Political Culture


"Canadians are the only people who regularly pull themselves up by the roots to see whether they are still growing."


Political Culture:


Attenuated liberalism 

liberal individualism combined with a sense of collectivism.


Ideologies and the development of Canadian political culture


Civic Culture

The second aspect of political culture discussed in Dyck involves beliefs regarding the role of the state -- how large a part Canadians want government to play in their lives and the kinds of policies it should adopt. Another variable consists of orientation to the decision-making apparatus. Are people aware of it, and to what extent to they want to control it? How do Canadians feel in general about the police, bureaucracy, the courts and politicians? Do citizen's trust them? Alternatively, do people feel that their participation  in the political system can make any difference? And to what extent to they participate. Patterns of actual participation can be considered part of political culture. 


The Communication of Culture    


Changing values