Classics 2200: Classical Mythology

Creation of Pandora

Office hours from April 7 on by appointment with Professor Suksi, Amanda Stiver, or Cameron Kroetsch.

You can now find the grades for test 2 posted in the Course Content section of WebCT Owl. They are in the form of an excel spreadsheet and listed by student number.

If you can't see your course in WebCT Owl:
If you registered for a course during the add/drop period, when your transaction is processed you will be added automatically to your course. WebCT OWL generates student enrollments based on information provided by the Office of the Registrar. To verify if your course has been added you can to to the Registrar's web site and log into Student Center.
If your course is listed in Student Center but you still do not see the course in your Course List please contact the ITS Support Centre.


Aara Suksi
Department of
Classical Studies (Talbot 419)
My office: Talbot College 420. Phone 661 2111 ext. 84519
Office Hours: From April 7 by appointment.

e-mail: asuksi@
my web-site:
Classics 2200 Facebook Group

Note: please activate and use your uwo e-mail address in all communications with us.

Please note: Dr. Suksi's office hours are cancelled for Tuesday March 17.

Teaching assistants:


Cameron Kroetsch Office Hours From April 7 by appointment. Talbot 131A
Email him if your last name ends in A-M

Amanda Stiver Office Hours From April 7 by appointment. Talbot 131A
Email her if your last name ends in N-Z (

Time and Place:


Monday and Wednesday 10:30 -11:20 NS 1

Objectives: Students will become familiar with the major myth cycles of ancient Greece and Rome. They will study the images and original texts (in translation) that provide us with evidence for the myths. They will gain an understanding of how the myths functioned in their cultural contexts.

Texts: Stephen L. Harris and Gloria Platzner. Classical Mythology: Images and Insights. 5th edition. McGraw-Hill 2003

Stephanie Dalley, trans. Myths from Mesopotamia. Oxford 1989.

Both of the above have been ordered by the University Bookstore.

Images and Resources on the Internet


Term Test 1 (30%) Multiple Choice to include all material through October 8 (Hesiod's Works and Days)

Wednesday October 15

You can now find the grades posted in the Course Content section of WebCT Owl. They are in the form of an excel spreadsheet and listed by student number.

Term Test 2 (30%) Multiple Choice

Wed. Feb. 11

Final Exam (40%) CUMULATIVE

multiple choice

3 hours

You can best prepare for the above by completing the scheduled readings before class and attending lectures regularly. Lecture material will supplement readings, not repeat them.

Getting the Most From Lectures

Learning From Textbooks

Writing Multiple Choice Tests

Absence from either term test will result in a grade of zero, except under exceptional circumstances beyond the student's control. Travel plans are not considered an acceptable reason for missing a test.

Students seeking academic accommodation on non-medical grounds for any missed tests, exams and/or assignments worth 10% or more of their final grade must apply to the Office of the Dean of their home faculty and provide documentation. Academic accommodation cannot be granted by the instructor or department for academic accommodation.

For UWO Policy on Accommodation for Medical Illness: [downloadable Student Medical Certificate (SMC):
https:/ under the Medical Documentation heading]

Please do not ask to do extra work to make up for a disappointing grade.


You are responsible for ensuring that you have successfully completed all course prerequisites and that you have not taken an antirequisite course.  Lack of prerequisites may not be used as basis of appeal.  If you are not eligible for a course, you may be removed from it at any time, and you will receive no adjustment to your fees.  These decisions cannot be appealed.

There are no prerequisites for this course, however, this course may not be taken by first-year students.


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Classical Studies