ADMINISTERING GROUP POLICY    


Group policy is very flexible and includes options for registry-based policy settings, security settings,

application management, scripts, computer startup and shutdown, logon and logoff, and folder redirection.



 What is Group Policy?


Group policies are collections of user and computer configuration settings that can be linked to computers,

sites, domains, and organizational units (OUs) to specify the behavior of users’ desktops.



Group Policy Objects


To create a specific desktop configuration for a particular group of users, you create group policy objects

(GPOs). GPOs are collections of group policy settings.  Each Windows 2000 computer has one local

GPO, and may in addition be subjected to any number of nonlocal (Active Directory-based) GPOs.


One local GPO is stored on each computer whether or not the computer is part of an Active Directory

environment or a networked environment.  However, as the local GPO settings can be overridden by

nonlocal GPOs, the local GPO is the least influential if the computer is in an Active Directory environment.


Nonlocal GPOs are linked to Active Directory objects (sites, domains, and OUs) and can be applied to

 either users or computers.  To use nonlocal GPOs, you must have a Windows 2000 domain controller




Delegating Control of Group Policy


You can determine which administrative groups can administer (create, modify, delete) GPOs by defining

access permissions for each GPO.  By assigning Read and Write permissions to a GPO for an

administrative group, the group can delegate control of the GPO.



MICROSOFT HIDES 70% OF THE REGISTRY, it is encoded and encrypted.


L  S  D  O  (local, site, domain, and OU)






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The Group Policy Snap-In


A  Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in is used to organize and manage the many group

policy settings in each GPO.  The snap-in for the Default Domain Controllers Policy GPO.



***** See the chart on page 396 ****



Group Policy Settings


Group policy settings are contained in a GPO and determine the user’s desktop environment.  There are

two types of group policy settings:  computer configuration settings and user configuration settings.



Computer and User Configuration Settings


Computer configuration settings are used to set group policies applied to computers, regardless of who

logs on to them.  Computer configuration settings are applied when the operating system initializes.


User Configuration settings are used to set group policies applied to users, regardless of which computer

the user logs on to.  User configuration settings are applied when users log on to the computer.



NOTE:  Although some settings are user interface settings, for example, the background bitmap or the

ability to use the Run command on the Start menu, they can be applied to computers using computer

configuration settings.


Both computer settings and user configuration settings include Software Settings, Windows Settings,

and Administrative Templates.






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Software Settings


For both the computer configuration and user configuration, Software Settings contains only Software

Installation settings by default.  Software Installation settings help you specify how applications are

installed and maintained within your organization.


You manage an application within a GPO that, in turn, is associated with a particular Active Directory

container, a site, domain or OU.  Applications can be managed in one of two modes:  assigned or

published.  You assign an application to a computer when you want computers or people managed

by the GPO to have the application.


You cannot publish an application to computers.



Windows Settings


For both the computer configuration and user configuration, Windows Settings holds scripts and

Security Settings.


Scripts allow you to specify two types of scripts:  startup/shutdown and logon/logoff.  Startup/shutdown

scripts at computer startup or shutdown.  Logon/logoff scripts run when a user logs on or off the



When you assign multiple logon/logoff or startup/shutdown scripts to a user or computer, Windows

2000 executes the scripts from top to bottom.


When a computer is shut down, Windows 2000 first processes logoff scripts followed by shutdown

scripts.  By default, the timeout value for processing scripts is 10 minutes.  If the logoff and shutdown

scripts require more than 10 minutes to process, you must adjust the timeout value with a software



Security Settings allows a security administrator to manually configure security levels assigned to a

local or nonlocal GPO.  This can be done after, or instead of, using a security template to set

system security.


For the user configuration only, Windows Settings hold additional group policy settings for Internet

Explorer Maintenance, Remote Installation Services, and Folder Redirection.  Internet Explorer

Maintenance allows you to administer and customize Microsoft Internet explorer on Windows 2000



Folder Redirection allows you to redirect Windows 2000 special folders (My Documents, Application

Data, Desktop, and Start menu) from their default user profile location to an alternate location on the

network, where they can be centrally managed. 






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Administrative Templates


For both the computer and user configurations, Administrative Templates contains all registry-based

group policy settings, including settings for Windows Components, System, and Network.  Windows

components allows you to administer Windows 2000 components including NetMeeting, Internet

Explorer, Windows Explorer, Microsoft Management Console, Task Scheduler, and Windows Installer. 

System is used to control logon and logoff functions and group policy itself. 


For the computer configuration only, Administrative Templates contains additional group policy settings

or Printers.  Additionally, System Settings contains Disk Quotas, and Domain Name System (DNS)

Client and Windows File Protection.


In Administrative Templates there are more than 450 of these settings available for configuring the user

environment.  In the registry, computer configurations are saved in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE(HKLM)

and user configurations are saved in HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU).  The default refresh rate is

every 8 hours, but you can change it if you want to.


NOTE:  You can display administrative template settings by clicking the Administrative Templates node,

clicking View, then clicking Show Policies Only to show all settings, or Show Configured Policies Only

to show only those settings that have been configured.



The MMC Snap-in Model


The nodes of the Group Policy snap-in are themselves MMC snap-in extensions.  By Default, all the

available Group Policy snap-in extensions are loaded when you start the Group Policy snap-in.  You

can modify this default behavior by using the MMC method of creating custom consoles and by using

policy settings to control the behavior of MMC itself.  Use the Administrative Templates node to

configure these policy settings.


Using this extension model, developers can create an MMC extension to the Group Policy snap-in to

provide additional policies.  These snap-in extensions may in turn be extended.







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Group Policy Snap-in Namespace


The root node of the Group Policy snap-in is displayed as the name of the GPO and the domain to

which it belongs



GPO Name [DomainName] Policy


For example:  Default Domain Controllers Policy [] Policy



How Group Policy Affects Startup and Logon



The following sequences shows the order in which computer configuration and user configuration 

and user configuration settings are applied when a computer starts and a user logs on:


The network starts.  Remote Procedure Call System Service (RPCSS) and Multiple Universal

Naming convention Provider (MUP) are started.  An ordered list of GPOs is obtained for the



Whether a computer is part of a Windows 2000 domain, and is therefore subject to group policy

through Active Directory.The location of the computer in Active Directory.  If the list of GPOs has

not changed, then no processing is done.


Computer configuration settings are processed.  This occurs synchronously by default, and in the

following order:  Local GPO, site GPOs, domain GPOs, OU GPOs, and so on.

Startup scripts run.


The user presses Ctrl+Alt+del to log on.  After the user is validated, the user profile is loaded,

governed by the group policy settings in effect.  An ordered list of GPOs is obtained for the user. 

The list contents may depend on these factors:


Whether the user is part of a Windows 2000 domain, and is therefore subject to group policy through

Active Directory.  Whether loopback is enabled, and the state (Merge or Replace) of the

loopback policy setting. The location of the user in Active Directory  If the list of GPOs to be

applied has not changed, then no processing is done.  You can use a policy setting to change this






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User configuration settings are processed.  This occurs synchronously by default, and in the following

order:  local GPOs, site GPOs, domain GPOs, OU GPOs and so on.  No user interface is displayed

while user policies are being processed.


Logon scripts run.  Unlike Windows NT 4.0 scripts, group policy-based logon scripts are run hidden

and asynchronously by default.  The user object script runs last.

The operating system user interface prescribed by group policy appears.



How group Policy is Processed



Group policy settings are processed in the following order:                     (L  S  D  O)


  •   Local GPO.  Each Windows 2000 computer has exactly one GPO stored locally.
  •   Site GPOs.  Any GPOs that have been linked to the site are processed next,

Processing is synchronous; the administrator specifies the order of GPOs linked

to the site.

  •   Domain GPOs.  Multiple domain-linked GPOs are processed synchronously; the

administrator specifies the order of GPOs linked to a domain.

  •   OU GPOs.  GPOs linked to the OU highest in the Active Directory hierarchy are

processed first, followed by GPOs linked to its child OU, and so on.



This order name means that the GPO is processed first, and GPOs linked to the OU of which the

computer or user is a direct member are processed last, over writing the earlier GPOs.  For example,

you set up a domain GPO to allow anyone to log on interactively.  However, an OU GPO, set up for

the domain controller, prevents everyone from logging on except for certain administrative groups.



Exceptions to the Processing Order


The default order of processing group policy settings is subject to the following exceptions:


A computer that is a member of a workgroup processes only the local GPO.

No Override.  Any GPO linked to a site, domain, or OU (not the local GPO) can be set to No Override

with respect to that site, domain or OU, so that none of its policy settings can be overridden.





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Block Policy Inheritance.  At any site, domain, or OU, group policy inheritance can be selectively marked

as Block Policy Inheritance.  However, GPO links set to No Override are always applied and cannot

be blocked.


Loopback setting.  Loopback is an advanced group policy setting that is useful on computers in certain

closely managed environments such as kiosks, laboratories, classrooms, and reception areas.  By default,

a user’s settings come from a GPO list that depends on the user’s location in Active Directory.  The

ordered list goes from site-linked to domain-linked to OU-linked GPOs, with inheritance determined

by the location of the user in Active Directory, and in an order specifies by the administrator at each level.


Loopback can be Not Configured, Enabled, or Disabled, as can any other group policy setting. 

In the Enabled state, loopback can be set to Merge or Replace mode.


Replace.  In this case, the GPO list fro the user is replaced in its entirety by the GPO list already

obtained for the computer at computer startup.


Merge.  In this case, the GPO list is concatenated.   The GPO list obtained for the computer at

computer startup is appended to the GPO list obtained for the computer is applied later, it has

precedence if it conflicts with settings in the user’s list.



Group Policy Inheritance



In general, group policy is passed down from parent to child containers.  If you have assigned a separate

group policy to a parent container, that group policy applies to all containers beneath the parent container,

including the user and computer objects in the container.


If a parent OU has policy settings that are not configured, the child OU doesn’t inherit them.  Policy s

settings that are disabled are inherited as disabled.


If a parent policy and a child policy are compatible, the child inherits the parent policy, and the child’s

setting is also applied.


If a policy configured for a parent OU is incompatible with the same policy configured for a child OU,

the child does not inherit the policy settings from the parent.  The setting in the child is applied.

Using Security Groups to Filter Groups Policy





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Because you can link more than one GPO to a site, domain, or OU, you may need to link GPOs

associated with other directory objects.  By setting the appropriate permissions for security groups,

you can filter groups policy to influence only the computers and users you specify.



Lesson Summary:


  •   Group policies are collections of user and computer configuration settings that can be linked to

computers, sites, domains, and OUs to define settings of various components that make up the

users’ desktop environment.

  •   To create a specific desktop configuration for a particular group of users, you crate GPOs,

which are collections of group policy settings.

  •   There are two types of group policy settings:  computer configuration settings and user

configuration settings.  Both computer and user settings include Software Settings, Windows

Settings and Administrative Templates.

  •   The settings are processed synchronously by default in the following order:  local GPO, site

GPOs, domain GPOs, and OU GPOs.



Lesson 2:  Group Policy Implementation Planning



Before implementing group policies, you should create a plan to manage them.  You can plan your

GPO settings and GPO implementation methods to provide the most efficient group policy

management for you organization.



 Designing GPOs by Setting Type


You can create GPOs based on the type of settings they contain.  There are three main GPO setting



Single Policy Type.   Includes GPOs that deliver a single type of group policy setting for

example, a GPO that includes only security settings.


Multiple Policy Type.  Includes GPOs that deliver multiple types of group policy

settings for example.


 Dedicated Policy Type.  Includes GPOs dedicated to either

computer configuration or user configuration group policies.




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Single Policy Type


The goal is to separate each type of group policy settings into a separate GPO.  To do this, create a

GPO for software management settings, a GPO for user documents and settings, a GPO for software

policies, etc.



Multiple Policy Type


With this approach, the goal is to include multiple types of group policy settings in a single GPO.



Dedicated Policy Type


With this approach, the goal is to include all user configuration group policy settings in one GPO

and all computer configuration group policy settings in separate GPO.    This model increases the

number of GPOs that must be processed at logon, thereby lengthening logon time, but it can aid

in troubleshooting. 



GPO Implementation Strategies


When planning an Active Directory structure, consider how group policy will be implemented for

the organization.  Delegation of authority, separation of administrative duties, central versus

decentralized administration, and design flexibility are important factors to be considered when

designing group policy and selecting which scenarios to adapt for an organization.



Layered Vs. Monolithic GPO Design


These design strategies provide decentralized (layered) and centralized (monolithic) locations for

policy settings within GPOs.



Layered GPO Design


With a layered GPO approach, the goal is to include a specific policy setting in a few GPOs as



To achieve this goal, create a base GPO to be applied to the domain that contains policy settings

for as many users and computers in the domain as possible.




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Next, create additional GPOs tailored to the common requirements to each corporate group,

such as engineering, sales, marketing, executives, and administrative assistants, and apply them

to the appropriate OUs.



Monolithic GPO Design


With a monolithic GPO approach, the goal is to use very few GPOs (ideally only one) for any given

user or computer.  All the policy settings required for a given site, domain, or OU should be

implemented within a single GPO.  If the site, domain, or OU has groups of users or computers

with different policy requirements, consider subdividing the container into OUs and applying

separate GPOs to each OU rather than to the parent.


A change in the monolithic design involves more administration than the layered approach because

the settings may need to be changed in multiple GPOs, but logon time will be shorter.



Functional Roles Vs. Team Design


Active Directory’s OU structure was designed to facilitate ease of administration and delegation

of authority.  The OU structure may represent the functional roles within the organization or it

may not.  When designing group policy by delegating control to the OU levels.  If the OU

architecture  does not represent group organization, then use OU delegation of control, but also

choose to use groups as a filtering mechanism for applying group policy.



Functional Roles Design


With this approach, the goal is use an OU structure that reflects the functional roles within the

organization for applying group policy.  A minimum number of GPOs is used, with each tailored

to a group’s specific needs.


This model is best suited for organizations designed according to functional roles, groups of users

organized according to users’ occupations such as engineering, sales, marketing, and so on.



Team Design


With this approach, the goal is to use groups as a filtering mechanism in applying group policy

in an organization that uses the virtual team concept. 







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To do this, create GPOs for each virtual team.  As users can exist in only one OU at a time, it is

best to create a single GPO at the top of the hierarchy that filters down to each OU.  The, create

GPOs for each tem as necessary.  This approach eliminates complexity by strategically applying

the GPOs at only one location, allowing administrators to centrally administer the GPOs and

minimizing the GPO-to-OU assignments.



OU Delegation with Central or Distributed Control


The administration of OUs can be delegated and OU administrators may need to be allowed to

block group policies that have been assigned to their OUs at higher organizational level.  This

can be accomplished using a central or distributed control design.


Central Control Design


To do this, use the No Override option on OUs.  For example, create a GPO including only

security settings for a domain, and then set the No Override option so that all child OUs are

affected by the security options specifies at the domain level.


This model is best suited for organizations that choose to delegate administration of OUs, but

would like to enforce certain group policies throughout the domain.



Distributed Control Design


With this approach, administrators of OUs are allowed to block group policies from being

applied to their OU.


To do this, create GPOs for each OU.  Set ACL permissions allowing OU administrator full

control over GPOs. 


This model is best suited for organizations that choose to minimize the number of domains but

do not want to sacrifice autonomous administration of OUs.  It allows administrators to enforce

certain group policies throughout the domain.



Lesson Summary:


  •   GPOs can deliver a single type or multiple types of group policy settings can be created. 
  •   GPOs can also be dedicated to either computer configuration or user configuration

group policies.




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  •   The layered GPO design model is best suited for environments in which different groups

 in the organization have common security concerns and changes to group policy are frequent.

  •   The monolithic GPO design model is best suited for environments in which users and

computers can be classified into a small number of groups for policy assignment.

  •   The team design model is best suited for organizations that need an efficient and flexible

method of managing group policy in a dynamic environment with an OU architecture that

does not reflect the team structure.

  •   The central control design model is best suited for organizations that choose to delegate

administration of OUs, but would like to enforce certain group policies throughout the domain.



Lesson 3:  Implementing Group Policy


The group policy’s are implemented by using a Group Policy Snap-in.


Implementing Group Policy


The tasks for implementing group policy are:


  • Creating a GPO
  • Creating a console for the GPO.
  • Delegating administrative control of the GPO.
  • Specifying group policy settings for the GPO.
  • Disabling unused group policy settings.
  • Indicating any GPO processing exceptions.
  • Filtering the scope of the GPO.
  • Linking the GPO to a site, domain, or OU.



Delegating Administrative Control of a GPO


After you create a GPO, it is important to determine which groups of administrators have

access permissions to the GPO.  The default permissions on GPOs are shown below:






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Security Group                                   Default Settings


Authenticated Users              Read, Apply Group Policy, Special Permissions


CREATOR OWNER            Special Permissions


Domain Administrators         Read, Write, Create All Child Objects, Delete All

                                                Child Objects, Special Permissions.


Enterprise Administrators     Read, Write, Create All Child Objects, Delete All

                                                Child Objects, Special Permissions.


SYSTEM                                Read, Write, Create All Child Objects, Delete All

                                                Child Objects, Special Permissions.





By default, the Default Domain Policy GPO cannot be deleted by any administrator.  This prevents

the accidental delegation of this GPO, which contains important required settings for the domain.



Disabling Unused Group Policy Settings


If a GPO has, under the Computer Configuration or User Configuration node of the console, only settings

that are Not Configured, then you can avoid processing those settings by disabling the node.



Indicating GPO Processing Exceptions


GPOs are processed according to the Active Directory hierarchy:  local GPO, site GPOs, domain GPOs,

and OU GPOs.  However, default order for processing GPO group policy settings may be changed by

modifying the order of GPOs for an object, specifying the Block Policy Inheritance option, specifying the

No Override option, or by enabling the Loopback setting.



Filtering GPO Scope


The policies in a GPO apply only to users who have Read permission for that GPO.  You can filter

the scope of a GPO by creating security groups and then assigning Read permission to the selected

groups.  Thus, you can prevent a policy from applying to a specific group by denying the group Read

permission to the GPO.  Linking a GPO





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By default, a new GPO is linked to the site, domain, or OU that was selected in the MMC when it was

created.  Therefore, its settings apply to that site, domain, or OU.  Use the Group Policy tab for the

site, domain, or OU properties to link a GPO to additional sites, domains, or OUs.



Modifying Group Policy


The tasks for modifying group policy are:


  • Removing a GPO link
  • Deleting a GPO
  • Editing a GPO and GPO settings



Removing a GPO Link


Removing a GPO link simply unlinks the GPO from the specified site, domain, or OU.  The GPO

remains in Active Directory until it is deleted.



Deleting a GPO


If you delete a GPO, it is removed from Active Directory, and any sites, domains, or OUs, to which

it is linked will no longer be affected by it.  You may wish to take the less drastic step of removing

the GPO link, which disassociates the GPO from its OU but leaves the GPO intact in Active




Editing a GPO and GPO Settings


To edit a GPO or its settings, follow the procedures outlined earlier in this lesson for creating a

GPO and for specifying group policy settings.



Lesson Summary:


  •   You can do the following tasks with GPOs:  Create a GPO, create a GPO console, delegate

administrative control of the GPO, specify group policy settings for the GPO, disable unused

group policy settings, indicate GPO processing exceptions, filter the scope of the GPO, and

link the GPO to a site, domain, or OU.







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Lesson 4:  Managing Software Using Group Policy


The software Installation extension, a software management feature of Windows 2000, is the

administrator’s primary tool for managing software within an organization.  Managing software

using Software Installation provides your users with immediate access to the software they need

to perform their jobs and ensures that users have an easy and consistent experience when

working with software throughout its life cycle.  C:\WINNT\System32 (admin.pkg).



Software Management Tools


Three tools provided with Windows 2000 Server for software installation and maintenance.



Tool                                                          Role


The Software Installation      Used by administrators to manage software

Extension of the Group

Policy snap-in



Windows Installer                  Installs software packaged in Windows Installer



Add/Remove Programs         Used by users to manager software on their own

In Control Panel                     computers





The Software Installation Extension


The Software Installation extension is the administrator’s primary tool for managing software within

an organization.  Software Installation works in conjunction with Group policy and Active Directory,

establishing a group policy-based software management system that allows you to centrally manage.


  •   Initial deployment of software. 
  •   Mandatory and nonmandatory upgrades, patches, and quick fix

for software.  You can update a version of the software or replace it.  You can even upgrade

the operating system using service packs. 

  •   Removal of software.




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Using Software Installation, you can centrally manage the installation of software on a client computer

by assigning applications to users or computers or by publishing applications for users.  Assign

required or mandatory software to users or to computers.  Publish software that users might find

useful to perform their jobs.


  • Assign to computers or users.
  • Publish to users only (you cannot publish to computers).



Assigning Applications


When you assign an application to a users, the application is advertised to the user the next time he

or she logs on to a workstation.  The application advertisement follows the user regardless of which

physical computer he or she actually uses.  The application can be activated when you select the

Start menu, or when you log on.


When you assign an application to the computer, the application is advertised, and the installation is

performed when it is safe to do so.



Publishing Applications


When you publish the application to users, the application does not appear installed on the users’

computers.   No shortcuts are visible on the desktop or Start Menu, and no changes are made to

the local registry on the users’ computers.  Instead, published applications store their advertisement

attributes in Active Directory.  The application is then available for the user to install using

Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel or by clicking a file associated with the application

(such as .xls file for Microsoft Excel).



How Software Installation Works


The Software Installation extension uses Windows Installer technology to systematically maintain

software.  Windows Installer is a service that allows the operating system to manage the installation

process.  Windows Installer is composed of three key parts:


  •   An operating system service that performs the installation, modification, and removal

of the software in accordance with the information in the Windows Installer package.





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  •   The Windows Installer package, a database containing information that describes the

installed state of the application.

  •   An application programming interface (API) that allows applications to interact with

Windows Installer to install or remove additional features of the application after the

initial installation is complete.



Because Software Installation leverages Windows Installer, users can take advantage of self-repairing

applications.  Windows Installer notes when a program file is missing and immediately reinstalls the

damaged or missing files, thereby fixing the application.  The file has an .msi extension.


You can only deploy software using the Software Installation extension if the file type fits one of the

following categories:


Native Windows Installer Package (.msi) files are developed as a part of the application and take

full advantage of the Windows Installer.

Repackaged application (.msi) files allow you to repackage applications that do not have a native

Windows Installer package in much the same way that you repackage software today to customize

installations.  An existing setup program, an application (.zap) file installs an application by using its

original SETUP.EXE program.


In addition, you can make modifications to customize the installation of a Windows Installer package

at the time of assignment or publication.  Modifications are saved with the .mst file extension.


Other files you may encounter during Software Installation are:


  •   Patch (.msp) files which are used for bug fixes, service packs, and similar files
  •   Application assignment scripts (.aas files), which contain instructions associated with the

assignment or publication of a package.



Customizing Windows Installer Packages


You can customize Windows Installer applications by using modifications, also called transforms. 

The Windows Installer package format provides for customization by allowing you to “transform”

the original package using authoring and repackaging tools.  Some applications also provide wizards

or templates that permit a user to create modifications.






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Implementing Software Installation


The tasks for implementing software installation are:


  • Planning and preparing the software installation
  • Setting up a software distribution point
  • Specifying software installation defaults
  • Deploying software applications, (ensure you have enough licensing)
  • Setting automatic installation options.
  • Setting up application categories
  • Setting software application properties
  • Maintaining software applications.



Planning and Preparing a Software Installation


When planning a software installation


Review your organization’s software requirements on the basis of your overall  organizational

structure within Active Directory and your available GPOs

Determine how you want to deploy your applications.


Create a pilot to test how you want to assign or publish software to users or computers.

Prepare your software using a format that allows you to manage it based on what your

organization requires, and test all of the Windows Installer packages or repackaged software.



Strategy                                  Considerations


Create OUs based on            Allows you to target applications to the appropriate

Software management           set of users.  Group policy security settings are not

Needs.                                    Required to target the appropriate set of users.


Deploy software close to       This reduces administration because you can deploy

The root in the Active            a single GPO rather than having to re-create that

Directory tree.                       Object in multiple containers deep in the Active

                                                Directory tree.


Deploy multiple                      The logon process is faster because a single GPO

Applications with a single      deploying 10 applications processes faster then

GPO.                                       10 GPOs each deploying one application.


Publish or assign one             Makes it easier to determine which instance of

Application.                            The application applies to the user or computer.






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Software licenses are required for software written by independent software vendors and distributed

using software distribution points (SDPs).  It is your responsibility to match the number of users who

can access software to the number of licenses you have on hand.


NOTE:  Some software supports special commands to facilitate the creation of an SDP.  For example,

Microsoft Office 2000 should be prepared by running SETUP /A from a command prompt.  This allows

you to enter the software key once for all users, and the network share (SDP) location to copy the files to. 

Other software might have other ways to expand any compressed files from the distribution media and

transfer the files to the appropriate location.



Specifying Software Installation Defaults


A GPO can contain several settings that affect how an application is installed, managed, and removed. 

You can globally define the default settings for the new packages within the GPO in the General tab

of the Software Installation Properties dialog box.



Deploying Software Applications


Given that software can be either assigned or published, and targeted to users or computers, you can

establish a workable combination to meet your software management goals.



Software Deployment Approaches



                                Publish (User only)         Assign (User)    Assign (Computer)


After deployment         The next logon           The next logon       The next time

The software is                                                                         the computer

Available for                                                                              starts.

Installation after:


Typically the user       Add/Remove   Start menu or                The software is

Installs the software   Programs in     Desktop shortcut          already installed

From:                          Control Panel                                      (the software auto-

                                                                                                 matically installs

                                                                                                 when the

                                                                                                 computer reboots).






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If the software is                    Yes, if Auto-install               Yes          Does not apply;

Not installed, and the              is turned on)                                        the software is

User opens a file                                                                                already

Associated with the                                                                            installed.

Software, does the

Software install?



Can the user remove the       Yes, and the user              Yes, and the    No, only the

Software using Add/               can choose to install           software is       local admini.

Remove Programs in             it again from Add/              available for   can remove

Control Panel?                       Remove Programs in         installation         the software;

                                                Control Panel                   again from the a user can

                                                                                        Typical install run a repair

                                                                                        Points.              On the         



Supported                               Windows Installer             Windows          Windows

Installation files:                         packages, .zap files      Installer            Installer       

                                                                                        Packages          packages.






Modifications, or .mst files, are customizations applied to Windows Installer packages.  A modification

must be applied at the time of assignment or publication, not at the time of installation.



Assigning Applications


Assign an application when you want everyone to have the application on his or her computer.  An

Application can be assigned to both computers and users.


Publishing Applications


Publish an application when you want the application to be available to people managed by the GPO,

should they want the application.  With published applications it is up to each person to decide whether

or not to install the published application.  An application can only be published to users.



Deploying Applications with Modifications


Modifications are associated with the Windows Installer package at deployment time rather than

when the Windows Installer is actually using the package to install or modify the application. 

Modifications (.mst files) are applied to Windows Installer packages (which have the .msi extension)

in an order specified by the administrator.  This order must be determined before the application

is assigned or published.








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IMPORTANT:  Do not click OK until you have finished configuring the modifications.  When

you click OK, the package is assigned or published immediately.  If the modifications are not

properly configured you will have to uninstall the package or upgrade the package with a correctly

configured version.



Setting Automatic Installation Options


To determine which application users install when they select a file, you can select a file extension

and configure a priority for installing applications associated with the file extension using the File

Extensions tab in the Software Installation Properties dialog box.


File extensions associations are managed on a per-GPO basis.  Changing the priority order in a

GPO affects only those users who have the GPO applied to them.



Setting Up Applications Categories


You can organize assigned and published applications into logical categories to make it easier for

users to locate the appropriate application from within Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. 

Windows 2000 does not ship with any predefined categories.



Removing Applications


At some point, users may no longer require an application, so you may need to remove it.  The

following two scenarios are addressed through the removal choices set within the Software

Installation extension:


  •   A version of a software application is no longer supported.  Administrators can remove

the software version form Software Installation without forcing the (physical) removal

of the software from the computers of users who are still using the software.

  •   A software application is no longer used.  Administrators can force the removal of the software. 
  •  The software is automatically deleted from a computer, either the next time the computer is turned

on or the next time the user logs on.  Users cannot install or run the software.








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Lesson Summary:


  •   You can centrally  manage the installation of software on a client computer by

assigning applications to users or computers or by publishing applications for users. 

Assign required or mandatory software to users or to computers.  Publish software

that user might find useful to perform their jobs.

  •   The Software Installation extension uses Windows Installer technology to systematically

maintain software.

  •   Implementing Software installation, which are: planning and preparing, setting up an

SDP, specifying software installation defaults, deploying software applications, setting

automatic installation options, setting up application categories, setting software

application properties, and maintaining software applications.




Lesson 5:  Managing Special Folders Using Group Policy


Folder Redirection


You use the Folder Redirection extension to the Group Policy snap-in to redirect certain Windows 2000

Special Folders to network locations.  Special folders such as My Documents and My Pictures are

located in C:\Documents and Settings (where C:\ is the name of your system drive).


Windows 2000 allows the following special folders to be redirected:


  • Application Data
  • Desktop
  • My Documents
  • My Pictures
  • Start Menu



Advantages of Redirecting the My Documents Folder


The following benefits pertain to redirecting any folder, but redirecting My Documents can be

particularly advantageous because this folder tends to become large over time.


  • Even if a user logs on to various computers on the network, his or her documents are

always available.  When roaming user profiles are used, only the network path to the

My Documents folder is part of the roaming user profile, not the My Documents folder






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  •   Data stored on a shared network server can be backed up as part of routine system administration. 
  •   This is safer because it requires no action on the part of the user.  The system administrator can use

group policy to set disk quotas, limiting the amount of space taken up by user’s special folders.

  •   Data specific to a user can be redirected to a different hard disk on the user’s local computer

from the hard disk holding the operating system files.  This makes the user’s data safer if the

operating system needs to be reinstalled.



Default Special Folder Locations


The default locations for special folders that have not been redirected depend on the operating

system that was in place previously.


C:\Documents and Settings








Setting Up Folder Redirection


There are two ways to set up folder redirection:


Redirect special folders to a location according to security group membership.

Redirect special folders to one location for everyone in the site, domain, or OU.



NOTE:  The default (My Pictures following My Documents) is recommended unless you have a

specific reason (such as file share scalability) for separating My Pictures from My Documents. 

If they are separated, a shortcut takes the place of the My Pictures folder in My Documents.





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Lesson Summary:



  • Windows 2000 allows the following special folders to be redirected:  Application Data, Desktop,
  • My Documents, My Pictures, and Start Menu.  Folder redirection can be set up to redirect

special folders to a location according to security group membership, or redirect special

folders to one location for everyone in the site, domain, or OU.




Lesson 6:  Troubleshooting Group Policy



**** See the tables page 444-458 ****


Group Policy Best Practices


  •   Disable unused parts of a GPO.  If a GPO has, under the User Configuration or Computer

Configuration node of the console, only settings that are Not Configured, you can avoid

processing those settings by disabling the node.  This expedites startup and logon for

 those users and computer subject to the GPO.

  •   Use the Block Policy Inheritance and No Override features sparingly.  Routine use of

these features makes it difficult to troubleshoot group policy.

  •   Minimize the number of GPOs associated with users or computers in domains or OUs. 

The more GPOs applied to a user, the longer it takes to start up and log on.

  •   Filter policy based on security group membership.  Users who do not have permissions

directing that a particular GPO be applied to them can avoid the associated logon delay,

because the GPO will not be processed for those users.

  •   Use Loopback only when necessary.  Use loopback only if you need the desktop

configuration to be the same regardless of who logs on.

  •   Avoid cross-domain GPO assignments.  This will slow down logon and startup if group

policy is obtained from another domain.



Software Installation Practices


Specify application categories for your organization.  Using categories makes it easier for users to

find an application in Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.  Make sure Windows Installer

packages include modifications before they are published or assigned.  Remember that modifications

are applied to packages at the time of assignment or publication.






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Assign or publish just once per GPO.  A Windows Installer package should be assigned or published

no more than once in the same GPO.  Take advantage of authoring tools.  Developers familiar with

the files, registry entries, and other requirements for an application to work properly can author native

Windows Installer packages using tools available from various software vendors.


Repackage existing software.  You can use commercially available tools to create Windows Installer

packages for software that does not include natively authored .msi files.  Use SMS and Dfs.  SMS and

the Windows 2000 Distributed File System Dfs are helpful in managing the SDPs (the network shared

from which users install their managed software).


Assign or publish close to the root in the Active Directory hierarchy.  Because group policy settings apply

by default to child Active Directory containers, it is efficient to assign or publish by linking a GPO to a

parent OU or domain.  Use security descriptors (ACEs) on the GPO for finer control over who receives

the software.


Use Software Installation properties for widely scoped control.  This spares administrative keystrokes

when assigning or publishing a large number of packages with similar properties in a single GPO for

example, when all the software is published and it all comes from the same SDP.  Use Windows

Installer package properties for fine control.  Use the package properties for assigning or publishing a

single package.




Folder Redirection Practices


Incorporating %username% into fully qualified UNC Paths.  This allows users to have their own

folders.  For example, \\server\share\%username%\My Documents.


Having My Pictures follow My Documents.  This is advisable unless there is a compelling reason

not to.  Policy removal considerations.  Accepting Defaults.  In general accept the default

Folder Redirection settings.