Christopher G. Brown

Department of Classical Studies
William Sherwood Fox Professor of Classics
B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto)

University of Western Ontario

Lawson Hall 3223

Teaching (2018-2019)

  • Classics 1000: Ancient Greece and Rome (on-line)
  • Classics 9000: Core Course (literature segment)
  • Greek 9902B: Hesiod

Office Hours

  • by appointment

Research Interests:

    Greek poetry, drama, and religion; Pre-Socratics; Roman poetry

Current Projects:

  •  A commentary on Pindar's Ninth Pythian

  • A series of papers on various problems in Pindar (Ol. 2, Pyth. 2, 8, 9)

  • A revision of the Loeb edition of Sappho and Alcaeus

Delphic Kylix

Apollo and Raven (cf. Hesiod fr. 60 M-W)
(Kylix, Delphi)

Principal Publications:

“Dionysus and the Women of Elis: PMG 871,” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 23 (1982) 305-314

“From Rags to Riches: Anacreon’s Artemon,” Phoenix 37 (1983) 1-15

“Noses at Aristophanes, Clouds 344?,” Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica N.S. 14.2 (1983) 87-90

“Ruined by Lust: Anacreon, fr. 44 Gentili (432 PMG),” Classical Quarterly 34 (1984) 37-42

“The Bridegroom and the Athlete: the Proem to Pindar’s Seventh Olympian,” Greek Poetry and Philosophy: Studies in Honour of Leonard Woodbury ed. D. E. Gerber (Chico 1984) 37-50

“The ‘correct’ Understanding of eu diabas,” American Journal of Philology 106 (1985) 356-359

“Seeing Sleep: Heraclitus fr. 49 Marcovich (DK 22 B 21),” American Journal of Philology 107 (1986) 243-245

“Hipponax and Iambe,” Hermes 116 (1988) 478-481

“Anactoria and the Chariton amarygmata: Sappho fr. 16.18 Voigt,” Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica n.s. 32.2 (1989) 7-15

“Ares, Aphrodite, and the Laughter of the Gods,” Phoenix 43 (1989) 283-293

“Cleanthes’ Hymn to Zeus 32,” Liverpool Classical Monthly 15.1 (1990) 2-4

“Actaeon and Modaeus: Dionysius fr. 19v Livrea,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 80 (1990) 19-22

“Bacchylides 17.86-90,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 82 (1990) 32-34

“Honouring the Goddess: Philicus’ Hymn to Demeter,” Aegyptus 70 (1990) 173-189

(with L. M. Heller) “Ronsard, Horace et la rage des frères,” Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 53 (1991) 123-126

“Strepsiades’ Wife: Aristophanes, Clouds 41 ff.,” Prometheus 17 (1991) 29-33

“Empousa, Dionysus and the Mysteries: Aristophanes, Frogs 285 ff.,” Classical Quarterly 41 (1991) 41-50

“The Power of Aphrodite: Bacchylides 17.10,” Mnemosyne 44 (1991) 327-335

“The Prayers of the Corinthian Women: Simonides, Ep. 14 Page FGE,” Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 32 (1991) 5-14

“The Hyperboreans and Nemesis in Pindar’s Tenth Pythian,” Phoenix 46 (1992) 95-107

(with D. E. Gerber) “The Parched Furrow: Archilochus fr. 188,1-2 W.,” Tradizione e innovazione nella cultura greca da Omero all’età ellenistica [Festschrift for Bruno Gentili] eds R. Pretagostini (Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale: Rome 1993) 195-197

“The Big Sleep: Herodas 8.5,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 102 (1994) 95-99

Review article: A. Allen, The Fragments of Mimnermus: Text and Commentary (Stuttgart 1993): Bryn Mawr Classical Review 6.5 (1995) 367-375

"The Parched Furrow and the Loss of Youth: Archilochus fr. 188 West," Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica n.s. 50 (1995) 29-35

"In the Cyclops' Cave: Revenge and Justice in Odyssey 9," Mnemosyne 49 (1996) 1-29

Chapters on Iambos, Archilochus, Semonides, Hipponax in D. E. Gerber (ed.), A Companion to the Greek Lyric Poets (E. J. Brill, Leiden 1997) 13-88

"Politician, Pathic, Profligate: Three Targets (Aristophanes, Frogs 416-430)," Eikasmós 8 (1997) 59-67

"Where Armies Clash: Statius, Thebaid 9.674," Rheinisches Museum 142 (1999) 321-326

Articles on Dithyramb, Poetry: Epic (Antiquity), Poetry: Lyric (Antiquity) in G. Speake (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition 2 vols. (London 2000)

"Arrows and Etymology: Gaetulicus’ Epitaph for Archilochus," Classical Philology 94 (2001) 429-432

Article on 'Volkslieder,' Der neue Pauly: Enzyklopädie der Antike / herausgegeben von Hubert Cancik und Helmuth Schneider (Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1996-2002) vol. 12.2.301-303

"The Stele of Mnesagora and Nikochares (CEG 84)," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 152 (2005) 1-5

Articles on Heralds; Honour; Language and Languages; Philology, Comparative; Pindar; Scholia; Textual Criticism; Transmission in G. Shipley et al. (eds), The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization (Cambridge 2006)

"Pindar on Archilochus and the Gluttony of Blame (Pyth. 2.52-56)," Journal of Hellenic Studies 126 (2006) 36-46

"The Precinct of Zeus and Parmenis' Immortality (CEG 2.693)," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 170 (2009) 21-27

"Greek Poetry: Iambos," Oxford Bibliographies Online (2011)

"To the Ends of the Earth: Sappho on Tithonus," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 178 (2011) 21-25

"Vipers and Lost Youth: a Note on Old Age in Early Greek Epic,"Classical Quarterly 64.2 (2014) 825-828

"Warding off a Hailstorm of Blood: Pindar on Martial Elegy," in C. Carey and L. Swift (edd.), Greek Iambus and Elegy: New Approaches (Oxford University Press 2016) 273-290

"Timotheus of Miletus on the Herald's Proclamation (fr. 802 PMG),"Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 112 (2016) 167-175

"Picturing a Truth: Beast Fable, Early Iambos, and Semonides on the Creation of Women," Mouseion 15 (2018) 29–47

"Slinking Home to Mother: Pindar on Losers (Pyth. 8.81-87)," forthcoming in Mouseion 16 (2019) 415–431 (Special issue in honour of N. B. Crowther)

Forum, Rome

Forum, Rome

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