NFA - Youth

Some youth lose their housing while they are staying in the hospital. Others enter the hospital experiencing homelessness and leave the same way.

This research project is called “Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address – Youth” (NFA-Y). It is testing a program to prevent youth from being discharged without safe housing. The program makes housing and financial support available to youth while they are still in hospital.

In order to access the other studies done by Forchuk and colleagues related to this topic please use the links below:


Here is how the program works:

  1. Workers from community agencies help youth with housing or money issues.
  2. Youth can get help at any time during their hospital stay by referral, drop-in, or appointment.
  3. Youth who have higher needs are set up with a caseworker. This person will continue to support the youth after they have left the hospital.

Depending on their needs, youth can meet with workers from the following agencies:

  • Canadian Mental Health Association Middlesex: Offers help with housing searches, transportation to housing viewings, and landlords.
  • Salvation Army’s Housing Stability Bank: Offers help with rent or utilities (hydro, electricity).
  • Ontario Works: Offers financial assistance for basic needs, housing, and replacement of ID.
  • Youth Opportunities Unlimited: Can support the youth after discharge to find or maintain housing or achieve other life goals.

Research Plan

  1. Youth (16 to 24 years old) who have used the program are asked if they want to take part in the research.
  2. We interview the youth three times, about 6 months apart. The interviews ask questions about housing, quality of life, health, mental health, and service use.
  3. The youth can also take part in a focus group with other youth who have used the program. At the focus group, they can discuss their experiences with the program and suggest improvements.
  4. We also have focus groups with healthcare providers whose clients have used the program, and staff from the community agencies running the program.

The study looks at whether the program can help youth find housing before or after leaving hospital. We will also look at whether the program affects health and quality of life. Feedback will be used to improve the program.


Team Members
Cheryl Forchuk Western University & Lawson Health Research Institute
Sandra Fisman LHSC Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care
Matt Forget Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Carolina Dale Ontario Works
Katherine Krakowski Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Melissa Jeffrey Salvation Army Housing and Stability Bank
Steve Cordes Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Anne Peters Lawson Health Research Institute

Community Partners
City of London, Ontario Works
Children's Aid Society London Middlesex
Lawson Health Research Institute
London Health Sciences Centre
Making The Shiftk
Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
St. Joseph's Health Care London
The Salvation Army - Centre of Hope, Housing Stability Bank
WAYS (Western Area Youth Services)
Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU)

Principal Investigator

Cheryl Forchuk, RN PhD
Beryl and Richard Ivey Research Chair in Aging, Mental Health, Rehabilitation and Recovery,
Parkwood Institute Research
Distinguished University Professor, Arthur Labatt School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University;
Assistant Director and Scientist,
Lawson Health Research Institute

P: (519) 685-8500, ext. 77034

Project Contact

Anne Peters
Research Coordinator
Lawson Health Research Institute
Parkwood Institute – Main Building
550 Wellington Road, B3-110
P.O. Box 5777, STN B
N6A 4V2

P: (519) 685-8500, ext. 77096