A protocol is a set of rules and conventions for sending information over a network.  Microsoft

Windows 2000 relies on TCP/IP for logon, file and print services, replication of information

between one domain controller and another, and other common functions.



Lesson 1:  TCP/IP


TCP/IP provides communication across networks of computers with various hardware

architectures and operating systems.  TCP/IP is an industry-standard suite of protocols that

enable enterprise networking and connectivity on Windows 2000-bases computers.  Adding

TCP/IP to a Windows 2000 configuration offers the following advantages:


           Microsoft Windows Sockets (winsock) interface, which is ideal for developing client/server

           applications for WinSock-compliant stacks.


The TCP/IP suite of protocols provides a set of standards for how computer communicate and

how networks are interconnected.  The TCP/IP suite of protocols map to a four-layer conceptual

model:  1.  Network Interface, 2. Internet, 3. Transport, and 4. Application.        A T  I  N





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1.  Network Interface Layer


At the base of the model is the network interface layer.  This layer puts frames on the wire and pulls

frames off the wire.



2.  Internet Layer


The Internet layer protocol encapsulate packets into Internet datagrams and run all the necessary routing

algorithms.  The four Internet layer protocols are Internet Protocol (IP, Address Resolution Protocol

(ARP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and Internet Group management (IGMP).



Protocols Included in the Internet Layer



Protocol          Description



IP                    Provides connectionless packet delivery for all other protocols in the

                        Suite.  Doesn’t guarantee packet arrival or correct packet sequence.


ARP                Provides IP address mapping to the media access control (MAC)

                        sublayer address to acquire the physical MAC control address of the



ICMP              Provides special communication between hosts, allowing them to

                        share status and error information.


IGMP             Provides multicasting, which is a limited form of broadcasting to

                        communicate and mange information between all member devices

                        in a multicast group. 




Transport Layer


The Transport layer protocol provide communication sessions between computers.  The desired method

of data delivery determines the transport protocol.  The two transport layer protocols are Transmission

Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).



Protocols Included in the Transport Layer



Protocol                      Description


TCP                 Provides connection-oriented, reliable communications for

                        Applications that typically transfer large amounts of data at one time

                        Or that require an acknowledgment for data received.  

UDP                Provides connectionless communication and doesn’t guarantee

                        that packets will be delivered.  Like the three-way handshake.





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Application Layer


At the top of the model is the application layer, in which applications gain access to the network. 

Many standard TCP/IP utilities and services reside in the application layer, such as FTP, Telnet,

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Domain Name System (DNS) and so on.


TCP/IP provides two interfaces for network applications to use the services of the TCP/IP

protocol stack:  Winsock and the NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) interface.



Interfaces Through Which Applications Use TCP/IP Services


Interface                     Description


Winsock                      Serves as the standard interface between socket-based

                                    Applications and TCP/IP protocols.


NetBT                         Serves as the standard interface for NetBIOS services,

                                    Including name, datagram, and session services.  It also

                                    Provides a standard interface between NetBIOS-based

                                    Applications and TCP/IP protocols.




Configuring TCP/IP to Use a Static IP Address


By default, client computers running Windows 2000, Windows 95, or Windows 98 obtain

TCP/IP configuration information automatically from the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

(DHCP) Service.  However, even in a DHCP-enabled environment, you should assign a static

IP address to selected network computers.  For example, the computer running the DHCP

Service can’t be a DHCP client, so it must have a static IP address.  If the DHCP Service

isn’t available, you must also configure TCP/IP to use a static IP address.  For each network

adapter card that uses TCP/IP in a computer, you can configure an IP address, subnet mask,

and default gateway.  For example, see page 157 book.


            IP address







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Options for Configuring a Static TCP/IP Address



Option                                     Description


IP address                  A logical 32-bit address that identifies a TCP/IP host.  Each

                                    network adapter card in a computer running TCP/IP

                                    requires a unique IP address, such as

                                    Each address has two parts:  a network ID, which

                                    identifies all hosts on the same physical network, and

                                    a host ID, which identifies a host on the network.

                                    In this example, the network ID is 192.168.1, and the

                                    Host is 108.


Subnet Mask              A network in a multiple-network environment that uses

                                    IP addresses derived from a single network ID. Subnets

                                    divide a large network into multiple physical networks

                                    connected with routers.  A subnet mask blocks out part

                                    of the IP address so the TCP/IP can distinguish the

                                    network ID from the host ID.  When TCP/IP hosts try to

                                    communicate, the subnet mask determines whether the

                                    destination host is on a local or remote network.  To

                                    communicate on a network, computers must have the

                                    same subnet mask.


Default gateway         The intermediate device on a local network that stores

                                    network IDs of other networks in the enterprise or

                                    internet.  To communicate with a host on another network,

                                    configure an IP address for the default gateway.  TCP/IP

                                    sends packets for remote networks to the default

                                    gateway (if no other route is configured), which forwards

                                    the packets to other gateways until the packet is delivered

                                    to a gateway connected to the specified destination.




You can follow these steps to configure TCP/IP to use a static IP address:


  1. Right-click My Network Places, and then click Properties.
  2. In the Network And Dial-up Connection window, right-click Local Area

Connection, and then click Properties.

  1. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click Internet

Protocol (TCP/IP), verify that the check box to its left is selected, and

Then click Properties.


  1. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties, on the General tab, click





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Use the Following IP Address, type the TCP/IP configuration parameters,

And then click OK.


  1. Click OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box and then

Close the Network And Dial-up Connections Windows.




Using Automatic Private IP Addressing


For the Automatic Private IP addressing feature to function properly on a computer running

Windows 2000, you must configure a network LAN adapter for TCP/IP and click Obtain an

IP Address automatically in the Internet Protocol TCP/IP properties.


NOTE:  the Internet assigned numbers authority (IANA) has reserved for Automatic Private IP addressing.This address is guaranteed

not to conflict with routable addresses.


Consequently, computers enabled with Automatic Private IP Addressing can communicate

only with computers on the same subnet that also have addressed of the form 169.254.x.y.



Disabling Automatic Private IP Addressing


By default, the automatic Private IP addressing feature is enabled, such as REG_DWORD data type.



Utilities for troubleshooting TCP/IP


Ping, to exit the DOS command type in exit.  Verifies connectivity of connections.

ARP. Displays locally resolved IP addresses and physical addresses.

ipconfig. Current TCP/IP configuration.

Nbstat. Statistics using NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

Netstat. Displays TCP/Ip protocol statistics and connecitons.

Route. Displays local routing table.

Hostname. Returns the local computer's host name for authentication by the remote. 


    My hostname  = computer4


Tracert. Checks the route to a remote system.




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Utilities for testing TCP/IP connectivity   (used for Applications)


NOTE:  Get = copy

              Put = Transfer it.


FTP, if you are exiting the DOS command, type bye.  FTP is bidirectional transfer.




RSH, run commands on a UNIX host.





Types of Messaging:





Lesson 2:  NWLink


NWLink is routable.  NWLink also provides NetWare clients with access to applications

designed for Windows 2000 Server, such as Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SNA Server.




NWLink  frame type relates to the NIC card.  Novell is 802.2 and will not talk to 802.3.  You

must have the same frame types.  802.2 is naturally detected as the default.  You must have the

same type of frame type between client and server.






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Subnet or Segment


   10.  10.    1.  4

   10.  10.    1.  3


Network       Host

ID                   ID




Features of NetBEUI






IBM Mainframe, printing share printer, printer connected TCP/ protocol and is connected

directly to the Network Cable.  Converts printer code.






AppleTalk to Microsoft, AppleTalk is apples own protocol.




Lesson 4:  Network Bindings


Network bindings enable communication between network adapter card drivers.

You can unbind if you have multiple protocols and multiple cards, control the binding. 

By default you will be able to sit on another workstation to access the Server.


Binding is the process of linking network components on different levels to enable communications

between those components.  TCP/IP is bound to both the Workstation service and the Server





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How to enter this program:


My Network Places/ Properties/Advanced/Advanced Settings


File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Network = Server

Client for Microsoft Networks = Workstation


You can change the binding order by using the up and down arrows.


Lesson Summay:


which allows the services that each component provides to be shared by all other components

that are bound to it.

drivers, and you can optimize network performance by specifying the binding order.





When you use WINSOCKET, the computer looks at the packet and inside the packet is the

Port Number, which identifies who receives the broadcast.



Name Resolution:     


1.          IP address, looks at both


2.         Then IP address is

            compare to the MAC address.

DNS & WINS No broadcasts.


3.         At the command prompt, type arp^-r, the table displayed on the screen is wiped out in 2 minutes

if the screen is left idle.


4.         At the command prompt, type arp^/?


5.         If the person is not at the machine, and it is turned off, they are not actively on the network,

therefore you cannot ping them. Example, Ian is away, and I ping his turned off machine,

but the response is timed out.

ANDing converts the IP address to binary, and then converts it, this is how it verifies addresses




Create a Spanned Volume and a Striped Volume


Create a mmc, at the Start/run command, then type mmc (enter)

Check the console, and Add/Remove snap-in, DiskManagement,


Log on locally switch is in the Administrative Tools/ Security.




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How to check the IP addresses:


My Network Places/ C:\Local Machines\Properties, check the IP Address.



ipconfig^renew, if unreachable, DHCP Server is unreachable.