Dr Piche's Nutrition Cafe

Nutrition Cafe
FN 021
FN 241b
FN 373b
FN 471b
FN 486a
HE 401a

REMEMBER : keep the following anthems in mind when you are talking about nutrition:

Show me the data

Subject it to scientific scrutiny


For information about Brescia University College and the Nutrition Program go to: http://www.uwo.ca/brescia/

Teaching Philosophy

When it comes to learning I take the conceptual approach which allows one to link/tie together/integrate everything they learn within & between areas of interest. In this context then, I invite students to take up the challenge to integrate everything they learn about foods & nutrition with human behavior & metabolism.


Course list

FN 235a Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
FN 241b Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle
FN 373b Nutrition for Physically Active People
FN 471b Nutrition and Metabolic Processes
FN 486a Selected Topics in Nutrition
HE 401a Research Methodology


Research Interests

My research interests include the effects of various dietary components (fats/oils, protein, flaviniods) on a) blood fats/lipids such as Total- & LDL- cholesterol and b) the development of nutrition software & nutrient databases.

Nutrition Cafe | FN 235a | FN 241b | FN 373b | FN 471b | FN 486a | HE 401a

L A Piche PhD RD
Date Last Modified: 12/04/04