Home Page Of
Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, RN, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Nursing
The University of Western Ontario

Family Health Promotion Research Program  
Health Promotion in Single-Parent Families 
Developmental Health Model 
Current Research Projects
Completed Research Projects
Research Projects in Development
Graduate Student Research
Community Nursing Resource Centre Project
Teaching Expertise
How to Reach Me

Dr. Ford-Gilboe has been faculty member in School of Nursing since 1988. Over this time, her teaching contributions have been in the areas of family nursing (undergraduate program) and knowledge development and critical/feminist theory and research (graduate program).She obtained a BscN degree from the University of Windsor (1984), MscN degree from the University of Toronto (1987) and PhD from Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan (1994). Her research program, focussed of understanding health promotion processes of single-parent families, is a key aspect of the Family Health Promotion Research Program in the School of Nursing. Since 1996, her work has been supported by a fellowship provided by the MRC/NHRDP Joint Program for the Development of Research in Nursing and operating grants from several agencies (eg. MRC, NHRDP, Canadian Nurses Foundation). Her research is feminist in its orientation and much of this work is grounded in the perspective of the Developmental Health Model, an empowerment-oriented family nursing theory that is a theoretical extension of the McGill Model of Nursing.
Last updated on August/04/2000 by Dr. Marilyn Ford-Gilboe.
Web Design: Jeff Morrison