Lisa Klinger's Curriculum Vitae

                                                                                                                                              July 2004

                                                             CURRICULUM VITAE


NAME: Lisa Klinger, Lecturer                            


RANK: Lecturer; Limited Term Appointment; full-time                             



Degree                         Institution                                            Department                  Year

M.Sc.O.T.         The University of Western Ontario           Occupational Therapy     1997

B.Sc.O.T           The University of Western Ontario           Occupational Therapy     1979








Aug. 14, 2000 to present



School of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences

The University of Western Ontario

Aug. 14, 2000 to present


Part-time Rehabilitation Counsellor


Rehabilitation Management Inc., London, Ontario

Jan. 1, 2000 to Aug.14, 2000


Part-time Instructor

School of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences

University of Western Ontario

Oct. 1995 to Aug. 14, 2000


Rehabilitation Counsellor


Rehabilitation Management Inc., London, Ontario

Feb.15, 1999 to July, 2000

Part-time Case Manager, Casual Relief


Community Care Access Centre

London, Ontario

Sept. 1, 1997 to Apr. 30, 1998


Part-time Instructor

Department of Occupational Therapy

University of Western Ontario

Sept. 1993 to Oct. 1995


Occupational Therapist

Southwestern Ontario Regional Geriatric Program

St. Joseph’s Health Centre, London, Ontario

Jan. to Dec. 1992

Acting Manager 

Occupational Therapy Department

St. Joseph’s Health Centre London, Ontario


Aug, 1984 to Jan. 1992; Jan. to Sept. 1993


Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapy Department

St. Joseph’s Health Centre London, Ontario


Aug. 1979 to 1983

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapy Department

University Hospital, London, Ontario



Department of Occupational Therapy Excellence in Teaching Award, 2001/2002

Gold Medal Recipient for Excellence in Occupational Therapy 1979

University of Western Ontario Scholarship for Excellence in Occupational Therapy, 1977 & 1978





University Of Western Ontario:

Mar. 2003 to present

Representative for School of Occupational Therapy to the UWO Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee (WODAC)

Jan. 2003 to present

Subcommittee on Teaching Awards, The Faculty of Health Sciences

Jan. 2002 to present

Unit representative – University of Western Ontario Faculty Association

Oct. 2002, 2003

Usher, Fall Convocation

June 2003

Assistant Marshall, Spring Convocation

Jun. 2002

Usher, Spring Convocation



Sept. 2002 to present

Admissions Committee MSc(OT)

July 2002 to present

Faculty in charge of O.T. Assessment Library

July 2000 to present

School Affairs Committee

July 2004 to present

MSc(OT) Program Committee - Year One Coordinator

July 2000 to July 2004

MSc(OT) Program Committee – Year Two Coordinator

Sept. 2002 to 2003

Human Resources Committee

Apr. 2001 to Mar. 2003

Faculty Advisor for Student Organized Workshops



June 2004 to June 2005

President Elect, Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists

2002 to present

Non-voting Resource Member, Ontarians with Disabilities Association Representative, City of London Accessibility Advisory Committee

June 2002 to June  2004

Director of Professional Promotion, Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists

May to June 2004

May to July 2003

Fieldwork Educator for an Occupational Therapy Student, Dale Brain Injury Services

July 2002 to Sept. 2003

Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists Representative to Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Consensus Table on Evidence for Chronic Low Back Pain Program of Care

Aug. 2002

Selection Committee for members of City of London Accessibility Advisory Committee


Sitting member, Scientific Committee, ABI 2001 Conference Committee

2002 to 2003

Consultation to Rehabilitation Management Inc., Toronto, ON related to Quality Improvement

1998 to 2002

Member, Steering Committee of the Acquired Brain Injury Network of Southwestern Ontario

1998 to 2000

Member, Education Subcommittee of the Acquired Brain Injury Network of Southwestern Ontario

1988 to 1993

Student Coordinator, Occupational Therapy Department, St. Joseph’s Health Centre

1988 to 1993

Member, Fieldwork Advisory Committee, The University of Western Ontario

1991 to 1992

Honorary Clinical Appointment, Department of Occupational Therapy, The University of Western Ontario

1991 to present

Authorizer, Assistive Devices Program, Authorizer No. 1810948602







Advisory Committees Served On:







Master’s Theses








Primary Advisor:




            IN PROGRESS


MSc(OT)/MClSc Study in Evidence Based Practice





Master’s Level Independent Studies in Evidence Based Practice:

Amyotte, B. (2003).  Evaluating the effectiveness of stress management training as an adjunct treatment modality to standard treatment for Temporomandibular Disorders: A pilot study.

Boerstra, J. (2001).  Outcome of case management in clients with traumatic brain injury.

Brown, S. (2003).  Pain beliefs, disability and occupational performance--the relationships in chronic back pain: A pilot study.

Chin Suey, T. (2002). Therapists’ perspectives on ethical practice issues in occupational therapy.

Glazier, R.M. (2001).  The efficacy of occupational therapy discharge services from the perspective of individuals with a spinal cord injury.

Gruber, T. (2002). Coping strategies used among participants following participation in a multidisciplinary pain management program.

James, K. (2003).  Impact of a peer mentoring support program on the lives of individuals with traumatic brain injury and their families: A pilot study.

Jani, A. (2003).  Occupational therapy and pain in children with special needs: A literature review.

Neto, P. (2002). Ethical issues facing occupational therapists in private practice.

Pop, D. (2001).  A qualitative exploration of the prevalent goals of clients in outpatient mental health programs.

Williston, K. (2002). Acquired brain injury: From the client’s perspective.




Course No.

Course Name

2003, 2002

OT 642y

Change Agency: Enabling occupational competence in the macro-environment (Course name changed to reflect course introduction in fall term with addition of 3 contact hours)

2001, 2000

OT 642b

Change Agency: Enabling occupational competence in the macro-environment

2003, 2002, 2001, 2000

OT 531a

Understanding the Person: Cognitive, Affective and Physical Aspects of the Occupational Human

2003, 2002, 2001, 2000

OT 541a

Understanding Occupation and the Environment

2003, 2002, 2001, 2000

OT 613a

Practice Dimensions: Organizing Practice

2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000


Practice Dimensions: Introduction to Occupational Therapy





Course No.

Course Name


HSc 491a

Independent Study – Advisor to one student



Gerontic Occupational Therapy





Grantor, Purpose or Title



Vice-President, Administration, The University of Western Ontario

Granted to L. Klinger & Dr. L. Miller

For the purpose of continuing an evaluation of accessibility at The University of Western Ontario



Vice-President, Administration, The University of Western Ontario

Granted to L. Klinger & Dr. L. Miller

For the purpose of conducting an accessibility audit at The University of Western Ontario




Klinger, L., Baptiste, B., & Adams, J.R. (in press). Life care plans in situations of personal injury: A consultative role for occupational therapists. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy.

Klinger L. & Spaulding, S.J. (2001). Occupational therapy treatment of chronic pain and use of assistive devices in older adults.  Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 16(3), 35-45. (invited paper)

Klinger L., Spaulding, S.J., Polatajko, H.J., Mackinnon, J.R. & Miller, L. (1999). Chronic pain in the elderly: Occupational adaptation as a means of coping with osteoarthritis of the hip and/or knee. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 15, 275-283.

Klinger L. & Spaulding, S.J. (1998). Chronic pain in the elderly: Is silence really golden? Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 15(3), 1-17.



Klinger, L. (2004).  Breaking down barriers: Evolution of participatory action research.  The 2nd Canadian Occupational Science Symposium, “Occupation, Health, Well-being: Exploring the relationship across the life course”, Toronto, May 27-28, 2004.

Klinger, L. (2004).  Occupational adaptation following acquired brain injury. .  The 2nd Canadian Occupational Science Symposium, “Occupation, Health, Well-being: Exploring the relationship across the life course”, Toronto, May 27-28, 2004.

Klinger, L., Bossers, A., & James, K. (2003).  Integrating coursework and fieldwork: A community experience in advocacy. Extended discussion, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May, 2003.

Klinger, L. & Baptiste, B. (2002). Life care planning: An emerging role for occupational therapists. Poster presentation, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Conference, St. John, New Brunswick, May, 2002.

Klinger, L., & Spaulding, S.J. (2001). Assistive devices and occupational therapy in elderly with chronic pain.  Poster presentation, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Conference, Calgary, May 2001

Klinger, L. & Spaulding, S.J. (1996). Occupational adaptation in community dwelling elderly with pain.  Paper presentation, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Conference, Ottawa, June 1996.

Klinger, L., & Willems, D. (1995). Geriatric outreach:  Innovative partnership with the community.   Ontario Gerontology Association Fourteenth Annual Conference, Toronto, May 1995.



Klinger, L. Coping with chronic illness and injury: Women’s stories; hidden valor. Women’s Health Matters Forum, Toronto, Ontario, January, 2004.

Klinger, L. WSIB Chronic Low Back Pain Program of Care. Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists Conference, Toronto, Ontario, April, 2003.

Klinger, L. Assistive devices and occupational therapy in elderly with chronic pain.  Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Tel-Ed, Ottawa, December 2001.

Klinger, L. Response to Bill 125.  A brief written in response to the proposed Ontarians with Disabilities Act.  London, November 2001.

Klinger, L. Functional assessment and Bill 59: How to determine and how to manage catastrophic and non-catastrophic injuries under Bill 59.  The Canadian Institute, Toronto, May 1997.

Klinger, L. & Willems, D. Restorative care:  A model of care for the elderly patient.  County of Bruce General Hospital, Walkerton, May 1995.

Bawden, M., George, J. & Klinger, L. Unleashing staff potential: An experience in improving working relationships in long-term care.  Ninth Annual Refresher Day in Geriatric Medicine, London, April 1995.

Bawden, M. & Klinger, L., Managing challenging patient behaviour.  Chelsey Park, London, February 1995.

Klinger, L. & Willems, D. Physical and chemical restraints.  Meaford Nursing Home, February 1995.

Klinger, L. & Willems, D. Physical and chemical restraints: myths and realities. Stratford General Hospital, September 1994.

Bawden, M., Klinger, L., & Willems, D. Rehabilitation of the frail elderly.  Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital, March 1994.

Klinger, L. The Regional Geriatric Program.  Telehealth presentation, London, ON, October 1993.

Klinger, L. (1992). The 2:1 clinical supervision model. Telehealth presentation, London, ON, May 1992

Klinger, L. (1990). Foot anatomy, orthotics and proper footwear.  London, ON, January 1990

Klinger, L. (1987). Assertiveness skills.  London, ON, November 1987