Lesson 1:  Understanding Printer Administration


You can administer network printers at the server or remotely over the network.  There are four

major tasks involved in administering a printer:




Managing Printers


Managing printers include the following tasks:




Managing Documents




Troubleshooting Printers




Performing Tasks that require the Manage Printers Permission








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Accessing Printers


You can gain access to printers for administration by using the Printers window which you

open by selecting the Start button, pointing to Settings, and clicking the Printers system folder.





***** SEE PAGE 286 and 287  chart ********



You can allow or deny printer permissions.  Denied permissions always override allowed

permissions.  It is similar to the No access in Windows NT.



Lesson Summary:


1)         There are tasks associated with administering printers:  Managing printers, managing

       documents, troubleshooting printers and performing tasks that require the Manage Printers


2)         You might need to limit access to certain printer, for example printers for cheques.  You can

             use the printer permissions to delegate responsibilities for specific printers to users who are

             not administrators.




Lesson 2:   Managing Printers


Managing printers includes assigning forms to paper trays and setting a separator page.  In addition,

you can pause, resume and cancel a document if a problem occurs on a print device.  If a print device

is faulty or you add print devices to your network, you might need to redirect documents to a different




You can perform the following:


Printing Device, Properties, Device Setting tab, then select the appropriate paper size.

have two functions, 1.  to identify and separate printed documents, 2. to switch print devices

between print modes.







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Separator Page Files          ** IMPORTANT **



Filename                               Function



Sysprint.sep                Prints a page before each document.


Pcl.sep                        Switches the print mode to PCL for Hp-series print devices

                                    And prints a page before each document.


Pscript.sep                  Switches the print mode to PostScript for Hp-series print

                                    Devices but doesn’t print a page before each document.


Sysprtj.sep                  A version of Sysprint.sep that uses Japanease charcters.





Redirecting Documents to a Different Printer


You can redirect documents to a different printer as follows:


  1. Open Printers, right-click printer/Properties.
  2. Ports tab
  3. Add port.
  4. Click Local Port./New Port.
  5. Enter the Port name with the UNC name for the printer, for example, \\prntsrv6\HpLaser5.
  6. Ok



Taking Ownership of a Printer


By default, the user who installed the printer owns it.  The following users can take

ownership of a printer:


the Manage Printers permission, which allows them to take ownership.



You can take ownership of a printer as follows:






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NOTE:  If you are a member of the Administrators group and you want the Administrators

group to take ownership of the printer, click the Administrators group.



Lesson Summary:


1)         For each “print device” (actual printer HP-932C) you need separate printer (software)

and driver.  Just like at home, I have 2 different printers a HP and a Brother, even though

they are not connected simultaneously, but they both had to be installed, and they both

have their own drivers.

2)         Managing printers includes assigning forms to paper trays; setting a separator page;

pausing resuming and canceling documents on a printer; redirecting documents to a

different printer, and taking ownership of a printer.




Lesson 3:  Managing Documents:


Managing documents includes pausing, resuming, restarting and canceling a document if a

printing problem occurs.  You can also send a message to a user that the document is done printing.


Managing Document Tasks



Task                                        Action                                                 Example



To pause printing       Click Pause, status will change              When a problem

A document                                                                            occurs with the




To resume printing     Click resume, to start up again.             Once the problem

A document                                                                            is fixed.


To restart printing      Restart, causes printing to start.             Starts in the middle

A document                                                                            of the document.


To Cancel printing     Cancel, or delete key                            Maybe a document

Document                                                                               was sent to the

                                                                                                Wrong printer or

                                                                                                Has the wrong

                                                                                                Paper, legal not

                                                                                                Letter size.






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Setting Notification, Priority and Printing Time:


You can control print jobs by setting the notification, priority, and printing time.  To perform

these documents management tasks, you must have the Manage Documents permission for

the appropriate printer.


Set the notification in the General tab of properties.


The priority can go between 1 and 99, you can also restrict the time with the 24 hour clock.  With

#1 being the lowest priority and 99 being the highest. Works in kind of the reverse order.




Lesson Summary:


1)         Included in managing documents is pausing, resuming, restarting, and canceling a document,

setting who is notified when a print job is finished, setting the document priority to allow a

critical document to print before other documents and setting a specific time for a document to




Lesson 4:  Administering Printers Using a Web Browser:


To gain access to a printer by using a Web browser, the printer by using a Web browser,

the print server on which the printer resides must have IIS installed.


If the printer always print regardless of the driver.  But, if you have the wrong driver installed

you will get printed garbage and rabble.  Also, if printing off the Internet, if a site does not want

you printing the pictures, you will get the printing code, and not the picture.



If you have loaded Microsoft Word and also Excel, if excel will not print you probably have the wrong driver.




Understanding Web Servers:


A Web server is a computer that responds to requests from a user’s browser.  Shortcuts or

links to resource on a Web server from user’s computers are known as Web folders or HTTP








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Using a Web Browser to Manage Printers:


of whether the computer is running Windows 2000  or has the correct printer driver installed.

mode etc.

company printers are grayed out signifying that they are offline and offsite printers.



Accessing Printers Using A Web Browser:


If you want to gain access to all printers on a print server by using a Web browser, open the Web

browser, and then in the Address box, type:




If you want to gain access to a specific printer by using a Web browser, open the Web browser,

and then in the Address box type:






Lesson Summary:


of whether the computer is running Windows 2000 or has the correct printer driver installed.



Lesson 5:  Troubleshooting Common Printing Problems:







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Lesson Summary:





To add Printer there are 2 ways:         ** IMPORTANT**



ERROR:  Allows you to change the print priority.  We did this in class and it should not

allow you to do this, it would be a disaster in an office if everyone has this privilege.