QUIZ CHAPTERS 1-7



Chapter 1


  •  Windows 2000 Professional supports FAT16, FAT32 or NTFS file systems.


  •  RISC does not work on Windows 2000 Professional only on Windows NT Server and

NT Workstation 4.0




o       Diagnostics

o       Registry

o       Can restore the Administrator password if you lost the password! But with a note

of caution, only if you kept your repair diskette up-to-date.

o       Also, make sure you format the diskette with NTFS.



  •   10.  10.     0.  0          IP Address

       255.255. 255.0           Subnet Mask

Network     Host

      Portion       Portion


      The above 10.10   and 255.255 parts of the IP address and Subnet       

      Mask are on the Network portion of the addresses, therefore they can



  •   In Windows 2000 Professional there is no promoting from BDC to PDC, there is no such

thing, only a domain controller.  Any Server can authenticate user logons.

  •  Windows 2000 Professional has a four different types:


Windows 2000 Professional.   Secure, high performance desktop operating system, and

has the best features of Windows 98.


Windows 2000 Server.  File and print and application server.


            Windows 2000 Advanced Server.  Powerful departmental and application

            Services and Internet Services.


            Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.  Most powerful, science and

            Engineering, and large warehouse projects.



  •  Windows 2000 Enhancements:  Customized Start Menu, Logon and Shutdown dialog box,

and Task Scheduler.

  •  Printing in Windows 2000P has been improved to assist you to providing a more flexible

network of printers using IPP and HTML.


Adding Printer Wizard.

Image Colour Management (ICM), high colour documents.


  •   Windows 2000 Professional includes diagnostic and troubleshooting tools such as the Compatibility Tool:





  •  Windows 2000 Professional supports up to 7,000 devices, such as infrared devices, scanners,

digital cameras and advanced multimedia devices.


  •  Windows 2000 P has symmetric Multiprocessing, has more than one processor.  Whereas

asymmetric multiprocessing the processors are of different type.


  •  Windows 2000 workgroup is a logical grouping of networked computers that share resources,

such as files and printers.  A workgroup is referred to as a peer-to-peer network because all

      computers in the workgroup can share resources as equals, or as peers, without a dedicated server.


  •  Windows 2000 workgroup is simple to design and implement, can be used for less than 10 users,

and doesn’t require a computer running Windows 2000 Server to hold the SAM.


  •  Windows 2000 Domain is a logical grouping of network computers that share a central directory

database.  If all computers on the network are running Windows 2000 Professional, the

only type of network available is a workgroup.


  •  A member server is a server that isn’t configured as a domain controller.  A member

server doesn’t store Directory information and can’t authenticate users.


  •  When you log on locally, an access token is created.  The access token contains the users

security settings.


  •  When a user logs on he or she can lot on to the local computer, or if the computer is a member

of a domain, the user can log on to the domain.  The authentication process for logging on locally

and logging on to the domain is similar.  However, when a user logs on locally, the local computer

      performs the authentication, and when a users logs on to a domain, a domain controller must

perform the authentication.


  •  The Windows Security Dialog box has the following:


Lock computer

Shut Down

Change Password

            Task Manager


            Log off



Chapter 2


  •  To get ready for Installation, check the following:


HCL list

Determine what partition you want to install the operating system

Determine FAT16, FAT32 or NTFS

Will the computer join a domain or a workgroup, if you join a domain you need a DNS name.

            You need 64MB minimum memory, but 2GB is recommended for the

            Partition that will hold the system files.


  •  NTFS File level and folder level security, disk compression, disk quotas, and file encryption.


  •  FAT or FAT32, supports dual booting, no file-level security.


  •  NOTE:  you can format C as the system partition, you can have as FAT or FAT32

and format D as NTFS for the data files, and then you will have file and folder level security on D.


  •  Licensing Per Seat.  Requires a separate CAL for each client computer that is used to

access Windows 2000 Server.


  •  Licensing Per Server.  The CAL is assigned to particular server.  Per server works well in

small companies, running Windows 2000 Server.


  •   You can Join a domain during installation or after installation.



  •  There is a 4-stage process when you install Windows 2000 from a CD:


1.      Running the Setup Program.

2.      Running the Setup Wizard

3.      Installing Windows Networking

4.      Completing the Setup.


  •  Running the Setup Program:



1.      Load Setup Program into memory

2.      Start text-based Setup Program

3.      Create the windows 2000 Partition.

4.      Format the Windows 2000 Partition.

5.      Copy setup files to the hard disk.

6.      Restart the computer.


  •  When you install Windows 2000 over the Network, the major difference is the location for the

source files needed to install Windows 2000.  The files should be in a shared location on the

Network Server, or distribution server.  The computer you want to install Windows 2000 is

the Target Computer, you connect to the distribution server and then run the Setup program. 

The set of distribution folders or the I386 folders are what you need.


  •  The files you need are Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe


  •  /checkupgradeonly is only used with Winnt32, because you are upgrading from

another operating system.


  •  /cmdcons, switch is used only with Winnt32, and it gives you the DOS prompt or the \

Command Prompt.


  •  When you install you have two types of logs generated during the setup, they are The

Action Log called Setupact.log, and the Error Log which is Setuperr.log.



Chapter 3


  •  MMC is Microsoft Management Console.  All MMC files have an extension of .Msc. 

There are two types of modes, user and author.


  •  MMC provides a standardized method to create, save and open administrative tools,

which are called consoles.


  •  The MMC allows you to do the following:


1.       Administer tasks and troubleshoot.

2.      Centralize Administration.

3.      Administer tasks and troubleshoot problems remotely.



  •  Every console has a tree console, which is a hierarchical organization of the snap-ins that are

contained within console.


  •  The path is C:\documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\

Administrative Tools.


  •  Snap-ins are similar to a drill set, you can perform different functions.

Snap-ins are administrative tools.  Extensions provide additional functionality to snap-ins. 

Extensions are preassigned to snap-ins.



  •  Console Options have User and Author mode.  In Author mode you enable all MMC

functionality, which includes modifying the console.  When you save in Author mode you can

Add or Remove snap-ins, create new windows, view all portions of the console tree, and

save consoles.


 User mode, when you set a console to user mode, users can’t add snap-ins to remove or

save the console, it is in a way a template.


  •  There are different types, full access, Limited access (multiple windows), Limited

Access (Single window)


  •  The Task Scheduler is at control panel in My computer.  Also in My network Places.  Use

the task scheduler to run maintenance utilities to specific intervals, run programs when less

demand exists for computer resources.



Chapter 4



  •  Windows 2000 stores configuration information in two locations, the registry and the directory

services based on Active Directory technology.


  •  A hardware profile stores configuration settings for a set of devices and services.  You can

create or modify a hardware profile in Control Panel, double click system icon, and click the

Hardware tab, in the System Properties.


  •  You can click the Select The First Profile Listed If I don’t Select a Profile Option.  This

gives you the operating system options when you first log on, and the count down box, letting

you decide which operating system you want to log onto.  You can configure Windows 2000

to start the default profile by setting the number of seconds to 0.


  •  You can have up to 10 multiple screens attached, but multiple displays must use PCI or

Peripheral Component Interconnect or AGP Accelerated Graphics Port Devices.


  •  You can configure the operating System settings in the Control Panel, under System

Properties.  You can do the following:


1.      Performance Options

2.      Registry Size

3.      Environment Variables

4.      Startup and Recovery settings


  •  Physical memory refers to RAM hardware chips inside your computer.


  •  Virtual memory refers to the way an operating system makes this physical memory

available to an application.


  •  VMM Virtual Memory Manager, maintains memory-mapping table.  And VMM moves

memory contents to and from the hard disk when required.  This process is referred to as



  •  Paging is the process of moving data in and out of physical memory.


  •  When you install Windows 2000, Setup creates a virtual-memory paging file, pagefile.sys,

on the system partition where you installed Windows 2000.  The default or recommended

paging file size for Windows 2000 Professional is equal to 1.5 times the total amount of



  •  You can enhance your system’s performance by setting the initial size of the paging file to the

value displayed in the Virtual Memory Dialogs box’s Maximum Size Box.


  •  Windows 2000 sets Environment Variables in this order:


1.      Autoexec.bat. 

2.      System.

3.      User


  •  Installing Hardware Manually:


1.      Interrupts IRQs numbered 0-15.

2.      I/O ports.  A port is represented in a hexadecimal number.

3.      DMA, or Direct Memory Access, has 8 channels, numbered


4.      Memory.  Many h/w devices use onboard memory or reverse



  •  Regional Options can change the currency, time, language etc.  It is in Control Panel under

Regional Options.



  •  Sticky Keys are used for people who have difficulty pushing more than one key at a time.


  •  Filter Keys, is a switch you can turn on, and it causes the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated



  •  SoundSentry, the keyboard beeps at every entry made on the keyboard.



Chapter 5



  •  The registry replaces many of the .INI, .SYS, and .COM configuration files used in earlier

versions of Microsoft windows.


  •  Keys are analogous (similar) to folders and subfolders

Entries are within keys.  An entry has three parts, the name, datatype and value.


  • Hives, a hive is a discrete body of keys, subkeys and entries.  Each hive has a corresponding

.LOG file.


  •  Windows 2000 has two subtrees:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AND HKEY_USERS.


  •  The five predefined are:



HKEY_USERS  (contains the system default settings)







  •  Regedt32.exe is in systemroot\System32 folder during installation.  You can access it from

the Run command.  Easier for Viewing the file.


  •  Regedit.exe, is better for searches, gives exact location and path for file.




Chapter 6


  •  Start/Programs/Administrative Tools/Computer Management/Storage Disk Mangement.   

Will access the Management Tools.


  •  You can create partitions on a basic disk.


  •  You can create volumes on a dynamic disk.


  •  You can format with NTFS, FAT32, or FAT.


  •  A physical disk must be one or the other you cannot have both types on one disk.


  •  A basic disk can contain primary partitions, extended partitions and logical drives.  With

Windows 2000, basic storage is the default.


  •  On a dynamic disk, you can create simple volumes, spanned volumes and striped volumes. 

You create a dynamic disk by upgrading a basic disk.


  •  NOTE:  Removable media can have extended partitions, and they cannot be marked as active.


  •  A basic disk can contain four primary partitions, or up to three primary partitions and one

extended partition, for a maximum of four partitions.


  •  You can divide extended partitions into segments.


  •  The system partitions must be on the active partitions.


  •  Types of Dynamic Disks, simple volume, spanned volume up to 32, striped volume, up to 32.


  •  Windows 2000 does not provide fault tolerance.


  •  You can create a simple volume and format it with NTFS, FAT or FAT32. You can extend a

simple volume only if it is formatted with NTFS.  You can do this by right clicking on it and

it will give you the option to extend it.



Chapter 7



  •  TCP/IP protocol stack (Application, Transport, Internet and Network).


  •  TCP/IP is useful because it connects “dissimilar systems.”


  •  IP is connectionless packet delivery, and it is non-guaranteed.


  •  UDP connectionless and doesn’t guarantee delivery of the packet.  This protocol is

part of the Transport Layer.


  •  TCP is connection-oriented, reliable, communications for Applications, transfers large

amounts of data for the Transport Layer.





Excellent style of review, the quiz had 60% of my highlights on it.  I wish I would have had

a change to make it up a couple days before, instead of the night before.  It took 2

hours to make up, about a page/chapter.





o       Question on symmetric processors,

o       Do you need to have the CD-ROM to install windows 2000 P locally?

o       Add a snap in at the:  start/run/mmc/console/add/remove snap-in

o       How do you set up a hardware profile:  start/programs/Control Panel/Services/

o       Hardware tab/Settings

o       How to do you access performance options:  start/settings/control panel/system/

o       advanced tab/performance options.

o       VMM paging file is pagefile.sys.

o       Process is Autoexec.bat, then system, then user.

o       I/O parts are sections of memory that the Hardware devices uses to communicate

o       with the operating system T or F,   = T

o       Registry = HKEY_CURRENT_USERS  True.

o       How do you convert FAT to NTFS = convert.exe command.

o       The first 2 numbers in an IP address are the Network Portion T.

o       DNS = name address (I said Mac address).

o       How many monitors can you have simultaneously hooked up = 10.