Aristophanes' Lysistrata  (winter 411 BC, Lenaia)


  1. How does Lysistrata divide the work between younger and older women?
  2. What do the women and the Acropolis have in common?
  3. What appetites do the women have?
  4. How is the magistrate dealt with by Lysistrata and the women?
  5. What is the significance of the wool-working analogy used by Lysistrata?

6.   What metatheatrical elements are identified in Lysistrata?

7.   How is the myth of the Amazons relevant to this play?


Aristophanes' Women at the Thesmophoria (spring 411BC, Dionysia)


  1. Why are the women angry with Euripides?
  2. How does Aristophanes characterize the women?
  3. How does gender contibute to metatheatre in this play?
  4. How does Aristophanes ridicule certain male charaters as effeminate?
  5. How are women defended in the parabasis?




Would you say that these are "feminist" plays?