PROCESS for an OAIS (three stages)
SIP: Submission Information Package
What is acquired and submitted to the OAIS for long-term preservation
Consists of original documents, captured metadata, checksums, added metadata
AIP: Archival Information Package
What is preserved in an OAIS
DIP: Dissemination Information Package
What is provided to end-users (consumers) from an OAIS
Consists of normalized versions of records for access (or copies of the originals if already normalized), and descriptive metadata
. These are the steps required to transfer items from their current location into the archive in a managed manner.Archival Storage. The storage of the bulk data (usually files) based on standard storage management tools.
Data Management. Tools to manage the storage of the archive, including the metadata.
Administration. A set of tools to administer the system and access to it.
Access. Tools to search, browse and download the contents of the archive.
Preservation Planning. The module that manages the information so that it can be accessed long into the future.