IMPLEMENTING DYNAMIC HOST                 

                                CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL (DHCP)



Lesson 1:  Introducing and Installing DHCP


DHCP automatically assigns IP addresses to computers.  DHCP overcomes the limitations

of configuring TCP/IP manually.



DHCP Overview


DHCP is an extension of the Boot Protocol (BOOTP).  BOOTP enables diskless clients

(or dumb terminals) to start up and automatically configure TCP/IP.  DHCP centralizes and

manages the allocation of TCP/IP configuration information by automatically assigning IP

addresses to computers configured to use DHCP. 


When a DHCP server receives a request, it selects IP addressing information from a pool

of addresses defined in its database and offers it to the DHCP client.  If the client accepts

the offer, the IP addressing information is leased to the client for a specified period of time. 

If there is no available IP addressing information in the pool to lease to a client, the client

cannot initialize TCP/IP.





BOOTP (diskless or dumb terminals)

DHCP uses (BOOTP Protocol)

You should have static IP addresses for the following:


administration.  DHCP very hardy (WINS can become corrupted!

that.  Collision avoidance, but can take a long time.  Ethernet 10 or 100 can have problems,

too much traffic.




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*******  page 235 learn this chart *******


When you configure a DHCP you must authorize it, and it must be performed on the server,

or in our classroom setting on the Instructor 9 server.

You can have the DHCP relay agent and the DHCP as the same machine.



Manual vs. Automatic Configuration


To understand why DHCP is beneficial in configuring TCP/IP on client computers, it is useful

to contrast the manual method of configuring TCP/IP with the automatic method of DHCP.



Configuring TCP/IP Manually


Configuring TCP/IP manually means that users can easily pick a random IP address instead of

getting a valid IP address from the network administrator.


 In addition, typing the IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway can lead to problems

ranging from trouble communicating if the default gateway or subnet mask is wrong to

problems associated with a duplicate IP address.


TCP/IP configured manually has large administrative overhead on computers that are moved

frequently.  For example, when a workstation is moved to a different subnet, the IP address

and default gateway must be changed for the workstation to communicate from its new location.



Configuring TCP/IP Using DHCP                                              


Using DHCP to automatically configure IP addressing information means that uses no longer

need to acquire IP addressing information from an administrator to configure TCP/IP).  The

DHCP server supplies all of the necessary configuration information to all of the DHCP







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TCP/IP configuration parameters that can be assigned by the DHCP server include:


IP addresses for each network adapter in a client computer.

Subnet masks that are used to identify the IP network portion from the host portion of the IP



Default gateways (routers) that are used to connect a single network segment to others.

Additional configuration parameters that can optionally be assigned to DHCP clients (such as

IP addresses for DNS or WINS servers a client may use).



How DHCP Works


DHCP uses a four-phase process to configure a DHCP client.  If a computer has multiple

network adapters, the DHCP process occurs separately over each adapter.  All DHCP

communication is done over UDP ports 67 and 68.



Most DHCP messages are sent by broadcast.  Use the DORA process, see page 230 chart. 

Discover, Offer, Request, Acknowledgement.


IP Lease Discover


During the boot process of a client, it requests to lease an IP address by broadcasting a

request to all DHCP servers.  Because the client does not have an IP address or know the

P address of a DHCP server, it uses as the source address and

as the destination address.


IP Lease Offer


All DHCP servers that receive the request and have a valid configuration for the client

broadcast can offer with the following information:



A broadcast is used because the client does not yet have an IP address.






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When no DHCP servers are Online:


The DHCP clients waits 1 seconds for an offer.  If an offer is not received, the client will

not be able to initialize and will rebroadcast the request three times (at 9-, 13, and 16-second

intervals, plus a random length of time between 0 and 1000 milliseconds).  If an offer is not

received after four requests, the client will retry every 5 minutes.



IP Lease Request


After the client receives an offer from at lease one DHCP server, it broadcasts to all DHCP

servers that it have made a selection by accepting an offer.


A.  IP Lease Acknowledgement (Successful)


The DHCP server with the accepted offer broadcasts a successful acknowledgement to the

client in the form of a DHCPACK message.  This message contains a valid lease for an IP

address and possibly other configuration information.  When the DHCP client receives the

acknowledgement, TCP/IP is completely initialized and is considered a bound DHCP client. 

Once bound, the client can use TCP/IP to communicate on the internetwork.


 B.  IP Lease Acknowledgement (Unsuccessful)



An unsuccessful acknowledgement (DHCPNACK) is broadcast if the client is trying to lease

its previous IP address and the IP address is no longer available.  When the client receives an

unsuccessful acknowledgement, it returns to the process of requesting an IP lease.



Installing a DHCP Server


Ensure you have the hardware and storage requirements for DHCP

Which computers you can immediately configure as DHCP clients

The DHCP option types and their values to be predefined for DHCP clients.


NOTE:  It is strongly recommended that you manually configure the DHCP server computer to

use a static IP address.  The DHCP server cannot be a DHCP client.  It must have a static IP

address, subnet mask, and default gateway address.





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on a networked computer.


/all switch.  Produces a detailed configuration report for all interfaces

/displaydns.  Displays the contents of the DNS resolver cache.


*** See the switches on page 235 ***


NOTE:  Output can be redirected to a file and pasted into other documents.



DHCP Relay Agent


A relay agent is a small program that relays DHCP/BOOTP message between clients and

servers on different subnets.  The DHCP Relay Agent component provided with the

Windows 2000 router is a BOOTP relay agent that relays DHCP messages between

DHCP clients and DHCP servers on different IP networks.



Lesson Summary:


DHCP was developed to solve configuration problems by centralizing IP configuration

information for allocation to clients.


The phases are, in order:  Lease Discover, Lease Offer, Lease Request, and Lease

Acknowledgment.  In addition to verifying a computer’s IP configuration, you can use the

Ipconfig utility to renew options, lease time, and relinquish a lease.



Lesson 2:  Configuring DHCP



Using DHCP on a Network


Configuring DHCP servers for a network provides the following benefits:


centrally for use throughout the entire network.






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When a client computer moves between subnets, its old IP address is freed for reuse. 

The client reconfigures its TCP/IP settings automatically when the computer is restarted

in its new location.


Most routers can forward DHCP and BOOTP configuration requests, so DHCP servers

are not required on every subnet in the network.



How Clients Use DHCP Servers


A computer running Windows 2000 becomes a DHCP client if Obtain an IP Address is

selected in its TCP/IP properties.



How DHCP Servers Provide Optional Data


In addition to an IP address, DHCP servers can be configured to provide optional data to

fully configure TCP/IP for clients.  Some of the most common DHCP option types

configured and distributed by the DHCP server during leases include:


Default gateways (routers), which are used to connect a network segment to other network

segments.  Other optional configuration parameters to assign to DHCP clients, such as IP addresses

for the DNS servers or WINS servers that the client can use in resolving network host names.



Authorizing a DHCP Server


When configured correctly and authorized for use on a network, DHCP servers provide

a useful and intended administrative service.  However, when a misconfigured or

unauthorized DHCP server is introduced into a network, it can cause problems.



How DHCP Servers are Authorized


The process of authorizing DHCP servers is useful or needed for DHCP servers running

Windows 2000 Server.  For the directory authorization process to work properly, it is

assumed and necessary that the first DHCP server introduced onto your network

participate in the Active Directory service.


The authorization process for DHCP server computers in Active Directory depends on

the installed role of the server on your network.  For Windows 2000 Server (as in earlier

versions) there are three roles or server types for which each server computer can be







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Domain controller.  The computer keeps and maintains a copy of the Active Directory

service database and provides secure account management for domain members users

and computers.


Member Server.  The computer is not operating as a domain controller but has joined a

domain in which it has a membership account in the Active Directory service database.


Stand-alone server.  The computer is not operating as a domain controller or a member

server in a domain.  Instead, the server computer is made known to the network through

a specified workgroup, which can be shared by other computers, but is used only for

browsing purposes and not to provide secured logon access to shared domain resources.



To authorize a computer as a DHCP server in Active Directory


Logon to the network using either an account that has enterprise administrative privileges

or one that has been delegated authority DHCP servers for your enterprise.

Install the DHCP service




Protecting Against Unauthorized DHCP Servers


Active Directory is now used to store records of authorized DHCP servers.  When a DHCP

server comes up, the directory can now be used to verify the status of that server.


When it first comes up, the DHCP server tries to find out if it is part of the directory domain. 

If it is, it tries to contact the directory to see if it is in the list of authorized servers.



Creating a DHCP Scope


Before a DHCP server can lease an address to DHCP clients, you must create a scope.  A

cope is a pool of valid IP address available for lease to DHCP clients.







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multiple DHCP servers, ensure that the same IP addresses do not exist in more than one

scope to prevent duplicate IP addressing.




After Scopes are Added


After you define a scope, you can additionally configure the scope by performing the

following tasks:


Set additional exclusion ranges.  You can exclude any other IP addresses that must be

leased to DHCP clients.


Create reservations.  You can choose to reserve some IP addresses for permanent lease

assignment to specified computers or devices on your network.  To make this happen on

a system running Windows 2000, at the command prompt type ipconfig/release. 


Then ipconfig/renew.  Adjust the length of lease durations.  You can modify the lease duration

to be used for assigning IP address leases.  The default lease duration is eight days.


Configure options and classes to be used with the scope.  To provide full configuration

for clients, DHCP options need to be configured and enabled for the scope.



DHCP Scope Configuration Options



Option                                                 Description



003 Router                             Specifies IP address of a router.


006 DNS Servers                   IP address of DNS servers.


015 DNS Domain Name        The DNS domain name for client resolutions.


056 WINS/NBT node type    NetBIOS over TCP/IP name resolution 1 = B-node

                                                (broadcast); 2 = P-node (peer); 4 = M-node (mixed);

                                                8 = H-node (hybrid).

044 WINS/NBNS servers     Specifies the IP address of a WINS server available

                                                to clients.


047 NetBIOS Scope ID         Specifies the local NetBIOS scope ID.  NetBIOS

                                                over TCP/IP will communicate only with other

                                                NetBIOS hosts using the same scope ID.





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Implementing Multiple DHCP Servers


If your internetwork requires multiple DHCP servers, it is necessary to create a unique

scope for each subnet.


Each DHCP server should have a scope containing approximately 75% of the available

IP addresses for the local subnet.

Each DHCP server should have a scope for each remote subnet containing approximately

25% of the available IP addresses for a subnet.



Lesson Summary:


A scope is a range of IP addresses that are available to be leased or assigned to clients.

Multiple scopes and separate scopes for each subnet can be created to allow DHCP

clients to obtain a valid IP address from any DHCP server.



Lesson 3:  Integrating DHCP with Naming Services


With Windows 2000, a DHCP server can enable dynamic updates in the DNS name

space for any of its clients that support these updates.  Scope clients can then use DNS

dynamic update protocol to update their host name-to-address mapping information

(which is stored in zones on the DNS server) whenever changes occur to their DHCP-

assigned address.





Although DHCP provides a powerful mechanism for automatically configuring client IP

addresses, until recently DHCP did not notify the DNS service to update the DNS records

on the client, specifically, updating the client name to an IP address, and IP address-to-name

mappings maintained by a DNS server.



Registering for Dynamic DNS updates


Windows 2000 supports Dynamic DNS updates.  A Windows 2000 DHCP server can

register with a DNS server and update pointer (PTR) and address (A) resource records

(RRs) on behalf of its DHCP enabled clients using the Dynamic DNS update protocol. 


DHCP and static DNS service are not compatible for keeping name-to-address mapping

information synchronized.  This might cause problems with using DHCP and DNS together

on a network if you are using older, static DNS servers, which are incapable or interacting

dynamically when DHCP client configurations change.





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To avoid failed DNS lookups for DHCP-registered clients when static DNS service is in



  1.   If WINS servers are used on the network, enable WINS lookup for DHCP clients that use


  1.   Assign IP address reservations with an infinite lease duration for DHCP clients that use

DNS only and do not support NetBIOS.

  1.   Wherever possible, upgrade or replace older, static-based DNS servers with DNS

servers supporting updates.  Dynamic updates are supported by the Microsoft DNS,

included in Windows 2000.




DHCP/DNS Update Interaction for Windows 2000 DHCP Clients


Windows 2000 DHCP clients interact with DNS dynamic update protocol as follows:


The client initiates a DHCP request message (DHCPREQUEST) to the server.

The server returns a DHCP acknowledgement (DHCPACK) to the client, granting an

IP address lease.


By default, the client sends a DNS update request to the DNS server for its own forward

lookup record, a host (A) RR.

The server sends updates for the DHCP client’s reverse lookup record, a PTR RR

using the process defined by the DNS dynamic update protocol.



DHCP/DNS Update Interaction for DHCP Clients Prior to Windows 2000


Earlier versions of Windows DHCP clients do not support the DNS dynamic update

process directly and therefore cannot directly interact with the DNS server


IP address lease.






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The server then sends updates to the DNS server for the client’s forward lookup record,

which is a host (A) RR.  The server also sends updates for the client’s reverse lookup

record, which is a PTR RR.



Lesson Summary:


With Windows 2000, a DHCP server can enable dynamic updates in the DNS name

space for any of its clients that support these updates.

With dynamic update, the primary server for a zone can also be configured to support

updates that are initiated by another computer or device that supports dynamic update.



Lesson 4:  Using DHCP with Active Directory


Microsoft DHCP provides integration with the Active Directory service and DNS service,

enhanced monitoring and statistical reporting for DHCP servers, vendor specific options

and user-class support, multicast address allocation, and rogue DHCP server detection.



Windows 2000 Integrated IP Management


Windows 2000 Server naming and address services offer the flexibility to manage networks

more easily and interoperate with other address and naming systems.


Support for Legacy Servers


Interoperability with other DHCP and DNS services helps preserve investment in existing

services.  Customers have the option to use legacy IP address and naming management

systems using the Windows 2000 Server DHCP, DHCP relay agent, and/or the DNS




Rouge DHCP Server Detection Feature


The Windows 2000 DHCP service provides a rogue DHCP server detection feature. 

This prevents rogue (unauthorized) DHCP servers from joining an existing DHCP network

in which Windows 2000 Server and Active Directory are deployed.







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Lesson Summary:


IP address and naming management is simplified through Active Directory integration.

The authorization process for DHCP server computers in Active Directory depends on

whether the server is a domain controller, member server or stand-alone server.

The list of authorized DHCP servers can be created in the Active Directory through the

DHCP snap-in.



Lesson 5:  Troubleshooting DHCP


The most common DHCP client problem is a failure to obtain an IP address or other

configuration parameters from the DHCP server during setup.



Preventing DHCP Problems


Many DHCP problems involve incorrect or missing configuration details.  To help

prevent the most common types of problems, you should do the following:


reserved client.  This is used for Laptops.

with optimal disk performance characteristics. DHCP causes frequent and intensive activity

on server hard disks.  To provide the best performance, consider RAID 0  or RAID 5

solutions when purchasing hardware for your server computer.

of  DHCP server for the number of DHCP-enabled clients on your network.






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Troubleshooting DHCP Clients



Most DHCP-related problems start as failed IP configuration as a client, so it is a good

practice to start there.  After you have determined that a DHCP-related problem does not

originate at the client, check the system event log and DHCP server audit logs for possible





Troubleshooting DHCP Servers


When a server fails to provide leases to its clients, the failure most often is discovered by

clients in one of three ways:



To restart a DHCP server that is stopped:  Start Windows 2000 Server and log on as

administrator.  At the command prompt, type net^start^dhcpserver, enter.



DHCP Relay Agent Service is Installed But Not Working


The DHCP Relay Agent service is running on the same computer as the DHCP service. 

Because both service listen for and respond to BOOTP and DHCP messages sent using

UDP ports 67 and 68, neither service works reliably if both are installed on the same

computer.  The lease expires in a finite length of time such as (8 days).







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DHCP Server Uses Broadcast to Respond to All Client Messages


The DHCP server uses broadcast to respond to all client configuration request messages,

regardless of how each DHCP client has set the broadcast bit flag.



Lesson Summary:


configuration parameters from the DHCP server during startup.

practice to start there.