IOV: Process, Representation
- The Structure of Todays Lecture
- Outlines ("debt" from Information Structure II)
- Process
- Information Representation
- Preparing for the final exam
- Final exam format and sample questions
- Outlines ("debt" from Information Structure II)
- Information Process
- You may recall the PinPoint Demonstration
- the Trio: Object, Process, Control
- Process for generating the information:
- multifaceted (atomic operations combined in procedures), multistage,
- therefore: Process too has structure!
- initial design, iterative revisions,
- production (duplication, replication)
- flow charts
- diagrams
- Example: Programming Language
- Data Structures
- Processes (operations, macros, modules
- Control - planning and supervising the process
- Information Representation
- Main Types of Information:
- Declarative
- Procedural
- Control: the meta level
- Graphic/Analogic (color)
- Symbolic
- Numeric (value)
- Text (character)
- note the current trend to "digital everything"
- Is the Number the Primal representation?
- Some mathematicians certainly think so
- And so, to an extent, do computers.
- Should we really separate between symbolic operations and their numeric subset?
- Are computers is essence numeric or symbolic processors?
- Types of Numbers/Numerical Measurements (from strong to weak)
- ratio
- interval
- ordinal
- nominal
- Small Group Discussion: Comparing Number to Color
- According to Tufte, what are the four uses of Color?
- color as: to label, to measure (quantity), represent or imitate reality, to enliven or decorate.
- Which of these are also applicable to Numbers? Provide an example for each case.
- Note that the fourth role of numbers, to enliven or decorate, is limited:
- are numbers used to decorate the (rather ugly) Social Science Building?
- theres a number painting decorating the faculty council meeting room.
- Which representation lends itself more readily to manipulation with todays technology? Why?
- Number, because the digital computer is a number crunching machine.
- Optical computers might be more color oriented...
- Graphic computers anybody?...
- Preparing for the final exam
- Final exam format and sample questions
- Final Project Design II