then you need to edit the file that decides which window manager you start.
To do this, exit out of GNOME by clicking the bear claw in the lower-left corner of the
screen and selecting logout. This will bring you back into text mode. Edit the .xinitrc file
using your favorite editor. If you don’t have a favorite, try pico, like so:
NOTE: If you aren’t familiar with pico, don’t worry. All of the available commands are
always shown at the bottom of the screen. Any command that starts with the caret symbol
(^) means you use the CTRL key along with other keys specified. For example, ^X means
^o Saves the file, and press the enter key too.
^x Exits pico
If the file is not empty, go to the very last line. It will probably begin with the string exec,
which tells the system to execute a program. Change that line so that it reads startkde
KDE Basics [Startx brings up KDE GUI]
KDE shares many qualities with other graphical desktops, such as Windows or MacOS.
It has a desktop on which files and folders can exist. One key point to note is that because
Linux places all of the hard disks on the system into a unifies directory tree, you won’t find
What makes the kpanel different from the Windows Start menu is that it is also a shortcut to
commonly used applications.
You can configure the bar to have any shortcuts you like by clicking the K button and
selecting Panel. Under this menu is a number of configuration options.
The KDE Control Center is a lot like the Control Panel for Windows, except it is specifically
geared toward desktop configuration items.
Using Multiple Desktops
dangerous thing is it is your aggravation when you work on systems that don’t have this feature.
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at the same time. All you need to do is select which screen you want to use by clicking the
virtual desktop selector at the bottom of the screen.
Most KDE installations default to four virtual screens. If you want to adjust that, do the following:
TIP: If you prefer keyboard shortcuts, you can set up a shortcut that allows you to move
from one desktop to another in the
Simply click the action you want (switch desktop) and then select the key combination you
want to use to move around.
Starting Other Applications
There are multiple ways to start a new application. As a system administrator, you are likely
to have a command windows up (better known as an “xterm”), so you may find it convenient
o simply run the application from there.
Common directories to check are /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, and /usr/X11R6/bin.
Changing the Color Scheme
window. This will bring up the window that looks like page 55. In these menus you can
select your background, screensavers etc.
carefully, we see that the four corners of the screen have little gray boxes. Clicking the boxes
reveals a menu that lets us pick Ignore, Save Screen, or Lock Screen. The default value is
cursor to that corner and immediately cause the action to happen. For example, I have the
lover-right corner of my screen set to Save Screen. When I want to immediately activate
my screensaver, I simply move my mouse into that corner and shazaam!—my screensaver
is active. The lower-left corner is set to Lock Screen. So if I know I’m going away from
my desk fro a long time, I can immediately lock my screen by moving my mouse into the
lower-left corner.
*** This is a really
neat feature ***
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Like KDE, GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) offers a complete
desktop environment and application framework to make development as well as usage
GNOME provides development libraries and session management – foundation features
that we as users don’t see.
From a developer’s point of view, GNOME is very interesting. It defines its interfaces with
the rest of the world through the CORBA technology. Thus, any development system that
can communicate using CORBA can be used to develop GNOME-compliant applications.
Another difference you’ll find between GNOME and KDE is that GNOME offers multiple
distributions. The base distribution is quite nice and is what we examine in this section,
(the one that comes with Red Hat).
Starting X Windows and GNOME
If you are using Red Hat Linux and have opted for its default, you already have GNOME
installed as our default GUI. Depending on how X Windows is configured, you may
already have a graphical login prompt. In that case, logging in will automatically place you
in the Xwindows environment. If you have a text-based login, simply run startx in order to
bring X up, like so:
The default GUI that starts is not GNOME, you can change your personal settings to use
GNOME by editing the .xinitrc file in your home directory. Begin by trying to exit out of
the window manager. If you are in KDE (represented by a big “K” in the lower-left-corner),
click the K to bring up a menu. Edit the .initrc file using pico:
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GNOME Basics
If you are familiar with GUI interfaces, the GNOME desktop should make you feel right at
home. There are two significant differences: the first is that there is no My Computer icon
on the desktop. This is because Linux does not have the concept of separate drive letters for
each partition. Rather, all of the partitions are made available in a single directory tree,
thereby eliminating the need to select a drive.
This panel is like the MS Windows panel on steroids; it shows what applications are currently
running, as well as the date and time, and the bear claw button at the left side of the panel is
similar to the Start button. The big difference is that this panel is completely configurable:
You can move things around in it, dock dynamic applications, set up shortcuts to other
applications, and move around your virtual desktops.
By default, the buttons available on the panel are, from left to right the GNOME start menu,
screen locking tool, help system and terminal emulation program.
Changing the Background
To change your background settings, click the Desktop menu and then Background menu.
This will bring up a panel that looks like page 63
Setting the Screen Saver
To set the screen saver under GNOME, click the Desktop menu and then the Screensaver
menu. This will bring up a panel that looks like page 64.
Themes are the way GNOME allows you to configure the appearance of your window
manager. These changes go beyond simply changing colors, they can change the appearance
of the desktop, windows, borders and fonts for all applications.
Windows Manager
GNOME does not specify the window manager that must be used with it. All windows
managers perform the same basic tasks, but the little difference in interface, style and
appearance are what set them apart. The default that ships with Red hat that works with
GNOME is Enlightenment.
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manager works best for us.
framework for developing GUI applications.
icon in the lower-left corner of the window.
interfaces for Linux and UNIX as a whole. Hopefully, the comfort of working in these
two environments is enough to convince even more folks to turn their dual-boot
configurations into single-boot Linux configurations.