Graduate Students
- Yanni Zeng PhD, 2023
Thesis: Population dynamics and bifurcations in predator-prey systems with Allee effect
- Shuangrui Zhao PhD, 2023, CSC program (12/2022 - 12/2023)
Thesis: Several studies on the pattern dynamics of activator-inhibitor systems
- Chunyan Gao PhD, 2023, CSC program (02/2022 - 02/2023)
Thesis: The researches on dynamical behaviors of delayed biological differential systems
Lecturer, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
- Yuzhu Ruan MSc, 2022
Thesis: Complete Hopf and Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation analysis on two epidemic models
- Xianbo Sun PhD, 2020, Ontario Graducate Scholarship (2018-2020)
Thesis: Abelian integral method and its application
Professor, Hangzhou Normal University
- Xiangyu Wang MSc, 2018
Thesis: Bifurcation analysis of two biological systems: a tritrophic food chain model and an oscillating networks model
Lecturer, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
- Anqi Zhou PhD, 2019, CSC program (09/2017 - 08/2018)
Thesis: Theoretical study on nonlinear dynamics of calcium oscillations with
time delay and coupling effect
- Laigang Guo PhD, CSC program (01/2017 - 12/2017)
Thesis: Qualitative analysis of polynomial differential systems with symbolic computation
Lecturer, Beijing Normal University.
- Peng Liu PhD, CSC program (09/2015 - 09/2016)
Thesis: Mixed mode oscillations and limit cycle bifurcation in two types of nonlinear systems
Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Transport Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology.
- Wenjing Zhang PhD, 2014, CSC Outstanding Award for Study Abroad (2013)
Thesis: Understanding recurrent disease: A dynamical systems approach
Associate Professor, Dept. of Math. and Stats., Texas Tech University.
- Yun Tian PhD, 2014, CSC Outstanding Award for Study Abroad (2013)
Thesis: Bifurcation of limit cycles in smooth and non-smooth dynamical systems
Professor, Dept. of Math., Shanghai Normal University.
- Yuting Ding PhD, CSC program (09/2011 - 09/2012)
Thesis: Study on normal form reduction for high codimensional bifurcations in delay differential equations
Associate Professor, Dept. of Math., Northeast Forestry University.
- Bernard Chan PhD, 2011
Thesis: Bifurcation and stability in models of infectious diseases
Data Scientist, BuildDirect, Vancouver.
- Yu Bai MSc, 2011
Thesis: Study of an HIV-1 model with time delays
- Majid Gazor PhD, 2008
Thesis: Spectral sequences and computation of parametric normal forms of differential equations
Professor, Mathematical Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology.
- Fei Xu PhD, 2007
Thesis: Global stability, chaos control and chaos synchronization
Instructor, Dept. of Math., Wilfrid Laurier University.
- Zhen Chen PhD, 2006, NSERC IRDF Awardee
Thesis: Hopf bifurcation control for time-delay dynamical systems
Senior Reservoir Simulation Engineer: Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia.
- Sharon X. Wang PhD, 2005
Thesis: Hilbert's 16th problem and computation of limit cycles
Professor, Lawrence Kinlin School of Business, Fanshawe College, London, Ontario.
- Nicholas James MSc, 2004
Thesis: Interpolation an extrapolation of air currents using wavelet networks
- Yuan Yuan PhD, 2002, NSERC PDF Awardee
Thesis: Computation of the simplest normal forms of differential equations
Professor, Dept. of Math. and Stats., Memorial University of Newfoundland.
- Weiguang Yao PhD, 2002, NSERC PDF Awardee
Thesis: Improving security of chaotic communications
Associate Professor, Maryland Proton Treatment Center,
University of Maryland School of Medicine.
- Songhui Zhu PhD, 2001
Thesis: Computation of normal forms
- Long Yao MSc, 1999
Thesis: Analysis on inclined cables under distributed loads
- Sharon X. Wang MSc, 1997
Thesis: Simulation of chaos synchronization
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