CS 2120 Assignment 4 Marking Scheme Student Name: Student Number: TA Name: [50 marks total] + 5 bonus General: [3 marks] The code has sufficient/appropriate comments Data Preparation: [3 marks] Import data into Python [6 marks] Prepare your inputs/outputs (with function prepData) -3 marks if function not used Machine Learning: [10 marks] Applying your first classifier successfully - 5 marks for minor issues - 8 marks for major issues [10 marks] Applying your second classifier successfully - 5 marks for minor issues - 8 marks for major issues Discussion: [8 marks] Visualize each classifier's performance (4 marks for each visualization or set or visualizations) [4 marks] Discussing the dataset used and the machine learning approaches you considered [6 marks] Discussing the classification results for each classifier and comparing the results (which one is "better" and based on which metrics) Bonus: [5 marks] All or nothing. Up to the marker's discretion. Grant 5 bonus marks if the student went above-and-beyond expectations.