NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEMS



Network Operating System:  (p 174)


Just as a computer cannot operate without a computer operating system, a network of computers

cannot operate without a network operating system.  Without a network operating system of some

kind, individual computers cannot share resources, and other users cannot make use of those

resources.  Network Operating Systems must be able to allow:  add-ons, support multiprocessors,

support legacy clients, should be easy to use multi-tasking, and interoperable, or be able to talk with

other computers.  Novell has an edge, by adding their operating system to the hardware at the time of






A Multi-tasking operating system provides the means for a computer to process more than one

task at a time.  Usually, you need a devoted processor to have a truly multi-tasked system.  Microsoft

says their system multi-tasks, but in reality it does not.


1.      Preemptive – the operating system takes control of the processor, without the task’s      

  cooperation.  Or as I call it Reverse Priority, say if you are at Butcher Shop and you

  take a number, instead of being served in an ascending order, the higher the number, the

  higher the priority.  There is something called multi-threaded, which there are

  several processes going on at the same time, for example, this program, I am

  typing, calling on the Menu Bar, Printing and saving etc.


2.      Nonpreemptive (cooperative) Must wait till the CPU is idle, GPF, general protection   



Software Components


For Computer Operating Systems that do not include networking functions, network

client software must be installed on top of the existing operating system.  Two types of

network software are client and server.



Client Software


On a Client Software Network, a redirector processes the forwarding requests.  Another

name for a redirector is a shell.  The redirector is unique for each Network Operating

system you work on.  Some redirectors are not compatible with other software.

To further expand, the redirector is a small section of code in the NOS.   It grabs the

request in the computer, and determines if the request should continue in the local

computer’s bus, or be sent over the network to another server.


A redirector intercepts requests in the computer and determines if the requests should  

continue in the local computers bus or be sent over the network to another server.







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Drive Mapping 


Drive Mapping is very useful, it is the letter name given to your Hard Drive, and it allows the operating

system to be able to identify and locate it.




1.      Right click on Network Neighborhood

2.      Select Map Network Drive

3.      Limited to the alphabet


UNC  Universal Naming Convention  (you can tell by double backslash \\)


\\server name\share name


tick off reconnect at login

Click on MY COMPUTER, and you can now see




Get to the DOS Prompt

1.      Type net^use^z:^\\instructor9\extras



Here are four ways to Map a Drive:


1.   Right click on Start/Explore/Tools

        2.  Click on Start/Programs/MS-Dos Prompt/at C:>     

             type net^use^z:^\\instructor9\extras

        3.   Right Click Network Neighborhood

        4.   Right Click on My Computer







Redirectors send requests to peripherals as well as to shared directories.  They take the Requests

from the client and prints on the printer.


Server Software


With server software, users at other machines, the client computers, can share the server’s data

and peripherals such as printers, plotters, and directories.  Most Network Operating Systems not

only allow sharing, but determine the level of sharing.





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Managing Users


Has the capability to Create/Delete/Group Users, manage the network, multi-task, and monitor

and manage the resources.


Chose Network Operating System


First of all you must determine the type of Network Architecture meets your needs, is

security an issue, then server-based should be the choice.


Novell was in the market for networks for 12 years, when Microsoft entered the market.  Novell had a

sloppy type of licensing.  You had to buy the rights in blocks of 50, no matter on the number of new users

For example, if you only added 2 users, you had to buy the rights for 50 users.  Companies hated this

about Novell.


Microsoft knows how to market, kept competing with Novell, in regards to the licensing

And Microsoft, ended up with a 1 for one, while Novell still have 25 for 1.


In 1995, Novell had 92% of the Market, not they only have 39% of the Networking Market.



Combining Operating Systems:


Do not combine cheap cards etc. in computers, you will have compatability problems.  Companies

want reliable hardware and software, not untested applications, they also want service, so

stick with stable companies such as IBM and Compaq.



Novell Operating Systems:


Netware is Novells most popular operating system.  Novell also offers client software that is designed

to run on top of other operating systems.  The client operating system runs on a variety of client

operating systems.  The server application can be access by client users from computers running

MS-DOS, Mircrosoft Windows (ver 3.95, 98 and win NT)

Netware is often the NOS of choice in mixed operating-system environments.  If the system is

small, too expensive.



Novell Directory Services


Provides name services as well as security, routing, messaging, management, Web publishing, and

file and print services.  Provides a single-point logon for the user with it a user can log on to any

server on the network and have access to all their usual rights and privileges.






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Novells Netware Services


All users on this type of system can take full advantage of the resources available.


File Services


Users and administrators alike and view the network resources once logged on.




Netware provides extensive security including:


·        Logon Security  -- provides authentication verification based on user name

·        Trustee Rights – Controls which directories you can access.

·        Directory and file attributes – identifies if you can edit, read only, delete files etc.


Printing Services


Any Print request is sent directly to the server to handle, it is transparent to the user.

These Servers can support up to 256 printers.



Microsoft Operating System


Windows NT combines the computer and network operating system in one.  It has a standardized

interface.  Window NT operates on a domain model.  A domain is a collection of computers that

share a common database and security policy.  Each domain has a unique name.  With each domain,

one server must be designated as the Primary Domain Controller (PDC).  There is also a BDC or

Back-up Domain Controller.


SAM Security Accounts Master, max size is 40 MG, once hits 40 must make a separate domain.


There are four different domain  models to choose from:


1.      Single domain – single server maintains security

2.      Single master – may have several domains, but one is the master

3.      Multiple Master – Several domains, several large servers

4.      Complete-Trust – several domains, no single domain is designated as the master,

         All domains completely trust each other.






File Service


There are 2 approaches to sharing files on Window NT Network. They are:


1.      Share the files as on a simple Peer-to-Peer Network.  The attbributes are set to





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  (No Access, Read, Change, or Full  Control)

2.      The next level of sharing files takes full advantage of Windows NT’s Security features.

3.      You can assign directory-level and file-level permissions.  This allows

   you to restrict privileges to certain groups.



FAT 32


This is the logical way to store data on a hard drive.  Microsoft Windows 2000 can

handle FAT32.  Windows NT is not compatible with 32-bit FAT.  If you install Windows

NT on a 32-BIT system, it will not recognize any files existing on the 32-bit FAT    

Partition.  Windows 95, Ver C, and Windows 98 use a 32-bit file allocation table (FAT)

File system.



NTFS (p188)


NTFS was built for security.    There is no access to the system until you logon, and

use your password.  NTFS is unique to Microsofts Windows NT.  It is not necessary to

have individual file security.  They have a shared work group called everyone

in NT, you can get full control, but not too secure for the system.

FAT  File system FAT or Fat16 has a 8.3 max for file names

VFAT can accommodate long file names, up to 256 characters.



Print Server (p 188)


Need a large hard drive to accommodate printing, some jobs can be very large, and

Must use the print queue.


Network Services (p189)


1.      Messenger Service – Monitors the Network, pop-up messages

2.      Alerter Service – Warns you.

3.      Browser Service – Lists the servers available on domains and workgroups

4.      Workstation –redirectors

5.      Server Service – Controls Network Access




The NWLink network protocol is designed to make Windows NT compatible with

NetWare.  They are:


GSNW – Provides a gateway connection between a Windows NT domain and a  

NetWare Server.


CSNW –NT workstation can access files.






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FPNW – This utility manages the Print Server


DSMN  -- An Add-on Utility integrates Windows NT and NetWare user group account information.


Migration Tool for Netware – Novell gets what you do not want – Kill Novell and go to NT at







AppleTalk Network Operating Systems


An AppleTalk Network operating system is transparently integrated into the operating system of

every computer running the MacIntosh OS.  It supports  high-speed, peer-to-peer networking.  They

call their workgroup their zone, which is unique to Apple.  But they developed Phase 1 and 2, and they

were stupid in their design, that they made their own operating system upgrades inoperable

(unable to communicate), Ha, Ha.


MacIntosh came up with some rather unique creations from the firewire, used for digital cameras,

to skuzzy, which is used on large mainframe type servers.



Unix (p 192)


Unix is a general purpose, multitasking, multiuser operating system.  Two popular versions are

Linux and Sun Microsystem’s Solaris, Red Hat.  Unix is highly adapdable to the client/server

Environment.  It can be transformed into a file server by installing file-server software. Unix was

developed by Bell Telephone and AT & T.  Network able,

ready to go, but very expensive.  Unix hold onto the source code, not Bell or AT & T.  It is

adaptable with DOS, Windows NT, but not with Apple so well.  NOS not easy to use.



Banyan (Vines)


Another networking system is the Banyan Virtual Integrated Network Services.  It has built-in

E-Mail Services, Directory Services, or street-talk, only can have 4 processors, which does not

make sense, very limited.  Uses TCP/IP server-to-server software, exclusively.



Peer-to-Peer LANS (p 193)


In many offices and small  businesses, there is a need for a simple peer-to-peer network.  Most of

the popular operating systems include the necessary software to configure a peer-to-peer network.





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Windows for Workgroup  (Ver 3.1)


This operating system is used in an area of UFT, and it is prone to break-downs.  Not a great

security set-up.  Security is local to each machine, either full control, read only, or password control.



Windows 95 & 98


Windows 95 and 98 operating systems include software necessary to create a peer-to-peer network

and enable sharing of printers and files.  Note:  that users of Windows 95 and 98 cannot have the full

benefit of Windows NT security features; those features require use of the NTFS file format which

is not compatible with Windows 95 or 98.



Warp Connect


This is a peer-to-peer, shares applications and printers.  Not on the market long.




Network Operating Systems in Multivendor Environments


Most networks today exist in mulitvendor environments.  While such networks can pose challenges,

they work well when properly planned and implemented.   These systems can be very complex, take

for example General Motors, with their series of LAN’s connected,  between Canada and United

States.  Major problems can arise when the company is running several mulitvendor applications.



Multivendor Solutions


Ensuring interoperability in multivendor environments can be carried out at either the server end

(also referred to as the “back end”) or the client end (also referred to as the “front end”)  The choice

 you make depends on the vendors you are using.


The Key to running a multivendor system, is by using redirectors.  Each redirector handles only

the packets sent in the language or protocol that it can understand.  The redirector can forward the

information to the proper destination.  Microsoft has built-in redirectors.


Thin/Client –Works at the server end, all processors are at the server end

Fat/Client – in the P.C. client end.



Vendor Options


There are three major networking product vendors:  Microsoft, Novell and Apple






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Microsoft has a built-in redirector that recognizes Microsoft networks into the following operating systems:


Windows NT

Windows 95 & 98

Windows for Workgroups


The redirectors are automatically implemented during the operating systems installation.





Ensure that the operating systems are communicating with the same languages, therefore the same

rules and standards.   You will find that TCP/IP is used a lot, and it is necessary if you want to get

onto the Internet.  NetBeui is for small peer-to-peer Networks, it is great because there is very little

to setting up or configuring the Network.  But, be sure to know that Net Beui cannot access the

Internet, so it will have some limitations.  It can be good in a small company where you do not want

to provide this service, and do not want to install a fire wall etc.



Microsoft in a Novell Environment


Microsoft and Novell products are interoperable.  Interoperable, or compatible, the ability of components

in one system to work with components in other systems.



MS-DOS-Based Clients


Server operating system vendors offer utilities that allow MS-DOS based clients to access servers

from the three vendors.





Network Neighborhood/(r click) Properties/Identities


The User Name must be unique, but the Group Name must be the Same





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TCP/IP Properties:  uses 4 ockteks or sections


These are the settings on our TCP/IP card.  We use class C in class or 192-223

The Information needs to have the subnet mask.  The defaults are actually burned into the

Hardware cards.  The range of numbers is 0-255.  Network Solutions is the Company in the States that

handles IP addresses.  The first ocktek shows the class range number.  Why do

so many people use the TCP/IP, because it if FREE, owned by the Government.


Class A                                                                                                                                               


2-24th = 16.7Million

hosts on my network                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        










Class B



2-16th = 65,000 hosts

on my network













Class C



2-8th = 256 hosts

on my network
















optional 1-254



For TCP/IP to work you need a valid IP Address and a valid Subnet Mask.  You can view

this at the Command Prompt by typing C:>ipconfig

Another command at the Command Prompt is C:> winipcfg





Right Click on My Computer/Properties/select Auto choose address, then reboot to submit

changes.  Once Logged on again, go into Dos command and type C:>winipcfg and the address (level B) comes up.  The Microsoft Windows Program issues them Auto IP

addresses from the server.



Subnet Mask


What is its purpose?  The Subnet Mask wants to know what Network you are on, it then compares

the Network destination with the local or remote.  If the destination is the local network, it sends off

the data, but if it is not found, it searches outside the LAN.







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A router is simply a software device that builds a table and finds the end destination.




Purpose:  This command Ping, is used whenever you set-up a new machine, it ensures that all the

connections, and cable addresses are correct.  It in essence checks out all your data high-ways.  This

is a great tool for Trouble-shooting.


1.      Command prompt:>ipconfig/all|more

2.      >winipcfg

3.      adapter address = mac address

4.      ping  C:>ping^

5.      C:>ping^  (my terminal)

6.      C:>ping^  (Rajas Terminal)

7.      C:>ping^  (timed out)

    Only talk to internal network, looking for a gateway, says address N/A

      8.       C:>ping^    (gateway, default)

9.       Remote Host



PING Connectivity Guidelines and order:


1.      Ping the Local Host, or the Instructor9, this will ensure that the TCIP is configured

   Properly.  (address


2.      Ping Your own computer, this will test the NIC card.

3.      Ping another user on the LAN, this ensures the cables are working.

4.      Ping Default Gateway

5.      Ping Remote Host



Ping by name of remote host, try this, (step 5) before, if it works, then you know

that all others 1-4 pings have to work, if not you would not be able to ping your

Remote host.   You can also Ping by Computer Name.