Write a well organised/stuctured 3-4 page doublespaced essay on one of the following topics. First make an outline, and then write your essay. Submit neat final versions of both your outline and your essay. Focus on key terms. Include examples and diagrams if relevant. Write simple accurate sentences. Use a pen. The essay is worth 25 points.
1. Essay Title: "A Summary of the Section on Geographic Information". (This section appears in Chapter 2).
2. Essay Title: "A Summary of the Section on Field and Image Data". (This section appears in Chapter 3).
3. Essay Title: "A Summary of the Section on Choosing a Map Type". (This section appears in Chapter 7).
4. "Combine is to Cross what Slice is to Recode". State what each of the four operations mentioned in the analogy does, and then explain the analogy.
5. Explain clearly what Cross does with reference to its input, modifiers, processing, and output.
6. Spread (i.e. measure the distances from) the center cell of a tiny 5x5 map to all the cells in this map. Provide your answer by drawing a 5x5 map and placing the values that such a Spread would produce on output. Express the values as a mix of numbers and square roots. Assume Cell Resolution = 1.
7. Map1 has 30 zones numbered from 1 to 30. We now Slice this map into 10 and call the result Map2. What are the values of the Zones of Map2.
8. Describe and explain (i) what the colour solid model of colour space is; and (ii) the main types of Colour Sequences used in MF to colour a range of zones. Present your explanation of (ii) in the context of (i).
9. Create a simple Script that uses MF Operators to apply the equation for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius: C = { [ (F - 32) x 5 ] / 9 } to the input map ApparentTempF and resulting in the output map ApparentTempC.
10. Given the following Cross operation:
iCross = Cross Map1 and Map2 Assigning 0 To Void With 2...3 Assigning 10 To 1 With 2 Assigning 20 To 1 With 3
(a) What value will the Map1 Map2 (2, 3) overlapping cell pair get on output?
(b) What value will the Map1 Map2 (1, 2) overlapping cell pair get on output?
(c) What value will the Map1 Map2 (10, Void) overlapping cell pair get on output?