7.  APPLICATION This layer initiates and accepts requests.  It is a type of 
organizer that decides which interface is needed and transfers
to the location, whether it is E-MAIL, for database access.
GATEWAYS work at Layer 7, and 1-6 also.
        6.  PRESENTATION Presentation is a translator.  Adds encryption, formatting info. &
display information to the packet.
        5.  SESSION Coordinates Communication.  The session is a type of 
negotiator, determining how long you will talk and the size of
the packets.
         4.  TRANSPORT Sole purpose to deliver accurate error-free data.  It contains 
Protocols such as Net BEUI and TCP/IP.
         3.  NETWORK LAYER Sequencing and addressing information is added to the packet.
This layer determines the actual route the packet will take when
it is transferred. 
ROUTER & BROUTER work at this level
            2.  DATA-LINK Adds the CRC to the trailer, and can break the data into even
smaller frames.  Decides on the media choosen.
BRIDGE & BROUTER work at this level
           1.  PHYSICAL LAYER Sends bit streams of data, and receives bit streams.
Determines Hardware Connections.
REPEATERS & HUBS work at this level