REMEMBER : keep the following anthems in mind when you are talking about nutrition:
For information about Brescia University College and the Nutrition Program go to: http://www.uwo.ca/brescia/ |
Teaching Philosophy When it comes to learning I take the conceptual approach which allows one to link/tie together/integrate everything they learn within & between areas of interest. In this context then, I invite students to take up the challenge to integrate everything they learn about foods & nutrition with human behavior & metabolism.
Course list
Research InterestsMy research interests include the effects of various dietary components (fats/oils, protein, flaviniods) on a) blood fats/lipids such as Total- & LDL- cholesterol and b) the development of nutrition software & nutrient databases. |
Nutrition Cafe | FN 235a | FN 241b | FN 373b | FN 471b | FN 486a | HE 401a
L A Piche PhD RD
Date Last Modified: 12/04/04