Post something useful?

Now you are asking way too much. Truly ;)

It has been millions of minutes since I posted something truly useful on this site, and I thought now would be a good time to do something with it. Certainly those of you who have been here before have read my diatribe about "the neglected child: my web site". I won't drag you all through that again, but I should say that this site has been something I've worked on for many years -- though the past few have been riddled with neglect and for that I apologize. There are so many things I would like to post here, but my conscience is having a difficult time reconciling my profession and my passions. See, technically this is a work-related web site and thus, sharing silly stories from my private life may be frowned upon. And on the other side of things, presenting technical documents and "research in progress" publications here is enough to make anyone's face glaze over with extreme boredom -- well, save for you propellerhead pals of mine -- YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, NERDS! Ahem. But seriously... it has been a tough reconciliation, and I am not sure where it all stands. We all know that all work and no play makes for some seriously dull times, right?

Sadly, or perhaps progressively? it is time for me to retire this site's old moniker "The Todzilla Experience". Why, you ask? What?! You mean you didn't ask that? Well let us just pretend you did so I can continue (man, you are such a diva aren't you???). When I started this web site, way back in 1997, it appeared that I was the only Todzilla that you could find in various search engines. Those were fun times. Now, try looking for Todzilla... it seems like every Todd out there has adpoted this witicism. It has taken me years to maintain myself as a top-listing in the search engines... years of posting crazy video and jokes, and embarrassing (but fun) stories about "Master of My Domain" contests at the legendary Britannia residence and camping trips gone awry. No regrets, though. Well, maybe some... particularly that video I posted with the flame-throwing flatulent "lady of the night". What can I say? My humour is extremely twisted... and surely those of you that have kept visiting this place can probably attest to the same affliction. It makes for a spicy life, doesn't it? Anyway, I really am getting off track here. Let us have a moment of silence for the moniker that leaves this world and goes into the next............ *sniff* Please pass the tissue...

Is this the end of this site, as maintained by me, Todd, The Boogeyman, Todzilla, Reptile? I really don't want to rely on "Coming Soons" or self-imposed deadlines, but nor do I want to leave this little space behind. Many friends and family members have trodden upon this ground -- there is still a micro (and by micro I mean nano, really. Or maybe nano to the negative exponent of 1) community that continue to stroll by for a peep. So... where do things stand with this place? We shall see. No promises. But I am glad you dropped by! Did I mention how great you are looking these days? Wow! Hey, who does your hair, anyway? Can I have their number?

Thanks for surfing by, and please do come again. This space will always be here... either filling cyberspace with goody goodness or contributing to the void it can be. Change must come from within, right?

Fun things to do...

If you're looking for some fun things to do in the meantime, why not check out...

The band Muse -- their latest CD "Absolution" is AWESOME. Imagine if Coldplay and Radiohead got married, had a baby that had all the good genetics and developed some super powers of their own. Yup, that's Muse.

Cool movies -- Napoleon Dynamite, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Some Kind of Monster.

And as always, check out that great new band, Uncommon Ground. ;) Rumour has it that a new CD is being recorded for release this summer with extensive gigging! Shhhhhhhhhh! It's a secret!
