How to Set up Security:


  • Group Policy
  • Rights or permissions
  • NTFS permissions
  • DACL, list of security permissions (creates and Access token) and uses a SID.
  • Use Deny sparingly (because it takes precedence)  If you have nested groups it can be
  • very difficult to trouble-shoot.



Lesson 1:  Exchange 2000 Server Security


No computer system is ever completely secure.  However, a mail host connected to the Internet

has to cope with different threats than a workstation isolated in a private network.  Windows

2000 and Exchange 2000 Server cover the basic security needs and advanced requirements.



Access Control in Windows 2000


DACL holds a list of access control entries (ACEs), which grant or deny a set of permissions

to security principals, such as reading and writing object properties, or creating and deleting

child objects.  Security principals, in turn, are referenced by security identifiers (SIDs) and

typically correspond to user accounts and security groups.


When you successfully log on to Windows 2000 Server, the operating system authenticates

your user account and password and creates an access token that contains your SID, the SIDs

of any groups to which you belong, and information about your user rights. 


Access to the Configuration


The organization’s configuration information is stored in this location.  You can use ADSI edit

to view the entire contents of the Configuration naming context.  ADSI stands for Active

Directory Services interface.  Good idea not to touch it, it is similar to the Schema.  Once

you mess it up you are installing.


NOTE:  All permissions are inherited by default, if NTFS.





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The following roles apply to organizational administrators at the administrative group level:


  • Exchange View Only Administrator. 
  • Exchange Administrator.
  • Exchange Full Administrator.


NOTE:  During the installation of Exchange 2000 Server, two groups called Exchange Domain

Servers and Exchange Enterprise Servers will be created.  All Exchange 2000 server accounts from

your domain must be members of the Exchange Domain Servers group, which in turn a member of

Exchange Enterprise Servers.  Members of these groups are allowed to perform advanced system

tasks, such as mail transfer and directory synchronization.



Access to Mailbox Settings


The Information Store handles the corresponding mailbox resources and checks the security settings

 in Active Directory before allowing a particular user access to a mailbox.



Access Control Through NTFS Permissions


Access control to file objects on an NT file system (NTFS) partition relies on the same concepts

as access control to Active Directory of information store objects.  All Exchange 2000 related

files should be placed on NTFS partitions, and NTFS permissions should be specified to make

sure only authorized administrators and system accounts have access to sensitive data, such as

database and transaction log files.


TIP  To avoid performance losses, do not compress or encrypt the NTFS directories and database

files of Exchange 2000 Server.  Lots of compressing can defragment the drive and really slow it down.


Log file is in \Program Files\Exchsrvr\Manchester.log



Denying Permissions


You may want to explicitly deny accounts specific permissions, but you should be very careful,

especially if you intend to deny access to special accounts such as the Everyone Group.





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Access to a resource is evaluated until the following occur:


An ACE in the DACL denies the requested permissions.  ACEs that deny permissions are listed first

in the DACL and therefore override all other permissions.

One or many ACEs together grant the requested permissions.

The end of the DACL is reached with only a subset or no permissions granted.



Exchange Administration Delegation Wizard and Permission Denials


The Exchange Administration Wizard grants Read and View Information Store permissions to

Exchange View-Only Administrators, but this wizard does not deny any rights.  To deny individual

permissions, you need to use the Security tab provided with most configuration objects.


You must hack the registry:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\ExAdmin.  Set this value to 1.



Auditing and Protocol Logging


Object security descriptors contain a DACL, and they may also hold a security access control list

(SACL).  Similar to the DACL, the SACL contains ACEs, which specify auditing directives,

not user permissions.



Enabling Security Auditing


Before any security-related events are written to the security event log, auditing must be turned on

using Windows 2000 Security Tools, such as Group Policy or Domain Controller Security Policy.


  • Don’t forget auditing slows down the server
  • You must view the audits or no use in performing auditing.
  • You can audit in Group Policy and Active Directory Users & Computers.






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Firewalls, Connectors, and Encryption


The firewall server is equipped with three network cards, general IP forwarding is disabled,

and network communication from either side of the firewall host is only allowed to systems

in the DMZ, which is also called the perimeter network.


Typically, you do not maintain internal data, such as user mailboxes, on systems in the DMZ


Another option is to use X.400 Connectors instead of SMTP Connectors.



Front End Versus BackEnd Communications


To allow access to the Global Catalog, you need to open TCP port 3268 on the second firewall. 


Port Numbers:


  • FTP =  21
  • HTTP = 80
  • SMTP =  25
  • NNTP = 119



Private/Public Key Security  (Front End)


Use SSL/Transport (TLS), IP Security (IPSec), or VPNs to encrypt the communication between

your systems, the messages are still kept in unencrypted form, which makes it possible to intercept

them on an unprotected server, redirect them to an unauthorized recipient, or alter them.


NOTE:  Encrypting e-mail messages prevents virus scanners form checking attachments.



Message Signing and Sealing


Security features based on private/public key pairs give you the ability to sign message digitally,

which allows recipients to countercheck if an originator was truly the sender and that the message

content has not been changed on its way into recipients’ mailboxes.


A sealed message does not necessarily carry a digital signature, and a signed message is not

automatically sealed.  Outlook Express is not a MAPI-client, it is a POP3 client.





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Public Key Technology


The X.509 standard describes the handling of private/public key pairs within computer systems. 

Exchange 2000 Server’s advanced security, as a dual key-pair system, relies on two public/private key pairs.



X.509 Certificate Services


Encryption keys are kept in X.509 certificates, which contain information about the supported

encryption methods and ensure the legality of the keys.  DES is the default encryption for X.509.


To conform to X.509, advanced security certificates must contain the following:


  •   Unique serial number generated by the certification authority (CA) to identify each user’s


  •    Expiration date for the certificate
  •   CA’s distinguished name
  •   CA’s signature
  •   Public encryption keys
  •   User’s distinguished name
  •   Version 3 Extensions, such as key identifiers, certificate policies, alternate names,

and so on (only for X.509 version 3)




Certificate Authorities


Certificate Services can operate as a root CA or a subordinate to another CA.  You have the

option to deploy one or more Enterprise CAs for certificate issuance and revocation.


NOTE:  To gain access to the features of X.509 version 3, the Key Management Service

(KMS) of Exchange 2000 Server integrates with Certificate Services.  Exchange 2000 Server

can also issue X.509 version 1 certificates for backward compatibility with Microsoft Office

97 and earlier clients.


NOTE:  Exchange certificates can be used in Outlook 2000 as well as in Internet mail clients,

 such as Outlook Express.  You should not request additional S/MIME certificates, for

instance through the Web interface of Certificate Services.




Lesson 2:  Advanced Security Features


KMS creates and manages the PKI of your Exchange 2000 organization.  It integrates with

Windows 2000 Certificate Services, which in turn may be part of a larger PKI that extends

beyond the Active Directory forest of your organization.







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KM Server Architecture


Two main components form a functioning KM Server:  Microsoft Exchange KMS and a storage

database.  Several other components, including the Exchange Advanced Security snap-in

(KMSSNAPIN.DLL) and a cryptographic service provider (CSP) for the Microsoft Cryptographic

Application Programming Interface (CryptoAPI), are also required.



KM Database


The KMS maintains a database, which stores advanced security information for Exchange 2000 users. 

This database can be found on the KM Server under \Program Files\Exchsrvr\KMSData.


Should be Backed up and locked away.



Information Store


The information store maintains the System Attendant mailbox through which the KM Server

receives request messages from users.  This mailbox is also used to send users an enrollment

notification and their private and public sealing keys in encrypted messages.



KM Administrator


The KM Administrator is a privileged Exchange 2000 administrator who can enable, revoke,

and recover advanced security features.  By default, only the person who installed the KM

Server is a KM administrator.



Multiple KM Administrator Passwords


By default, every KM administrator is able to perform administrative tasks right away.

You can use the Passwords tab of the Key Manager object to enforce a policy that requires

two or more administrators to specify their passwords before advanced security administration

is allowed.



Exercise Summary:


  •   The KM Server requires Manage permissions to be able to revoke certificates.  It must be

added to all Certificate Services CAs used to issue certificates for Exchange 2000 Server.

  •   During the installation, you need to specify how to maintain the KM Server password.  It is

ideal not to store this password electronically, but you have the option to do so if this is







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Server Keys and Passwords


Cryptographic keys, stored in the KM database, must be protected from unauthorized access;

otherwise, advanced security would be useless.



KM Server Password


Go into the registry again at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\KMServer


If MasterPasswordPath points to a floppy you need to insert the disk that contains KMSERVER.

PWD into the server’s floppy drive during the service start



Generated Security Information


The sealing key pair is also created.  The security token is written to a file called ENROLL.LOG in

the \Program Files\Exchsrvr\KMSData directory when working with Exchange System Manager or

displayed on the screen in a message box when using Active Directory Users and Computers.



Distributing Security Tokens in Enrollment messages


You may distribute the security token to your users in e-mail messages, which is particularly

interesting if you plan to enroll multiple users at once.  Most important in this message is the

placeholder %TOKEN%, which will be replaced with the actual security token.  Independent

of the enrollment message, the security token is displayed in a message box or written to the



NOTE:  KMS can forward certificate requests to any Enterprise CA in the forest.  If all servers

running Certificate Services are unavailable, user requests are queued for up to 24 hours, after

which time the user will have to reissue the request.



Receiving the KM Server Response


The KM Server will retrieve the request message from the System Attendant mailbox, will

request the approval of the certificates from an Enterprise CA, and will return the approved

certificates together with the public and private sealing keys in another encrypted message to

the client.


NOTE:  If you have installed Certificate Services to form your own root CA, the self-issued

root certificate will be added to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the local

computer during the process of enabling advanced security.






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Exchanging Signed Messages



The receiving user builds a checksum and compares it to the decrypted original.



Sending a Sealed Message


If you want to send a sealed message, you will compose the message as usual, but in the

Message Options dialog box, you need to select the Encrypt Message Contents And Attachments

check box.


The maximum common encryption method for all recipients is determined and is used to encrypt the

message.  Using the strongest common encryption method, the client generates a bulk encryption key

for sealing (and later unsealing) the message.


Each lockbox is added to the encrypted message to provide the bulk encryption key (in its encrypted

form) to all recipients.  The client may also add the sender’s sealing certificate to the message so the

originator can read the sealed message, as it is stored in the Sent Items folder.



Unsealing a Sealed Message


When you receive a sealed message and open it, the message must be unsealed.  Consequently, you

will be prompted for your security password to retrieve your private sealing key from the security store.




Exercise Summary:


  •   The primary task of the KM administrator is to enable users with advanced security.  You

can enroll mailboxes individually or multiple mailboxes in bulk for entire administrative groups,

servers, or individual mailbox stores.

  •   A 12-character security token is generated for each user.
  •   It is convenient to use e-mail messages for the purpose of distributing the security token to

the users, but it is more secure to provide these temporary security keys manually.



KMS for Multiple Administrative Groups


In environments with multiple administrative groups, you may install a separate KMS in each and

grant these servers Manage permissions on the Enterprise CA.







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Country-to-Country Encryption Algorithms


When you examine the properties of the Encryption Configuration object, you will notice the

Algorithms tab, which allows you to specify the desired encryption algorithms for your clients.

If your users are running Microsoft Outlook 98, Outlook 2000, or Internet mail clients, you

should accept the default S/MIME setting under Security Message Format.



Different Versions in One Organization


3DES is the encryption method used.  The X.509 sealing certificate, obtained from Active

Directory, provides information about the supported encryption methods.  Outlook 2000 will

contact Active Directory to retrieve the sealing certificates of all recipients.




Key and Certificate Management:


  1. Enroll Users
  3. Revoke Certificates.  This adds the user’s private sealing key to an internal revocation list in the

KM database.


  1. Recover Keys.  During recovery, the KM Server does not create a new sealing key pair.  Instead,

it restores the original key pair from the KM database.  Again, a 12-character security token is

returned; you must supply this to the user, as usual.



Moving the KM Server


You can move the KM Server from one server to another server in the administrative group, which

may be desirable if you plan to remove the first server completely or dedicate the hardware to other




Exporting the KM Server Computer Certificates


Before deleting the old mailbox, you need to export the user’s key history.  After creating the new

mailbox, import the history into the new KM Server.  Keep in mind that you are working with very

sensitive data, the user’s private sealing key.


Don’t forget to write down the first eight characters that are displayed in the Thumbprint box (it is

possible to copy this information into the clipboard).  Then, specify a path where the certificate will

be saved with a .crt extension.



NOTE:  To avoid problems with advanced security, do not revoke certificates or recover keys of

affected users during the export and import cycle.  Microsoft recommends completing the key

recovery within 24 hours of the key history move.





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Advanced Security with Other Organizations


S/MIME is an industry standard widely accepted across the Internet.



S/MIME Interoperability Issues


Both Outlook 2000 and Outlook Express can use the same certificates.  You need to use Outlook

2000 to complete the process of enabling advanced security, but as soon as you have received your

certificates, you can use them in Outlook Express as well.


Click, on the Security Tab, and then, under Signing Certificate and Encryption Preferences, select to

specify the Exchange signing and sealing certificates.


Outlook Express supports S/MIME version 2 while Outlook 2000 service release 1 support S/MIME

version 3.  You may experience problems in Outlook Express when working with sealed messages

that were composed in Outlook.


NOTE:  OWA does not support S/MIME and cannot display digital signatures or sealed messages.



Person-to-Person Key Exchange


By default, the Send box in the Security tab, the Setup Secure E-Mail button is selected, which cause

Outlook to include a copy of your sealing certificate into signed messages.  Hence, you should have

the person to whom you want to send encrypted messages send you a signed message first.




Chapter Summary:


  •   Access to configuration objects, mailboxes, and public folders, for instance, is protected through the
  •   Windows 2000 security subsystem based on Active Directory information.  Front-end/backend

configurations allow you to achieve secure connections to the Internet, and encryption technologies

give you the ability to encrypt the communication between your mail servers and between your users.