Lesson 1:  Windows NT Network Architecture:


The Windows NT operating systems are designed for client/server computing.  Or connecting the

Workstation (client) to the Server.  A computer running Windows NT can simultaneously

interoperate with the following network environments:


Workgroups, and Microsoft LAN Manager.

Remote Access Systems. RAS




Network Component Overview


I/O Manager, a component of Executive Services, contains most of the Windows NT networking

components.  The components within I/O Manager have the following architectural layering:


Network adapter card drivers that are compatible with the network device interface specification

(NDIS 4.0)  These drivers link computers running Windows NT to the network through

corresponding network adapter cards and protocols.

Protocols that enable the reliable flow of data between computers on a network.

File System drivers that enable applications to access local and remote system resources.



Each component communicates through programming interfaces called boundaries.

A boundary is the unified interface between the functional layers in the Windows NT network

architecture model.  Creating boundaries as breakpoints in the network layers helps open the

networking components of the operating system to outside development by making it easier

for vendors to develop network drivers and services.


These boundary layers modularize the Windows NT network architecture and provide a platform

for developers to build distributed applications.  For example, vendors developing transport

protocols need to program only between the boundary layers instead of the programming for the

entire Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.







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There are two boundary layers in the Windows NT networking architecture model:  Transport

Driver Interface (TDI) and network device interface specification (NDIS) 4.0.



NDIS-Compatible Network Adapter Card Drivers


NDSI-compatible network adapter card drivers coordinate communications between network

adapter cards and the computer’s hardware, firmware and software.  Network adapter cards

are the physical interface between the computer and the network cable.


Each network adapter card can have one or more corresponding drivers.  These drivers must be

compatible with NDIS 4.0 to operate with computers running Windows NT 4.0.  With NDIS 4.0,

one or more protocols can be bound, independently, to one or more network adapter card drivers.


Because network adapter cars and their corresponding drivers are independent of the protocols,

changing protocols does not require a reconfiguration or network adapter cards.



Network Device Interface Specification 4.0


The network device interface specification (NDIS) 4.0 defines the software interface used by

protocols to communicate with network adapter card drivers.  Any NDIS 4.0 compatible

protocol can communicate with any NDIS 4.0 compatible network adapter card driver.  Therefore,

a protocol does not need to include blocks of code written for specific network adapter card drivers.


NDIS Advantages:


not so much today.


The initial communication channel between the protocol and the network adapter card driver is

established through a process called binding.


In Windows NT, NDIS 4.0 is implemented in a module called Ndis.sys which is referred to as

the NDIS 4.0 library or wrapper.  The NDIS 4.0 library is code surrounding all of the NDIS

device drivers.  The library provides a uniform interface between protocol drivers and NDIS

device drivers, and contains supporting routines that make it easier to develop an NDIS driver.







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In Windows NT, NDIS 4.0 allows:






Protocols govern communication between two or more host computers.  Some protocols are

commonly referred to as transport protocols.  For example, TCP/IP, NWLink, NetBEUI,

and AppleTalk are transport protocols.  In the Windows NT network architecture, protocols

are located above the NDIS 4.0 interface.


Protocols communicate with network adapter cards through NDIS 4.0 compatible network

adapter card drivers.  Windows NT supports multiple protocols, bound simultaneously to one

or more adapters.


The DLC or Data Link Control is also listed as a protocol.  However, the DLC protocol is not

a transport protocol.  DLC is used primarily for accessing printers connected directly to the

network and for accessing systems network architecture (SNA) Mainframes.



The following protocols are included with Windows NT Server and Windows NT Workstation:


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). A routable networking protocol

that supports wide area networks (WANs).  TCP/IP is the protocol used on the Internet.

NOTE:  TCP and UDP have completely different ports.


NWLink  IPX/SPX compatible transport.  An NDIS 4.0-compatibile version of the Internetwork

Packed Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX)

Protocol.  NWLink allows users to communicate with MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows, or other

computers running Windows NT through remote procedure calls (RPCs), Windows Sockets, or



NetBEUI.  A very small fast and efficient non-routable protocol that relies heavily on broadcasts,

and is commonly used in smaller networks. NetBEUI cannot go out onto the Internet.   NetBEUI

provides compatibility with existing LAN Manager, LAN Server, Windows 95 and Windows for

Workgroup installations. 


AppleTalk.  Used for Services for Macintosh on a computer running Windows NT Server to host

connections from Apple Macintosh clients.






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Data link control (DLC).  Traditionally used as an interface with SNA mainframes and printers

that are directly connected to the network.  It cannot be used, however, to establish file and print

connections to another computer.



LAN Manager provides the following:


not take down the entire system.



Transport Driver Interface


The Transport Driver Interface is a boundary layer that provides a common programming interface

for file system drivers, such as the Workstation service (Redirector) or Server service (Server), to

communicate with the transport protocols.  The TDI allows the Redirector and Server to remain

independent of the protocols.


Because the TDI allows networking components to be independent of each other, protocols can

be added, removed, or changed without reconfiguring the entire network subsystem.


TDI protocols makes the protocol transmission seem transparent to the user.



File System Drivers


File system drivers are used to access files.  Any time you request a file, whether it is a request to

perform a read or write operation, a file system driver is involved.  For example, if you request a

file on an NTFS partition, the Ntfs.sys file system driver is involved in servicing your request. 

Several major networking components are implemented as file system drivers, such as the

Workstation (redirector) and Server Services.


The I/O Manager controls file system drivers.  I/O Manager can store files locally on a hard disk







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The I/O Manager determines if the I/O request is for a local disk or for a network resource.  If the I/O

request is for a network resource, the Redirector accepts the I/O request and sends or redirects

the request to the appropriate network resource.  The Windows NT Redirector (RDR) is a

component that resides above the TDI and communicates with the transport protocols by means

of the TDI interface.  The redirector allows connection to Windows for Workgroups, LAN Manger,

LAN Server, and other Microsoft network-based services.


The Redirector is implemented as a Windows NT file system driver.  Implementing a redirector

as a file system driver provides the following benefits:


remote computers. 

stored locally on a hard disk and using the Redirector to access files remotely

on a computer on the network.

components, such as Cache Manager, thereby improving the performance of the Redirector.

installed on your computer.




Windows NT includes a second component, the Server service (Server).  Like the Redirector,

the Server resides above the TDI, is implemented as a file system driver, and directly interacts

with various other file system drivers to satisfy I/O requests, such as reading or writing to a file.


The Server service supplies the connections requested by client-side redirectors and provides

them with access to the resources they request.


When the Server service receives a request from a remote computer asking to read a file that

resides on the server’s local hard drive, the following occurs:






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On the Server, the binding order is not as important.



Lesson 2:  Distributed Processing


A computer running Windows NT can divide applications into components:  a front-end

component that runs on a client, and a back-end component that runs on a server.


The distribution allows an application to take better advantage of hardware resources, such as

multiple processors or large amounts of RAM, that are distributed on the network.  Computers

running Windows NT use interprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms to create client/server

connections that support distributed processing.



Distributed Application Overview


In a typical distributed application, a computing task is divided into processes:  front-end

processes that require minimal resources and run on a client, and back-end processes that

require large amounts of data, number calculations, shared processing rules, or specialized

hardware that run on a server.  The server shares its processing power, carrying out tasks

on behalf of clients.


Clients – Clients runs the user interface portion of an application.


Server – Server shares its processing power and carries out tasks on behalf of clients.


NOTE:  Computers running Windows NT can perform the role of either the client or the server

for distributed application support.  The client and server components can be parts of a

common application, such as Microsoft Exchange Server, or can be parts of different

applications, such as Microsoft Access communicating with Microsoft SQL Server.






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IPC Mechanisms    **** Know this chart ***


In distributed processing, a network connection that allows data to flow in both directions must

exist between the client and server portions of a distributed application.



IPC Mechanisms                   This IPC mechanism is used to


Named Pipes                          Build a bidirectional communication channel between

                                                a client and server.  Named pipes provide guaranteed

                                                messaging services for distributed applications.  Once

                                                a pipe is open, both client and server can read data

                                                from, and write data to the pipe.  The WinLogon

                                                process is an example of an application that uses

                                                named pipes.


Mailslots                                Are well-known ports, from 0-1023.

(sockets)                                 Build a unidirectional communication channel between

                                                a client and server.  Mailslots provide second-class,

                                                non-guaranteed messaging services for distributed

                                                applications.  They can be used to identify other

                                                computers or services on a network, such as the

                                                browser service.


Windows Sockets                   Enable a distributed application to access transport

(WinSock)                               protocols, such as TCP/IP and IPX.  WinSock can be

                                                used to build a bi-directional, guaranteed communica-

                                                tion channel between a client and a server.


Remote procedure calls         Allow a distributed application to call procedures

(RPCs)                                    available on various computers in a network.

                                                Must work properly.


Network dynamic                   Share information between applications.  NetDDE

Data exchange                       uses NetBIOS APIs to communicate with the

(NetDDE)                               underlying network components.  Chat is an

                                                example of a NetDDE-based utility.


Distributed                             Distribute processes, using RPCs, across multiple

Component Object                 computers so that the client and server components

Model (DCOM)                     of an application can be placed in optimal locations

                                                on the network.  You can build the programs into

                                                models, and then implement as an entire program.

                                                DCOM eats up a lot of RAM.




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Lesson 3:  Accessing file and Print Resources:



A computer running Windows NT typically has at least one redirector and a server component that are

used for accessing and sharing file and print resources on a network. 


Along with these components, there are additional components called the multiple universal naming

convention provider (MUP) and the Multiple Provider Router (MPR) that are needed to access file

and print resources on a network.



Component                 Purpose




Workstation               Identify the appropriate service that can provide the resources

Service (RDR)           requested by an application.  The Redirector accepts I/O

                                    requests for remote files, named pipes, or mailslots and

                                    redirecting the I/O request to a network service on another

                                    computer.  The RDR gains access to the network log, and

                                    connects to the domain to share folders and printers.


Server service            Share and secure resources, such as directories and printers.

(SRV)                          The Server service accepts incoming I/O requests, such as

                                    a request to write or read to a file, and routes the requests

                                    resources back to the clients.



                                    EXERCISE:  Control Panel/Services/alerter

                                    You can disable services if you want to.  DDE has a

                                    Default of “manual”.  Turn them off if you do not need them.


Multiple                      Connect to a remote computer that accepts the universal

Universal                    naming convention (UNC).  An example of a UNC is

Naming                       \\server_name\share_name\subfolder\file_name.






Multiple                      Support multiple redirectors, including Windows NT,

Provider Router         NetWare, and Banyan Vines.  For each redirector that is

(MPR)                        installed, there is also a corresponding Provider.dll.





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File and Print Sharing Process 



When a process on a computer running Windows NT attempts to open a file that resides on a

remote computer, the Workstation (Redirector) and Server services complete the following steps

to fulfill the I/O request:


A client initiates an I/O request through a network command that tells the I/O Manager to open a file.

The I/O Manager recognizes the remote file request.  With the assistance of the MUP or the MPR,

it passes the request to the Redirector.  The Redirector (RDR) passes the request to lower-level

network drivers, which transmit it to the remove server for processing.


The Server Service (SVR) receives a request from a remote computer asking it to read a

file that resides on the server’s local hard disk.  The Server service (SVR) passes the request to the

I/O Manager.


The I/O Manager passes the read request to the local file system driver.

The local file system driver calls lower-level disk device drivers to access the file.  Once the file is

located, it is returned to the client that requested it through the same path.






can be either a client or a server in a distributed application environment. 

their drivers, network protocols, and file system drivers.

network adapter card drivers.  Any NDIS 4.0 compatible protocol can communicate

with any NDIS 4.0 compatible network adapter card driver.

connections that support distributed processing.  These include named pipes, mailslots,