The Escaping Flatland II Lecture
- Readings for Next Tuesday:
- Exercises
- Directed Questions
- Discussion
- Discussing the Assignment: "Final (single/team) Project"
- Escaping Flatland
- Exercises:
- Use, among other things, the temperature reading in the Kanazawa mountains to estimate the temperature range in the port city of Kobe (not shown) near Osaka. Use (+) or (-) signs when expressing the two temperatures that make up the range. (p. 28)
- Express using words in a single sentence the 228-8 entry in the applicant/admit table for law school admissions (See Table on page 29). Include in your sentence reference to the values on the X and Y axis.
- The Java railroad line graphic timetable on pages 24-26: Tufte states that "The train diagonals cleverly multi-function, as those marks record six variables all at once: ..." List at least four (4) out of the 6 variables encoded into each single train diagonal line.
- Directed Questions
- page 31: what point is Tufte making using the Gotti case?
- Any questions with regards to Escaping Flatland?
- Discussion of Escaping Flatland II
- Our Own Examples
- Geographic Flight Simulator
- Light Ranges
- Depth of Wilderness
- Scott and Pazner Graphical Timetables
- Discussing the Assignment: "Final (single/team) Project"
- Buzz Groups: Formulate Questions
- Background Brainstorming: