IMPLEMENTING TCP/IP



Lesson 1:  TCP/IP Overview


TCP/IP is an industry-standard suite of protocols designed for wide area networks (WANs).


Benefits of TCP/IP


All modern operating systems offer TCP/IP support, and most large networks rely on TCP/IP for

much of their network traffic.  TCP/IP is also the protocol standard for the Internet.


Several of these standard utilities, such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Telnet, are included with

Windows 2000 Server.  Adding TCP/IP to a Windows 2000 configuration offers the following



If offers a technology for connecting dissimilar systems.  TCP/IP is routable and can be connected to

different networks through gateways.

It allows for a robust, scalable, cross-platform client/server framework.

It provides a method of gaining access to the Internet.  By connecting to the Internet, a virtual private

network (VPN) or extranet can be established, allowing for inexpensive remote access.


In addition, Macintosh clients can now use the TCP/IP protocol to access shares on a Windows 2000

server that is running File Services for Macintosh (AFP [AppleShare File Server] over IP), making it

easier to network with Macintosh computers.



Windows 2000 TCP/IP communication Protocols


A significant feature of Windows 2000 is the ability to connect to the Internet and to dissimilar

systems.  Windows 2000 also has advanced security features that can be implemented when

connecting to a system across a network.


IP Security.  IP Security (IPSec) is a technology used to encrypt TCP/IP network traffic.  IPSec

enables secure data transfer between remote clients and private enterprise servers through a virtual

private network (VPN).


Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol.  The PPTP provides VPN functionality similar to that which

IPSec provides.  PPTP also supports multiple network protocols such as IP, Internetwork Packet

Exchange (IPX), and NetBIOS Enhanced User Interface (NetBEUI).







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Layer Two Tunneling Protocol.  The Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a combination of

PPTP and L2F.  L2F is a transmission protocol that allows dial-up access servers to frame dial-up

traffic to PPP and transmit it over WAN links to an L2F server (a router).



Windows continues to support:


·        AppleTalk

·        IPX/SPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange

·        NetBEUI



TCP/IP Stack Enhancements


Windows 2000 includes several TCP/IP stack enhancements including:


long periods of time.



TCP/IP Utilities


Data transfer utilities.  Windows 2000 provides support for several different IP-based data

transfer protocols.  There include FTP (File Transfer Protocol), HTTP (HyperText Transfer

Protocol) and the Common Internet File System (CIFS).


Telnet.  UNIX hosts have traditionally been managed using Telnet a text interface similar to a

command prompt that can be accessed across the IP network.  Windows 2000 provides both a

Telnet client and server.


Printing Utilities.  Windows 200 can print directly to IP-based printers.  LPR prints a file to

a host running the Line Printing Daemon (LPD) service.  LPQ obtains the status of a print queue

on a host running the LPD service.


Diagnostics Utilities.  Windows 2000 provides several utilities for diagnosing TCP/IP-related

problems including PING, Ipconfig, Nslookup and Tracert.







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Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite


TCP/IP protocols provide networking support to connect all hosts and sites, and follow a set of standards

for how computers communicate and how networks are interconnected.  TCP/IP protocols follow a four

layer conceptual model known as the DOD or Department of Defense.  Application, Transport, Internet,

and Network Interface.


Application Layer


The Application layer is at the top of the four-layer conceptual TCP/IP model, and is where software

programs gain access to the network.  This layer corresponds roughly to the Session/Presentation and

Application Layers of the OSI.  These utilities and services run at the application layer:



HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP).  HTTP is the protocol used for the majority of the WWW

communications.  Windows 2000 includes Internet Explorer as an HTTP client, and Internet Information

Server (IIS) as a HTTP server.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP).  FTP is an Internet service that transfers files from one computer to another. 

Internet Explorer and the command-line utility FTP both act as FTP clients.  IIS includes an FTP server.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). SMTP is a protocol that mail servers use to transfer e-mail.  IIS

can send messages using the SMTP protocol.


Telnet.  Telnet is a terminal emulation protocol that can be used to log on to remote network hosts.  Telnet

offers users the capability of running programs remotely and facilitates remote administration.


Domain Name System (DNS).  DNS is a set of protocols and services on a TCP/IP network that allows

users of the network to utilize hierarchical user friendly names when locating hosts instead of having to

remember and use their IP address.


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).  SNMP allows you to manage network nodes such as

servers, workstations, routers, bridges, and hubs from a central host.  SNMP can also be used to configure

remote devices, monitor network performance, detect network faults or inappropriate access, and audit

network usage.



Network Application APIs


Microsoft TCP/IP provides two interfaces for network applications to use the  

services of the TCP/IP protocol stack:





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WinSock.  The Sockets API is the standard mechanism for accessing datagram and session services

over TCP/IP.


NetBIOS.  A standard API used as an inter-process communication (IPC0 mechanism in the Windows

environment.  Although NetBIOS can be used to provide a standard connection to protocols that

support the NetBIOS naming and messaging services, such as TCP/IP and NetBEUI, it is included

with Window 2000 mainly to support legacy applications.



Transport Layer


Transport protocols provide communication sessions between computers and define the type of

transport service as either connection-oriented (TCP) or connectionless datagram-oriented (UDP).   

TCP provides connection-oriented, reliable communications for applications that typically tr4ansfer

large amounts of data at one time.   UDP, however, provides connectionless communications and

does not guarantee to deliver packets.  Applications that use UDP typically transfer small amounts

of data at one time.  Reliable delivery of data is the responsibility of the application.



Internet Layer


Internet protocols encapsulates packets into Internet datagrams and run all of the necessary routing

algorithms.  Five protocols are implemented at this layer:


Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), which determines the hardware addresses of the hosts.

Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP), which provides reverse address resolution at the

receiving host.


Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), which sends error messages to IP when problems

crop up.


Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), which informs routers of the availability of members

of multicast groups.


Internet Protocol (IP), which addresses and routes packets.



Network Interface Layer


Each of the local area network (LAN), metropolitan area network (MAN), WAN, and dial-up

types, such as Ethernet, Token Ring, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), and ARCnet, have

different requirements for cables, signaling, and data encoding.






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The Network Interface layer is responsible for sending and receiving frames, which are packets of

information transmitted on a network as a single unit.  The Network Interface Layer puts frames on

the network, and pulls frames off the network.




TCP/IP WAN Technologies


There are two major categories of WAN technologies supported by TCP/IP:


Serial lines, which include dial-up analog, digital lines, and leased lines.


TCP/IP is typically transported across a serial line using either SLIP or PPP.

Windows 2000 Server supports both protocols with the Routing and Remote  Access Service.   

Because PPP provides greater security, configuration handling, and error detection than SLIP, it

is the recommended protocol for serial line communication.


Packet-switched networks, which includes X.25, frame relay, and asynchronous transfer mode




Transmission Control Protocol


TCP is a reliable, connection-oriented delivery service, for the 50th time, I hope I know it by know. 

Oh, it is also routable!!!!  TCP data is transmitted in segments, and a session must be established

before hosts can exchange data.  TCP uses byte-stream communications, which means that the

data is treated as a sequence of bytes.


TCP achieves reliability by assigning a sequence number of each segment transmitted.  If a segment

is broken into smaller pieces, the receiving host knows whether all pieces have been received.  For

each segment sent, the receiving host must return an acknowledgment (ACK) within a specified

period.  If the sender does not receive an ACK, then the data is retransmitted.  If the segment is

received damaged, the receiving host discards it.  Because in this case an ACK is not sent, the

sender retransmits the segment.



Internet Protocol (IP)


Although TCP separates data into discrete packets and is responsible for guaranteeing their delivery,

IP does the actual delivery.  At the IP Layer, each incoming or outgoing packet is referred to as a

datagram.  The IP datagram fields in the following table are added to the header when a packet is

passed up from the Network Interface Layer.







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Field                                        Function


Source IP Address     Identifies the sender of the datagram by the IP addresses.


Destination IP            Identifies the destination of the datagram by the IP address.



Protocol                      Informs IP at the destination host whether to pass the

                                    Packet up to TCP or UDP.


Checksum                   A simple mathematical computation that is used to verify

                                    That the packet arrived intact.


Time to Live (TTL)    Designates the number of seconds a datagram is allowed to

                                    Spend in transport before it’s discarded.  This prevents

                                    Packets from endlessly looping around an internetwork.

                                    Each router that forwards the packet decrements the TTL by

                                    One.  The default TTL in Windows 2000 is 128 seconds.




User Datagram Protocol


UDP offers a connectionless datagram service that does not guarantee delivery or sequencing of

delivered packets.  UDP data checksums are optional, providing a way to exchange data over

highly reliable networks without unnecessarily consuming network resources or processing time. 

UDP is used by applications that do not require an acknowledgement of data receipt.  Examples

of services and applications tat use UDP are DNS, RIP, and SNMP.



Lesson Summary:


scalability and security.

not guarantee delivery of packets.  It is used by applications that do not require an acknowledgment

of data receipt.







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Lesson 2:  Internet Protocol Addressing


A unique IP address is required for each host and network component that communicates using

TCP/IP.  TCP/IP networks are usually categorized into three main classes that have predefined

sizes.  Each network can be divided into smaller subnetworks by system administrators by using

a subnet mask to divide an IP address into two parts.  One part identifies the host (computer),

and other part identifies the network to which it belongs.  Each TCP/IP host is identified by a

logical IP address.  The IP address is a network layer address and has no dependence on the

data-link layer address (such as a media access control address of a network Interface card.).


131.107     .3.24          (must be unique)

Network     Host

   ID              ID


You must have the same Network ID for communication between networks.



The IP Address


An IP address is a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a host (computer or other device, such

as a printer or router) on a TCP/IP network.  IP addresses are normally expressed in dotted-

decimal format, with four numbers separated by periods, such as  Physical

address is the Mac Address which is burnt on the NIC card.  You cannot change this address.


For TCP/IP WAN to work efficiently as a collection of networks, the routers that pass packets

of data between networks do not need to know the exact location of a host for which a packet

of information is destined.  Routers only know what network the host is a member of and use

information stored in their route table to determine how to get the packet to the destination host’s

network.  After the packet is delivered to the destination’s network, the packet is delivered to

the appropriate host.  For this process to work, an IP address has two parts:  a network ID

and a host ID.






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The Network ID


The network ID identifies the TCP/IP hosts that are located on the same physical network. 

All hosts on the same physical network must be assigned the same network ID to communicate

with each other. 


*** see the diagram on page 32 ***



The Host ID


The host ID identifies a host within a network.  The host ID must be unique to the network

designated by the network ID.  An IP address identifies a system’s location on the network

in the same way a street address identifies a house on a city block.



Dotted Decimal Notation


There are two formats for referencing an IP address, binary and dotted decimal notation.  See

page 33, each IP address is 32 bits long and is composed of four 8-bit sections.  These 8-bit

sections are known as octets.  The example of IP address becomes in

11000000.10101000.01111011.10000100 in binary format.  The decimal numbers separated

by periods in the dotted decimal notation are the octets converted from binary to decimal

notation.  The octets represent a decimal number ranging from zero to 255, and the entire 32

bits of the IP address are allocated to the network and host Ids as illustrated on page 33.



                                        32 bits









NOTE:  The network ID cannot be 127.  This ID is reserved for loopback and diagnostic



Reversed Addresses: (use internally, not on the Internet).

127.x.x.x (Series) (Auto Addressing)

172.16-31.0.0 (Private Addressing)


Routers are programmed to not use the Reserved Addresses.







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IP Address Conversion from Binary to Decimal


To administer TCP/IP on your network, you should be able to convert bit values to an octet from

binary code to a decimal format.  In binary format, each bit in an octet has an assigned decimal

value.  A bit that is set to 0 always has a zero value, and a bit that is set to 1 can be converted to

a decimal value.  The low-order bit represents a decimal value of one.  The high-order bit

represents a decimal value of 128.  The highest decimal value of an octet is 255 – that is, when

all bits are set to 1, see page 33 bottom.


(local broadcast) (Broadcast to all Networks)


IP address cannot be all zeros or all ones.



                                        8 Bits


            1          1          1          1          1          1          1          1            


         128       64         32        16         8          4          2          1


                        255 Decimal Value



The following table shows how the bits in one octet are converted from binary code to decimal value.


Binary Code               Bit Values                                           Decimal Value


00000000                    0                                                          0

00000001                    1                                                          1

00000011                    1 + 2                                                    3

00000111                    1 + 2 + 4                                              7

00001111                    1 + 2 + 4 + 8                                       15

00011111                    1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16                               31

00111111                    1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32                       63

01111111                    1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64               127

11111111                    1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128    255






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Address Classes


Internet addresses are allocated by the InterNIC organization that administers the Internet.  These

IP addresses are divided into classes.  The most common of these Classes A, B, and C.  Classes

D and E exist, but are not generally used by end users.  Each of the address classes has a different

default subnet mask.  You can identify the class of an IP address by looking at its first octet. 

Following are the ranges of Class A, B and C Internet addresses, each with an example address.


Class A addresses are assigned to networks with a very large number of hosts.  Class A use a

default subnet mask of and have 0-126 as their first octet.  The address

is a Class A address.  Its first octet is 10. which is between 1-126 inclusive.


Class B addresses are assigned to medium-sized to large-sized networks.  Class B networks

use a default subnet mask of and have 128-191 as their first octet.  The addresses is a Class B address.  Its first octet is 172, which is between 128 and 191,



Class C addresses are used for small LANs.  Class C networks use a default subnet mask of and have 192-223 as their first octet.  The address is a Class

C address.  Its first octet is 192, which is between 192 and 223, inclusive.



The class of address defines which bits are used for the network ID and which bits are used

for the host ID.



                                           Number of            Number of Hosts             Range of Network Ids

                                          Networks                 per Network                       (first Octet)


    NHHH    CLASS A              126                16,777,214                         1-126  (127 Loopback)


    NNHH    CLASS B               16,384             65,534                                 128-191


    NNNH      CLASS C          2,097,152             254                                    192-223


   NNNN/H   CLASS D            Multicast                                                        224-239


                      CLASS E            Experimental                                                   240-247



IP Address Guidelines


Although there are no rules for how to assign IP addresses, be sure to assign valid network IDs,

and host IDs.  There are several general guidelines you should follow when assigning network IDs

and host IDs:





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interpreted as a broadcast rather than a host ID.

interpreted to mean “this network only.”

network and wide area connection.  If you are connecting to the public Internet, you are required

to obtain a network ID.

router is the IP address configured as a workstation’s default gateway.

network requires a subnet mask, either a default subnet mask, which is used when a network is

not divided into subnets, or a custom subnet mask, which is used when a network is divided

into subnets.  A subnet mask is a 32-bit address used to block or “mask” a portion of the IP

address to distinguish the network ID from the host ID.



Address                                                                                               Dotted Decimal

Class                  Bits Used for Subnet Mask                                           Notation


Class A      11111111         00000000     00000000     00000000    


Class B      11111111          11111111     00000000     00000000  


Class C      11111111         11111111     11111111     00000000




Lesson Summary:


each host and network component that communicates using TCP/IP.

networks of different sizes.





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Lesson 3:  Microsoft TCP/IP Installation and Configuration


Installing TCP/IP


TCP/IP can be used in network environments ranging from small LANs to the global Internet. 

When you run Windows 2000 Setup, TCP/IP is installed as the default network protocol if a

network adapter is detected.  You can override the default protocol configuration in Network

and Dial-up Connections.



Configuring TCP/IP


If you are implementing TCP/IP for the first time on your network, you should construct a detailed

plan for IP addressing on your network.  Your TCP/IP network addressing scheme can include

either public or private addresses.    You usually use public IP address if you are on the Internet.


InterNIC assigns public addresses to Internet service providers (ISPs).  ISPs in turn, assign IP

addresses to organizations when network connectivity is purchased.  IP addresses assigned this

way are guaranteed to be unique and are programmed into Internet routers in order for traffic to

reach the destination host.


You can implement a private addressing scheme to shield your internal addresses from the rest

of the Internet by configuring private addresses on all the computers on your private network

(or intranet).


You can assign IP addresses in Windows 2000 dynamically using Dynamic Host Configuration

Protocol (DHCP), and you can address assignment using Automatic Private IP Addressing.


You can also configure TCP/IP manually.  You configure TCP/IP on a computer based on its




Dynamic Configuration


Windows 2000 computers will attempt to obtain the TCP/IP configuration from a DHCP server

on your network by default.  If a static TCP/IP configuration is currently implemented on the

computer, you can implement a dynamic TCP/IP configuration.





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Automatic Private IP Address Assignment


Another TCP/IP address configuration option is to use Automatic Private IP Addressing when

DHCP is not available.


The Automatic Private IP addressing address is selected form the Microsoft-reserved address

block with the subnet mask  When the Automatic Private IP

Addressing feature of Windows 2000 is used, an address in the Microsoft-reserved IP

addressing range from is assigned to the client.  The assigned

IP address is used until a DHCP server is located.  The subnet mask is automatically




Testing TCP/IP with Ipconfig and PING


You should always verify and test your TCP/IP configuration to make sure your computer can

connect to other TCP/IP hosts and networks.  You can use the PING and Ipconfig utilities for





Proper procedure to for Pinging:


(Shortcut, Ping by remote Host by Name) (FQDN, fully qualified domain name, not by IP address),

then if all works for all the inbetween connections.


Regular Pinging Procedure:


·        Ping loopback

·        Ping yourself by IP address

·        Ping Local User

·        Ping Gateway then remote Ping your IP name.



With Ipconfig, you verify the TCP/IP configuration parameters on a host, including the IP address,

ubnet mask and default gateway, from a command prompt.  This is useful to check for duplicate

IP addresses.


PING is useful for checking for connectivity.   The PING utility is a diagnostic tool that tests

TCP/IP configurations and diagnoses connection failures.  PING uses ICMP and Echo Reply

messages to determine whether a particular TCP/IP host is available and functional.  Like the

Ipconfig utility, the PING utility is executed at the command prompt.






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Configuring Packet Filters


You can use IP packet filtering to trigger security negotiations for a communication based on

the source, destination, and type of  IP traffic.  This allows you to define which specific IP and

IPX traffic triggers will be secured, blocked, or allowed to pass through unfiltered.


*** On Instructor 9, Proxy2, there is list of popular ports) ***


You can configure the TCP/IP protocol to filter IP packets based on:


·        The TCP port number

·        The UDP port number

·        The IP protocol number



CAUTION:  By enabling only TCP port 80, all network communications outside of port 80

will be disabled.


My Network Places/Right Click Properties/TCP/IP/Advanced/Options/Filtering  (Not policy,

done machine by machine, so not very efficient).


Lesson Summary:




Lesson 4:  Basic Concepts of IP Routing


Routing is the process of choosing a path over which to send packets, which is a primary function

of IP.  A router (or gateway) is a device that forwards the packets from one physical network to

another.  When a router receives a packet, the network adapter forwards the datagrams to the

IP Layer.  IP examines the destination address on the datagram and then compares it to an IP

routing table.



Overview of Routing


 A router helps LANs, and WANs achieve interoperability and connectivity, and can link LANs

that have different network topologies, such as Ethernet and Token Ring.  Each packet sent over

a LAN has a packet header that contains source and destination address fields.  Each time a

packet jumps from router to router it is called a hop.  If a route is not found, an error message

is sent to the source host.




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A routing table contains entries with the IP addresses of router interfaces to other networks

that it can communicate with.  A routing table is a series of entries, called routes,  that contain

information on where the network IDs of the internetwork are located.


You can view a routing table type typing route print at the command prompt.



Static and Dynamic IP Routing


The process that routers use to obtain routing information is different based on whether the

router performs static or dynamic IP routing.  Static routing is a function of IP that limits you to

fixed routing tables.  Static routers require that routing tables are built and updated manually.



Using Dynamic Routing


If a route changes, static routers do not inform each other of the change, nor do static routers

exchange routes with dynamic routers. 



Routing Protocols


Dynamic routing is a function of routing protocols, such as the Routing Information Protocol

(RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).  Routing protocols periodically exchange routes

to known networks among dynamic routers.  Windows 2000 offers two primary Information

Protocols that you can choose, depending on factors such as network size and topology.  RIP

and OSPF:



Routing Information Protocol (RIP)


Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a distance-vector routing protocol provided for backwards-

compatibility with existing RIP networks.  RIP allows a router to exchange routing information

with other RIP routers to make them aware of any change in the internetwork layout.





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Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)


OSPF is a link-state routing protocol that enables routers to exchange routing information and

create a map of the network that calculates the best possible path to each network.


To address this scaling problem, OSPF divides the internetwork into collections of contiguous

networks called areas.  Areas are connected to each other through a backbone area.  A

backbone router in OSPF is a router that is connected to the backbone area.  Backbone

routers include routers that are connected to more than one area.


Each router only keeps a link state database for those areas that are connected to the router. 

Area Border Routers (ABR) connect the backbone area to other areas.  See page 49.


An OSPF-routed environment is best suited to a large-to-very large, multipath, dynamic IP

internetwork such as a corporate or institutional campus, or worldwide corporate or institutional

internetwork.  To manage your internal and border routers:


Ensure that the ABRs for the area are configured with the proper pairs (Destination, Network

Mask) that summarize the area’s routes.  Ensure that the source and route filtering configured

on the ABR is not too restrictive, preventing proper routes from being propagated to the OSPF

autonomous system.


Ensure that all ABRs are either physically connected to the backbone or logically connected to

the backbone by using a virtual link.  There should not be backdoor routers, which are routers

that connect two areas without going through the backbone.


Click Browse The Active Directory, click Next, and in the Find Routers Or Remote Access

Servers, select the boxes next to the types of servers that you want to search for.


**** If the router is down the entire network will go down.  Called a “single point of failure” ***




Lesson Summary:


table that is stored in memory.