Command or
Switch |
Definition and Use |
Other Information |
Alt+F1+AltF2 |
Toggles between two
Text users. |
./ |
* |
Astersik added to the
end of user's UID means their |
account is disabled. |
` |
Backticks. You can take the output of one program |
and make it the
parameter of another program. |
/ |
This will be the
first (root) partition. A sub- |
directory called /usr
will exist on the root |
directory, but it
will have nothing in it. |
(-1) |
The -1 implies
infinity. It is in the field
indicating |
the number of days
before a password expires, |
you are effectively
tagging a user as never having |
to change his or her
password. |
bg number |
Run a job in the
background |
Page 113 |
(-c) omit brackets |
Allows you to set the
user's name in the GECOS |
field. |
cat |
cat index.html | lpr -Pitsprt4sl8d |
Prints contents of the file. |
Prints the
contents of this file directly to printer 4. |
Log onto Panther
acct. |
You may want to
change the view from landscape. |
Common Gateway Interface |
Page 339 |
chmod |
Used for E-Mail.
Check the mode. |
Chapter 6 |
chown |
Used for E-Mail. Check the ownership. |
Chapter 6 |
chgrp |
Used for E-Mail. Check the groups |
Chapter 6 |
cron |
Scheduler to run any
day of the week or time |
Page 217 |
cd |
Change to the root
directory |
./configure |
Configures Packages. |
Chapter 4 |
cron |
Scheduler to run at
any time, command-line format |
Page 218 |
(-d) |
By default your home
directory is /home/patti, but |
Table page 91 |
you can change it
using this switch. |
dd |
Users of UNIX can use
dd command to create |
a boot image onto a
floppy disk. |
Disk Druid |
Manually partitions
the disk, similar to fdisk. |
(-e) omit brackets |
An account can expire
after a certain date. |
Table Page 91 |
/etc |
Holds all the
configuration files. |
/etc/exports |
The only
configuration file for NFS |
Page 418 |
exportfs^-a |
Export all entries in
the /etc/exports file. |
Page 419 |
exportfs^-r |
Re-export all entires
in the /etc/export file. |
Page 419 |
edquota |
Set configuration to
"soft" limit, and "hard" limit |
Page 195 |
grace period. |
eject |
Ejects the CD-ROM |
eject^-f |
Ejects the CD-ROM
forcefully, if the program bombs |
export^FOO |
Once the value is
set, use the export command |
P115 |
to finalize it. |
expert |
Used during
installation at the initial boot: |
If you have
experience in installing you may want |
to use this feature. |
Command or Switch |
Definition and Use |
Other Information |
(-f) omit brackets |
This option specifies the number of days after a |
Table Page 91 |
password expires that the account is still usable. |
fips |
Linux tool to repartition the disk. |
Used for dual-booting |
purposes. |
fdisk |
#NAME? |
Page 181, 183 chart |
free^-t |
Displays your free RAM |
fsck |
p163 |
(-g) omit brackets |
Specifies the group the user has in the password |
Table Page 91 |
file. |
get |
Used with the Apache server |
Page 337 |
(-G) omit brackets |
Specify additional groups to which the new user will |
Table Page 91 |
belong. |
grep |
Tries to match the line with the parameter supplied it. |
Page 115 |
Grep command finds the exclusions. Remember the |
Database I entered in the lab and exported the info.? |
Brings up the GUI (the one with the paw print) |
Unique to each group |
groupadd |
Adds groups to the /etc/group file |
page 93 |
groupdel |
Deletes groups |
page 93 |
groupmod |
Modify the parameters of a group. |
Page 94 |
grolupmod^-g |
Change the GID of the group. |
groupmod^-n |
Specify a new name of the group |
Page 94 |
/home |
Home directories for everyone |
host |
Tells BIND whether to keep track of statistics for |
Page 276 |
each host that queries
it. |
.htaccess |
Settinhgs Apache [etc/httpd.conf] |
See handout |
/home/patti |
Patti's home directory |
info |
Documentation tool along with "man" |
page 118 |
init (initd) to signify service |
Service, always has a process ID of 1 |
Page 200, 217 |
inetd |
Superserver for network realted processes telnet&ftp |
page 203 |
xinetd |
jobs |
Displays jobs that are currently running in the BASH |
Page 113 |
kill |
Kills a process |
Page 118 |
lpr |
Print command, prints directly to the printer |
Log onto any Unix |
For example: ls -al |
lpr -Pitsprt4sl8d |
Machine and SSH |
Above command will first list the directory files |
at work. |
and then print on printer 4 in Operations. |
ls |
Lists the contents
of a directory |
Page 100 |
ls^-l |
Long Listing. Filename, size, date/time, permiss. |
Page 121 |
ls^-a |
All files. Shows hidden
files. Names of hidden files |
begin with a period |
ls^-1 |
Single column listing. |
ls^-R |
Recursively lists all files and subdirectories |
ls^-l^|^less |
Lists directories and you can pg up and down |
login |
Finally , the only parameter that isn't optional! You |
Table page 92 |
MUST specify the new user's login name. |
lilo |
logout |
Logs out a user in Text mode |
(-m) omit brackets |
By default, the system automatially create the |
Table page 92 |
user's home directory.
This option is the explicit |
command to create the user's home directory. |
Command or Switch |
Definition and Use |
Other Information |
(-M) omit brackets |
If you use -m you cannot use -M. The -M command |
Table Page 92 |
tells the system NOT to create the user's home |
directory. |
make^clean |
Cleans up temporary files |
Chapter 6 |
make |
Compiles packages, and xconfig |
Page 77, 228 |
make^install |
Installs compiled software by running this command |
Page 71 |
man |
The "man" format allows you to show documentation |
Page 118 |
about a utility |
Mount Point |
Location where the partition is mounted. |
mounted |
You must mount a floppy or CD-ROM before use |
(-n) omit brackets |
Red Hat Linux creates a new group with the same |
name as the new user's login as part of the process |
of adding a user. |
named^-v |
Gives you the version for DNS |
named.ca |
Backup this file, very important. It is all the cached |
Internet addresses. If
your server goes down, you |
will loose this information, because normally it is |
stored in RAM. |
For DNS can speed up searches. |
Page 270 |
netscape^& |
BASH presents a prompt called "background" |
Page 113 ON QUIZ |
nobody |
Default user for apache. |
Page 344, 338 |
600 |
Owner = 6 R = 4 W = 2
X = 1 |
Page 124 |
Group = 0 |
Everyone = 0 |
normal user |
Everyone other than the root is a "normal user" |
Similar to DLLs in Windows, PAM is a library. |
Page 100 |
portmapper |
care of telling the client where the actual |
Page 414 |
service is located on the server |
pico |
Linux editor for text files. |
printenv |
to list all of your environment variables |
Page 114 |
quotaon |
Turn on the quota, not enabled by default quota^-v |
Page 198 |
quota.user |
quota.group |
edquota |
rpc |
Remote Procedure Calls handles requests between |
Page 414 |
the client and server. |
rpcinfo |
Run to check if NFS is running. |
Page 416 |
rc |
Page 159 |
reboot |
Reboots the system |
rm |
Removes directory path (USE WITH CAUTION) |
Page 78 |
rm^-rf |
Removes entire directory - VERY DANGEREOUS |
Page 78 |
root |
Root user, only one/install |
Don't forget password |
Command or Switch |
Definition and Use |
Other Information |
startx |
startx accesses the ".xinitrc" file, you can change |
the second line to read either startkde for KDE GUI |
Page 49 |
or gnome-session. It is
your choice. When Linux |
boots up it looks at this file, I believe you can only |
have one of these files. |
shadow passwords |
Passwords in a separate file called "shadow" |
shells |
The 1st program that you encounter is a "shell" |
An example of a shell program is BASH. |
(-s) omit brackets |
A user's login shell is the first program that runs |
when a user logs in to a system. This is usually |
a command-line environment, unless youa re logging |
in from the X Windows login screen. By default, |
this is the Bourne Shell (/bin/bash). |
su |
Switch user |
shutdown^-h^now |
Shutdown now from text mode |
shutdown^-r^now |
Reboots now (-r switch) |
smbpasswd^-n^username |
If you want a user to have no password |
page 463 |
syslogd |
Service to standardize logging. |
page 212 |
/Swap |
User cannot access.Place on another area |
tar |
Most source code is shipped as "tarballs", which |
can be unpacked with the tar command. |
TAR SWITCHES (-c create new device, -t view) |
tail |
Tail command allows you to monitor the log file |
in real-time. |
/tmp |
Temporary files are placed. |
touch (-d/-t) |
Creates a new file (touch test) |
Chapter 12 |
/usr |
Actual Programs reside (in Windows terms, |
this is similar to C:\Program Files) |
(-u) omit brackets |
default, the program will automatically find the |
next available UID and use it.
If for some reason |
you need to force a new user's UID and use it. |
uptime |
UNIX (linux) uptime command tells the user how |
long the syetm has been running since last boot. |
unset^FOO |
Removes the environment variables. |
Page 115 |
umount |
Unmounts a drive, CD-ROM or floppy. |
/usr/sbin/kbdconfig |
If you ever want to change your keyboard layout |
or type, you can run this program. |
uname^-r |
Gives you the version number (2.4.2-2) |
The second section is important, an even number |
stable, odd number means unstable and |
experimental. |
Unique user ID, one for every user. |
useradd |
Add a singler user to the system |
page 90 |
useradd^-D |
Use this switch for default options |
userdel |
Opposite of add, removes the exiting user |
page 90 |
userdel^-r |
All of
the files owned by the user in his home |
page 90 |
directory are removed as well. |
usermod |
Modify a users attributes. |
page 90 |
Command or Switch |
Definition and Use |
Other Information |
.xinitrc |
The file used to
bring up the GUI |
Use pico as the editor |
you can change this file. |
#!/bin/sh |
startkde |
OR |
#!/bin/sh/gnome-session |
/var |
Destination of Log Files. |
whereis |
Searches the path and displays the name of the |
program and its absolute directory, the source |
file and the man page for the command. |
X Windows |
GUI mode for Linux, requires memory and CPU |
xconfigurator |
Configures X Windows by default tries to use the |
Page 41 |
resolution and the maximum colours |
available |
.xinetd |
Variable |
Page 208 |