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A Selected Bibliography Relating to Welfare to Work Programs

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Beer, S. H. (1998) Welfare reform: Revolution or retrenchment? Publius-The Journal of Federalism, 28 (3), 9-15.

Bennett, James T (1999) Minimum wages, entry-level employment and employees, and the transition from welfare to work. Journal of Labor Research; Fairfax, Fall.

Born, Catherine E., Caudill, Pamela J., and Cordero, Melinda L. (1999).   Life on Welfare: Who is getting cash assistance now?   Policy & Practice of Public Human Services: The Journal of the American Public Human Services Association, 57 (2), 27-35.

Briskin, C. L. and Thomas, K. A. (1998). The waging of welfare: all work and no pay? Harvard Civil Rights, 33 (2), 559-591.

Browne, Paul.  (1996).  Non-profit agencies can't replace the welfare state. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 3, (3), 9.10.

Considine,M. (2000) Selling the unemployed: the performance of bureaucracies, firms and non-profits in the new Australian "market" for unemployment assistance.  Social Policy & Administration 34 (3): 274-295,Sept. 2000

Cuff, K. (2000). Optimality of workfare with heterogenerous preferences. Canadian Journal of Economics, 33 (1), 149-174.

Danaher, W. F. (2001). AFDC and work: Magnets or anchors for the poor? Sociological  Spectrum, 21 (1), 33-59.

Danziger , S - Approaching the Limit: Early Lessons from Welfare Reform. The Michigan Program on Poverty and Social Welfare. Retrieved Dec 6, 2001

Danziger, Sandra, Mary Corcoran, Sheldon Danziger, Colleen Heflin, Ariel Kalil, Judith Levine, (2001) Barriers to the Employment of Welfare Recipients in  Prosperity for All?: the economic boom and African Americans (eds) R. Cherry and W.M. Rogers, III, Russel Sage Foundation.  The Michigan program on Poverty and Social Welfare  Retrieved Dec 4, 2001

Danziger, Sheldon, Colleen M. Heflin, Mary E. Corcoran, Elizabeth Oltmans, Does it Pay to Move from Welfare to Work?  University of Michigan. Revised August 2001. Retrieved Dec 4, 2001

Deacon, A. (2000). Learning from the US? The influence of American ideas upon new labor's thinking on welfare reform. Policy and Politics, 28 (1), 5-18.

Drumbl, Mark Anthony.  (1994).  Exploring the Constitutional Limits to Workfare and Learnfare.   Journal of Law & Social Policy, Fall, 107-155.

Duncan, K. (2000).  Incentives and the Work Decisions of Welfare Recipients American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 59, No. 3 (July)

Finn, D. (2000). Welfare to Work: the local dimension. Journal of European Social Policy, 10 (1), 43-57.

Friedlander, D.and Burtless, G. (1995) Five years after: The long-term effects of welfare-to-work programs. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 230pp

Gal, J and Doron, A. (2000). Dealing with the elusive welfare-to-work issue: the case of poverty traps in Israel. Social Policy and Administration, 34 (3), 253-273.

Gorlick, Carolyne and Brethour, Guy.  (1998).  Welfare to Work Programs in Canada: An Overview.   Canadian Council on Social Development, Ottawa, Ontario

Gorlick, Carolyne and Brethour, Guy.  (1998).  Welfare to Work Programs in Canada: A national Inventory  Canadian Council on Social Development, Ottawa , Ontario

Greenberg, D., Mandell, and M. Onstott (2000). The dissemination and utilization of welfare-to-work experiments in state policymaking. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 19 (3), 367-382.

Grover, C. and  Stewart J. (1999). 'Market Workfare': social security, social regulation and competitiveness in the 1990's. Journal of Social Policy, 28 , 73-96

Grover, C. and  Stewart, J.(2000). Modernizing social security? Labour and its welfare-to-work strategy.  Social Policy and Administration, 34 (3), 235-252.

Hagen, J.L. (1998). The new welfare law: "Tough on work". Family in Society :The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 79 (6), 596-605.

Hasenfeld Y and Weaver D., (2000) Case Management practices, participants' responses, and compliance in welfare-to-work programs.  Social Work Research, 21 (2): 92-100

Hasenfeld, Y. (2000) Social Services and welfare-to-work: Prospects for the social work profession. Administration in Social Work, 23 (3-4): 185

Haughton, G., Jones, M., Peck, J., Tickell, A. and While, A.   (2000).  Labour market policy as flexible welfare: Prototype employment zones and the new workfarism.   Regional Studies, 34 (7), 669-680.

Haveman, Robert and Wolfe, Barbara.  (1998).  Welfare to Work in the U.S.: A Model for Other Nations?  Institute for Research on Poverty, Discussion Paper  no. 1159-98. Retrieved February 1999

Hyde, Mark.  (2000).   From welfare to work?  Social policy for disabled people of working age in the United Kingdom in the 1990s.   Disability & Society, 15 (2), 327-341.

Jensen, Leif and Chitose, Yoshimi.   (1997).   Will workfare work?  Job availability for welfare recipients in rural and urban America.  Population Research and Policy Review, 16, 383-395.

Jessop, Bob and Peck, Jamie.  (1999).  Fast Policy/Local Discipline: the politics of time and scale in the neo-liberal workfare offensive.   Revised version of a paper presented at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA, 25-29 March 1998.

Kaplan, Thomas.  (1998).  Wisconsin's W-2 Program: Welfare as We Might Come to Know It. Institute for Research on Poverty, Discussion Paper no. 1173-98.  Retrieved February 1999

Kennedy, J. (1998). Learning from America: Policy transfer and the development of the British workfare state.  British Journal of Social Work, 28 (5) 801-802.

Kim, Marlene and Mergoupis, Thanos.  (1997).  The working poor and welfare recipiency: Participation, evidence, and policy directions.  Journal of Economic Issues, 31 (3), 707-728.

Kimmel, J and  Powell, L. M. (1999).Moonlighting trends and related policy issues in Canada and the United States. Canadian Public Policy, 25 (2), 207-231.

King, D and Wickham-Jones, M. (1999). From Clinton to Blair: The democratic (party) origins of welfare to work. Political Quarterly, 70 (1), 62-74.       

Lavan, A. (1999). From welfare to work, corporate initiatives and welfare reform. International Social Work, 42 (1), 94-95.

Meyer, J. A. (1999). Assessing welfare reform: work pays. Public Interest, (136), 113-120.

Miller, K.J. Welfare and the minimum wage:  Are workfare participants "employees" under the Fair Labour Standards Act? The University of Chicago Law Review, Chicago, Winter 1999

Mitchell, Andrew.   (2001).  After the boom. Workfare Watch Bulletin, 13, 1-4.

Moffatt, Ken.  (1999).  Surveillance and Government of the Welfare Recipient.  In Adrienne S. Chambon, Allan Irving, and Laura Epstein (Eds.), Reading Foucault for Social Work (pp 219-245).  NY: Columbia University Press.

Moffit, R. (1998). Five years after: The long-term effects of welfare-to-work programs. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 51 (2), 327-329.

Moffitt, Robert A.  (1995).  Unintended effects: Employment and training programs and the welfarecaseload.  Focus 17, (2).

Olson, M. M., Muhammad, K., Rodgers, L. et al. (2000). Picture this: Images and realities in welfare to work. Affilia-Journal of Women in Social Work, 15 (2), 329-344.

Peck, J.  (1998).  Postwelfare Massachusetts.  Economic Geography, Special Issue, 62-82.

Peck, J.   (1999).  New labourers?  Making a New Deal for the 'working class'.   Environment and Planning C-Government and Policy, 17 (3),345-372.

Peck, J.  (1998).   Workfare in the sun: politics, representation, and method in US welfare-to-work strategies.   Political Geography, 17 (5), 535-566.

Peck, J. (1998). Workfare: a geopolitical etymology. Environmental Planning D-Society and Space, 16 (2), 133-161.

Peck, J. and Theodore, N.   (2000).   'Work first': workfare and the regulation of contingent labour markets.   Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24 (1), 119-138.

Peck, J. and Theodore, N.   (2000).  Beyond 'employability'.   Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24 (6), 729-749.

Pfeffer, M.J. (1997). Work versus welfare in the ethnic transformation of a Philadelphia labor market.  Social Science Quarterly, 78 (20, 452-471.

Rangarajan, Anu.  (1998).  Keeping Welfare Recipients Employed: A Guide for States Designing Job Retention Services.  Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

Rassel G. R. (2000). From welfare to work: Corporate initiatives and welfare reform. Journal of Urban Affairs, 22 (1), 101-102.

Ravallion, M. (1999). Appraising workfare. World Bank Research Observer, 14 (1), 31-48.

Robinson, P. (1998). Beyond workfare - Active labour-market policies. Ids Bulletin-Institute of  Development Studies, 29 (1), 86-+.

Rogers-Dillon, R. H., (1999). Federal constraints and state innovation: Lessons from Florida's Family Transition Program. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 18 (2), 327-332.

Roulstone, Alan (2000).  Disability, dependency and the new deal for disabled people. Disability & Society, 15 (3), 427-443.

Sandfort, J. (1999). The structural impediments to human service collaboration: Examining welfare reform at the front lines. Social Service Review, 73 (3), 314-339.

Sanstone, F.A. (1998) Social support's contribution to reduced welfare dependency: Program outcomes of long term welfare recipients.  Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 25 (4): 105-126 DEC 1998

Smith, S. E. (1999). From welfare to work: Corporate initiatives and welfare reform. Administration in Social Work, 23 (1), 88-90.

Street, P. (1998). The poverty of workfare. Dissent, 45 (4), 53-59.

Tait, Vanessa.  (1998).  Knocking at Labor's Door: Workfare Workers Organize.  New Labor Forum, 3, 139-150.

Theodore, Nik and Peck, Jamie.   (2001).   Searching for best practice in welfare-to-work: The means, the method and the message.   Policy & Politics, 29 (1), 81-94.

Torfing, J. (1999). Towards a Schumpeterian workfare post-national regime: path-shaping and path-dependancy in Danish welfare state reform.  Economy and Society, 28 (3), 369-402.

Torfing, J. (1999). Workfare with welfare: Recent reforms of the Danish welfare state. Journal of European Social Policy, 9 (1), 5-28.

Torjman, Sherri.  (1996).  Workfare: A Poor Law.   Caledon Insitute of Social Policy. Retrieved (updated) Dec 9, 2001

Torjman, Sherri. (1999)  Welfare Warfare.  Caledon Commentary,  Caledon Institute of Social Policy (February) Retrieved (updated) Dec 9, 2001

Torjman, Sherri. (1998) The Don't Make Sense Welfare Rules. Caledon Commentary, Caledon Institute of Social Policy (November) Retrieved (updated) Dec 9, 2001

Selected Topics related to Welfare to Work

Communities, possibilities and barriers

Berns, David  A. and Drake, Barbara J.   (1999).   Combining child welfare and welfare reform at a local level.    Policy & Practice, 57,  (1), 26-34.

Government of British Columbia. Ministry of Community Development, Cooperatives and Volunteers. (2001).   Action Against Poverty in British Columbia.  Retreived May 20, 2001.

Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Community Development, Cooperatives and Volunteers.  (2001).  Community Solutions.   Retreived June 2, 2001.

Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Community Development, Cooperatives and Volunteers. (2001),  Community Capacity Building.  Retreived June 2, 2001.

Harrison, B., Weiss, M and J Peck (2000).   Workforce development networks: Community-based organizations and regional alliances.  International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24 (1), 237-238.

Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) (2001) CCB Workshop. Community Capacity Building in the context of the Human Development Agenda. Retrieved April 17, 200

HRDC (2001) Community Capacity Building, A discussion Paper - Questionnaire Results.  Retrieved April 17, 2001. No.44

HRDC (2001) Community Capacity Building in Action.   Retrieved March 29, 2001

HRDC (2001) Manager's Guidebook - Community Capacity Building.   Retrieved April 17, 2001.

Kanter ,R.M.( 1999) From spare change to real change: The social sector as beta site for business innovation. Harvard Business Review 77 (3): 122, May-June

McGrath, S., Moffatt K., Usha,G.,Lee B. (1999).  Community Capacity: The Emperor's New Clothes, Canadian Review of Social Policy, No.44

Phillips, S.D (2001) Redefining Government Relationships with the Voluntary Sector: On Great Expectations and Sense and Sensibility, Speech presented at the Canadian Policy Research Networks, Niagara-on-the Lake, March 24, 2001.

Rutherford, T. D. (1996). The local solution? The Schumpeterian workfare state, labor market governance and local boards for training in Kitchener, Ontario. Regional Studies, 30 (4), 413-427.

Torjman, Sherri.  (1999)  Are Outcomes the Best Outcome?   Caledon Institute of Social Policy. November. ) Retrieved (updated) Dec 9, 200

Ward, K.G., Jones, M. (1999). Researching local elites: reflexivity, 'situatedness' and political-temporal contingency. Geoforum, 30 (4), 301-312.

Family, Health and Well-being

Albert, Vicky.   (2000).  Reducing Welfare Benefits: Consequences for Adequacy of and Eligibility for Benefits.   Social Work, Journal of the National Association of Social Workers 45 (4), 300-311.

Applied Research Bulletin, Human Resources Development Canada (1999). A Special Edition on Child Development, Fall 1999  ISSN: 1483 2862

Baratz, M.S.and White, S.B. (1996) Childfare: A new direction for welfare reform. Urban Studies, 33 (10), 1935-1944.

Baker, D. and North, K. (1999). Does employment improve the health of lone mothers? Social Science and Medicine, 49 (1), 121-131.

Beverly, Sondra G.   (1998).   Material hardship in low-income single-mother families: the effect of employment.    Draft presented at Work and Family: Today's Realities and Tomorrow's Visions Conference coordinated by Alfred P. Sloan  Foundation, the Business and Professional Women's Foundation, and the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, Boston, MA, November 6 & 7, 1998.

Brush, L. D. (1999). Woman battering and welfare reform: The view from a welfare-to-work program. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 26 (3), 49-60.

Bush, Irene B. and Kraft, M. Katherine. (1998).  The Voices of Welfare Reform.  Public Welfare, 11-28, Winter

Cancian, M., Meyer, D. R. (2000). Work after welfare: Women's work effort, occupation, and economic well-being. Social Work Research, 24 (2), 69-86.

Chibucos, Thomas R. and Hannan, Kristi L.   (1998).  Welfare Reform: Focus on Families with Infants and Toddlers.   A paper presented at Work and Family: Today's Realities and Tomorrow's Visions, Boston, MA, November 7, 1998.

Cohen, P. N., Bianchi, S. M. (1999). Marriage, children, and women's employment: what we know. Monthly Labor Review, 122 (12), 22-314

Collins, Mary Elizabeth, Stevens, Joyce West, and Lane, Terry S.  (2000).  Teenage parents and Welfare Reform: Findings from a Survey of Teenagers Affected by Living Requirements.   Social Work, Journal of the National Association of Social Workers 45 (4), 327-338.

Danziger, Sandra K., Carlson, Marcia J., and Henly, Julia R.  (1999).  Post-Welfare Economic and Social-Psychological Well-Being.  A paper presented at the University of Michigan, February. Retrieved (updated) Dec 9, 2001

Danzinger, S. K., Kalil, A., Anderson, N.J. (2000). Human capital, physical health, and mental health of welfare recipients: Co-occurrence and correlates. Journal of Social Issues, 56 (4), 635-654.

DeBord, Karen, Canu, Rebekah Fanning, and Kerpelman, Jennifer.   (2000).  Understanding a Work-Family Fit for Single Parents Moving from Welfare to Work.   Social Work, Journal of the National Association of Social Workers 45 (4), 313-324.

Duncan, Greg J., Harris, Kathleen Mullan, and Boisjoly, Johanne.   (1998).   Time Limits and Welfare Reform: How Many Families Will Be Affected?   Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA.

East,J.F. (1999) Hidden Barriers to Success for Women in Welfare Reform. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services. 295-304, May-June 1999

Edin, Kathryn and Lein, Laura.  (1997).   Making Ends Meet: How Single Mothers Survive Welfare and Low-Wage Work.  NY: Russell Sage Foundation. Retrieved (updated) Dec 5, 2001)

Edwards, S. A., Rachal, K. C., Dixon, D. N. (1999). Counseling psychology and welfare reform: Implications and opportunities. Counseling Psychologist, 27 (2), 263-284.

Elliott, M. and Packham, J. F. (1998). When do single mothers work? An analysis of the 1990 census data. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare,  25 (1), 39-60.

Ellwood, D.T.(2000) Anti-poverty policy for families in the next century: From welfare to work and worries. Journal of Economic Perspectives 14 (1): 187-198 Win 2000

Frame, L. (1999). Suitable homes revisted: An historical look at child protection and welfare reform. Child and Youth Services Review, 21 (9-10), 719-754.

Gleason, P., Ranagarajan, A. and  Schochet, P. (1998). The dynamics of receipt of aid to families with dependent children among teenage parents in the inner cities. Journal of Human Resources 33, (4), 998-1002.

Greene, A. D., Moore, K. A. (2000). Nonresident father involvement and child well-being among young children in families on welfare. Marriage and Family Review, 29 (2-3), 159-180.

Hardina, Donna. (1994).   Targeting Women for Participation in Work Programs: Lessons from the U.S.  Canadian Review of Social Policy 33, 1-20.

Hardina,D. (1999) Employment and the use of welfare among male and female heads of AFDC households. Affilia-Journal of Women and Social Work 14 (2): 217-234 Summer 1999

Heyman, S. J., Earle, A. (1999). The impact of welfare reform on parents' ability to care for their children's health. American Journal of Public Health, 89 (4), 502-505.

Heymann, S. J., Earle, A. (1999). The work-family balance: What hurdles are parents leaving welfare for work likely to confront ,  Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 18 (3), 481-487.

Hyland, T., Musson, D. (2001). Unpacking the New Deal for Young People: Promise and problems. Educational Studies, 27 (1) 55-67.

Johnson, J. H., Bienenstock, E. J. and Farrell, W. C. (1999). Bridging social networks and female labor force participation in a multiethnic metropolis. Urban Geography, 20 (1), 3-30.

Kauff, Jacqueline, Fowler, Lisa, Fraker, Thomas and J. Milliner-Waddell, (2001).   Iowa families that left TANF: Why did they leave and how are they faring?   Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

Lambert, S. J. (1999). Lower-wage workers and the new realities of work and family. Annal of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 562, 174-190.

Libbus, M. Kay, Sable, Marjorie R., Huneke, Diane, and K. Anger (1999).   Domestic violence and implications for welfare-to-work: a qualitative investigation.   Employee Assistance Quarterly, 14 (4), 1-15.

Little, D (1999). Independent workers, dependable mothers: Discourse, resistance, and AFDC workfare programs. Social Politics, 6 (2), 161-202.

Loprest, Pamela. (2001). How are families that left welfare doing?  A comparison of early and recent welfare leavers.   The Urban Institute, Series B (B-36).

Luzt, L. (1999). Same community, new partnerships - integrated mental health and child welfare funding. Behavioural Healthcare Tomorrow, 8 (6), 34-36.

Lynch, B.P. (1998). Welfare reform, unemployment compensation, and the social wage: Dismantling family support under Wisconsin's W-2 workfare plan. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 33 (2), 593-621.

Metsch, L.R.., McCoy, C.B., Miller, M., McAnany,H. and M. Pereyra (1999) Moving substance-abusing women from welfare to work. Journal of Public Health Policy 20 (1): 36-55.

Meyer, Cancian M.   (2000).   Work after welfare: Women's work effort, occupation, and economic well-being.  Social Work Research 24 (2), 68-86..

Nayakody, R., Danzinger, S., Pollack, H. (2000). Welfare reform, substance use, and mental health. Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law, 25 (4), 623-6514.

Oliker, S. J. (1995). Work commitment and constraint among mothers on workfare. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 24 (2), 165-194.

Oliker, S.J. (1995). The proximate contexts of workfare and work: A framework for studying poor women's economic choices. Sociological Quarterly, 36 (2), 251-272.

Oliker,S.,(1998) Workfare or Fair Work: Women, welfare, and government work programs. Signs 23(4) 1086-1090 Summer

Oliker,S.J.(1995) Work Commitment and Constraint among Mothers on Workfare. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 24 (2): 165-194 July 1995

Pearlmutter, S., Bartle, E. E. (2000). Supporting the move from welfare to work: What women say.  Affilia-Journal of Women in Social Work, 15 (2), 153-172.

Peebles-Wilkins, W. (1999). Toward a position statement on the congregate care of children. Affilia-Journal of Women in Social Work, 14 (1). 117-121.

Queralt, M, Witte, A. D., Griesinger, H., (2000). Changing policies, changing impacts: Employment and earnings of child-care subsidy recipients in the era of welfare reform. Social Service Review, 74 (4), 588-619.

Rana, S. (2000). Restricting the rights of poor mothers: An international human rights critique of "workfare". Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems , 33 (4), 393-437.

Rapp, L. A., Dulmus, C. N., Wodarski, J. S., et al., (1999). Screening of substance abuse in public welfare and child protection service clients: Journal of Addictive Diseases, 18 (2), 83-88.

Roulston, A. (2000). Disability, dependancy and the new deal for disabled people. Disability and Society 15 (3), 427-443.

Sable, M. R., Libbus, M. K., Huneke, D., et al. (1999). Domestic violence among AFDC recipients: Implications for welfare-to-work programs. Affilia: Journal of Women in Social Work, 14 (2), 199-216.

Schoeder, C. & Ward, D. (1998). Women, welfare, and work: One view of the debate. Nursing Outlook, 46 (5), 226-232.

Scott, Katherine.   (1995).  Women and Welfare State Restructuring.   Working Paper Series, No. 9.  Centre for Research on Work and Society, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Sherman, Arloc, Amey, Cheryl, Duffield, Barbara,, Ebb, Nancy, Weinstein, Deborah.  (1998).   Welfare to What: Early findings on family hardship and well-being.    Children's Defence Fund, National Coalition for the Homeless.

Siefert, K., Bowman, P. J., Heflin, C. M. et al. (2000). Social and environment predictors of maternal depression in current and recent welfare recipients.  America Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70 (4), 510-522.

Siefert,K., Bowman,P.J., Heflin,C.M., Danziger,S. and D.R. Williams (2000) Social and environmental predictors of maternal depression in current and recent welfare recipients. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 70 (4): 510-522 Oct 2000

Smith, J. R., Brooks-Gunn, J., Klebanov, P. K., et al. (2000). Welfare and work: complimentary strategies for low-income women? Journal of Marriage and The Family, 62 (3), 808-821.

Suffet, F. (1999). Some sex-neutral and sex-specific factors related to employment among substance abuse clients. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 25 (3), 517-527.

Walker, R. (1999). 'Welfare to work' versus poverty and family change: Policy lessons from the USA. Work, Employment and Society, 13 (3), 539-553.

Wickizer, T. M., Campbell, K. Krupski, A., et al. (2000). Employment outcomes among AFDC recipients treated for substance abuse in Washington state. Milbank Quarterly, 78 (4)

Yoshikawa, H. (1999). Welfare dynamics, support services, mothers' earnings, and child cognitive development: Implications for contemporary welfare reform. Child Development, 70 (3), 779-801.

Young, Nancy K. and Gardner, Sidney L.(1998).   Children at the Crossroads.   Public Welfare, 3-10. , Winter.

Zarkin, G.A., Dunlap, L.J. (1999). Implications of managed care for the methadone treatment - Findings from five case studies in New York State. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 17 (1-2), 25-35.

Employment and Training

Albert, V. N. and King, W. C. (1999). The impact of mandatory employment programs in welfare terminations: Implications for welfare reform. Journal of Social Service Research, 25 (1-2), 125-150.

Ashish Sen, Paul Metaxatis, Siim Soot and Vonu Thakuriah.(1999) Welfare reform and spatial matching between clients and jobs.  Papers in Regional Science. 78: 195-211

Bennett, J. T. (1999). Minimum wages, entry-level employment and employees, and the transition from welfare to work. Journal Labor Research, 20 (4), 443-445.

Benway, P. K., Joseph, I. V., Fischetti, L. F. (2000). Welfare-to-work training - a public/private partnership that shapes the nation. Nursing Clinics of North America, 35 (2), 551-556

Born, Catherine E., Caudill, Pamela J., Spera, Christopher, and Kunz, John F.  (1998).  A look at life after welfare.  Public Welfare, 32-42. , Winter

Canadian Council on Social Development.  (1995). Work and welfare: Looking at both sides of the equation.  Perception, 19, (1). 

Canadian Council on Social Development.  (1998).  Social Assistance Statistics Fact Sheets.  Retrieved February 14, 2001.

Canadian Council on Social Development.  (1999).   NB Works: Transition to self-sufficiency by 2000.  Perception , 7, (4).

Canadian Council on Social Development. (1995).  Insight: An Information Series, No. 3.

Canadian Council on Social Development. (1995). Low-wage work: opportunity or trap?   Perception, 9 (2), 9-12. 

Canadian Council on Social Development. (1997). Social Research Series Paper No. 4.  The Changing Nature of Part-time Work.

Carnevale, Anthony P. and Desrochers, Donna M. (1999). Getting down to business: matching welfare recipients' skills to jobs that train. Policy & Practice, 57,  (1), 18-24.

Crompton, R., Gallie, D., Purcell, K. and Peck, J.  (1999).  Changing forms of employment: organisations, skills and gender.   Area, 31 (1), 89-90.

Danziger, S. K., Seefeldt, K. S. (2000). Ending welfare through work first. Manager and client views. Families in Society-The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 24 (6), 593-604.

Duncan, K. (2000). Incentives and the work decisions of welfare recipients - Evidence from the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, 1981-1988. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 53 (3), 433-449

Finn, D. (1999). Job guarantees for the unemployed: Lessons from Australian welfare reform. Journal of Social Policy, 28, 53-71, Part 1.

Gottschalk, Peter and Smeeding, Timpothy M.   (1997).   Cross-national comparisons of earnings and income inequality.   Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV, 633-687.

Hamilton, Gayle, et. al.    (1997).   Evaluating two welfare-to-work program approaches: two year findings on the labor force attachment and human capital development programs in three sites.   The National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work Strategies: Executive Summary.   U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Haughton, G., Jones, M., Peck, J. et al. (2000). Labour market policy as flexible welfare: Prototype employment zones and the new workfarism. Regional Studies, 34 (7), 669-680.

Holzer, Harry J.   (1997).  Why do small establishments hire fewer blacks than large ones?   Institute for Research on Poverty, Discussion Paper no. 1119-97. Retrieved Dec 4, 2001

Holzer, Harry J. and Danziger, Sheldon.   (1998).   Are jobs available for disadvantaged workers in urban areas?   Institute for Research on Poverty, Discussion Paper no. 1157-98. Retrieved Dec 4, 2001

Hyland, T. & Matlay, H. (1998). Lifelong learning and the 'New Deal' vocationalism: Vocational training, qualifications and the small business sector. British Journal of Educational Studies, 46 (4), 399-414.

Jensen, L. Chitose, Y. (1997). Will workfare work? Job availability for welfare recipients in rural and urban America. Popular Research and Policy Review, 16 (4), 383-395.

Kimmel, J., Powell, LM. (1999) Moonlighting Trends and Related Policy Issues in Canada and the United States. Canadian Public Policy Vol. XXV, No 2 .

Lawless, P., Martin, R., Hardy, S., and Peck, J. (2000).  Unemployment and social exclusion: Landscapes of labour inequality.  Regional Studies, 34 (1), 92.

Loeb, S., Corcoran, M. (2001). Welfare, work experience, and economic self-sufficiency. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 20 (1), 1-20.

MacMurrer, Daniel P., Sawhill, Isabel V., and Lerman, Robert I.   (1999).   Welfare reform and opportunity in the low-wage labor market.   The Urban Institute, Number 5 in series: "Opportunities in America".  Retrieved December 4, 2001

Merrett, C. D. and Peck, J. (1997).  Free trade: Neither free nor about trade.   Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 87 (3), 557-558.

Miller, K. J. (1999). Welfare and the minimum wage" Are workfare participants "employees" under the fair Labor Standards Act? University of Chicago Law Review, 66 (1), 183-212.

Nightingale, Demetra Smith and Holcomb, Pamela A.  (1997).  Alternative Strategies for Increasing Employment.  The Future of Children: Welfare to Work, 7 (1), 52-64.

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Last Revised: Fri, Jan 11, 2002

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