Geography 280b

Lecture #10

Thursday, March 16, 2000

Reading Corner


In Today's Lecture:

Neighborhood Filters

Scan and Filter

What they do:

GIS Tutor II hypertext example

The Scan operation: (See the MFWORKS documentation)

The Filter Operation: (See the MFWORKS documentation)

Filtering is often used for smoothing on one hand, and for sharpening on the other.

Filter LowPass

The default Filter LowPass and Scan Average yield similar results

One of the most commonly used filters is a change detector.

Filter HighPass

MF•Works’s High Pass1 filter (edge enhancement) operation is defined in Jensen (1986) as follows:

The High Pass2 filter (edge enhancement) is a Weighted Sum using the following weights:

Filters find use with point, line, area, and surface data.

The user has varying control over the filtering process in different programs and modules (within programs).

For instance, by specifying parameters such as:

Further sophistication: Compute the value of a cell as a function of the weighted values of its neighbors.

How are the weights represented?

End of Lecture: March 16, 2000

Geography 280b

Lecture #11

Thursday, March 23, 2000


Today's Lecture

Digital Elevation Models (DEM)

DEM is an important topic because:

DEM definition: a digital representation of the continuous variation of relief over space

Terrain was/is traditionally represented by contours

Contours are an old, and in many cases inferior, method

Problems with contour lines

The new dominant DEM model

PinPoint II: The Rock....

Disadvantages of DEM

Useful beyond the bounds of physical space...

DEM input-processing-output is versatile

DEM input

import (e.g. from the Internet)

Contour data from topographic maps, hypsographic ‘color’ separates

Softcopy Photogrammetry: aerial photos, sonar, radar, satellites

GPS ground survey

Terrain Analysis and Visualization

The Need for DEM

Storage of elevation base data for digital topographic maps in databases

As a background for displaying thematic information

3-D display of landforms

Cut-and-fill problems in road design and other civil and military engineering projects

For analysis of cross-country visibility (civil & military applications)

For planning routes of roads, locations of dams, etc. (siting problems)

For computing elevation data derivative maps

For statistical analysis and comparison of different terrains (Physical Geography)

Provide data for landscape and landscape process simulation models

To represent other continually varying surfaces

Question: could it be that the greatest future need for DEM will be with non-spatial data?

Products derived from DEM

Shaded relief maps:

Applications of shaded relief maps:

Contour maps (as a DEM product)

*** Possible Exam Question: Why do a contour map when you already have a DEM?

Maps of slope gradient, aspect, convexity, concavity:

Line-of-sight maps:

note that DEMs often do not take land cover (e.g. woods, buildings, true landform) into account.

Block diagrams, profiles and horizons:

the computation usually requires that the observer specify a viewing point and scale factors for the vertical exaggeration

inclusion of perspective in the computation improves the results

Volume estimation in cut-and-fill problems

creation of before and after DEMs to show the proposed changes in area

the DEM obtained by differencing is that of the material removed or added

Automated landform delineation from DEM:

Take a little break here...

Introduction to Remote Sensing: A Few Key Concepts

History of Remote Sensing:

The technical/engineering field of Remote Sensing and the growing AeroSpace Business.

This section is based in part on Strahler & Strahler: Modern Physical Geography - 3rd Ed and up

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Two kinds of sensing systems: active and passive

Microwaves and Radar-RadarSat

Absorption of Electromagnetic Energy by the Atmosphere

Aerial Photography

Color Infrared Photography

Digital Images

Scanning Systems

The four types of Resolution (R):

Multispectral Images

Spectral Signatures. MSS bands versus 'features'; the basis for image classification

Why the complexity?

End of Lecture: March 23, 2000

Geography 280b

Lecture #12

Thursday, March 30, 2000


Today's Lecture

Final Exam Format and Sample Questions

How to Answer Exam Questions

Zonal Transformation — Score

What it does

Tomlin distinguishes between 2 main types

It is common for the “Report”, a side effect often provided by this operation, to be a most useful output.

This operation is sometimes thought of as an end product; to produce tallied results.

Score can be used as a means rather than as an end

Since there are 2 layers it is possible to cross tabulate, ie. to alternate (or reverse) the information and the districting layer designation.


A non-spatial Example. Tallying occurrences in graphs by groups of rows or columns (representing space, time, or any other variable)

The ZonalCentroid Problem (the general case)

The Zonal Centroid PinPoint Problem

Tomlin describes a cartographic model for solving this problem

Summary Statement...

Raster GIS work lies on the 4-way intersection of:

Geographic Information Science

In either case, these are modern Geographic (or Spatial) Techniques

These Geographic Techniques include:

Applications are in the following major branches:

I invite you to join the field of GI Science

As a Geo280b graduate, I would like to welcome you to the world of Computer Geography!


Thermal Infrared Sensing (night-time)

Infrared Imagery

Radar Sensing Systems: SLAR, SAR, (SIR)

Orbiting Earth Observation(“Geographic”) RS satellites

The Landsat Program

Future additions: 15m panchromatic, stereo-based DEM capability (5m resolution suggested)

The SPOT Satellite


Imagemaps (ortho)

Landsat TM vs. SPOT

Orbital Radar Sensing: RADARSAT; Ice, Geology, (Forestry?)

AVHRR Imagery (global scale) 4x4 km

New Future Satellite Systems

*** End of Lecture, End of Course ***

Self Study Material

Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing (RS DIP)
