menu COMPSCI 2120/9642/DIGIHUM 2220 1.0 documentation

Getting set up for CS 2120

Setup for Mac:

Setup for Windows:

Getting Set Up

We’re going to be coding in Python, so you’ll need a Python interpreter on your computer. By far the easiest option is download the (free) academic version of Anaconda:

Anaconda pulls together Python and a whole bunch of other packages into one place. There are versions for Windows, OS X and Linux, all of which contain everything you’ll need for this course.


PyCharm is an IDE or Integrated Development Environment. Basically, you can open Pycharm like you would Microsoft Word — however, instead of editing a text document you’re working with Python files (with extension “.py”).

Other Options

There are many other options out there. Feel free to use whatever development environment you prefer. I like using PyCharm, but you might prefer to use Jupyter Notebooks, another IDE, etc.

This is also pretty cool–> Python Anywhere: