Geography 280b

Lecture #4

Thursday, February 3, 2000

Basic Measurement and Basic Operations II

Reading Corner

Reading Assignment for next week:

The Structure of Today’s Lecture:

Basic Measurement

An operation for measuring a set of distances

What it does:

Spread and its modifiers


Explanation of the operation and its modifiers

The units and the precision are specified in maximum distance

Spread is commonly known as a buffering operation

Distance is arguably the most basic among spatial relations

An Example (from Simple Computer Imaging and Mapping):

Other Examples

Using Spread to isolate the perimeter of lakes:

There are several ways to view the results of Spread

A spreading nucleus ‘centered’ view

A question regarding a multi-cell ‘clot’:

A view from the ‘periphery’ at a target cell

In which of the 2 ways does the algorithm work?

A third view: “as the helicopter flies”

A fourth view: the underlying structure — the Distance Surface

Ridge lines delineate Thiessen Polygons

Are Thiesen Polygons (aka Voronoi Diagrams ) doable in raster as well as in vector,

Note that buffers are often portrayed by applying a Recode of every nth distance to the result of Spread

Spread is described as a wave of distance measurements that propagate outward from a spreading cell

Spreading takes time

Even so, the euclidean spread is relatively fast compared to its cousin—the non-linear Travel Cost (“Friction”) Spread

Non-linear distances, topographic distances, and network spreading will be described under the Rarely Used Operations category.


The first Ombusperson Meeting will be held next week

GIS 2000

Basic Operations II

Basic Operations II

Overlay Arithmetic

What these Operators and Functions do:

Between cells stacked on different layers.

Between 1 layer and a constant.

Note that the implementation is not as individual operations.

Rather, in MF works

The Answer:

There are common conventions for building

The MFworks documentation describes the:

On-line documentation may help use these core ‘map algebra’ features

Basic Logic

*** Logic and its implementation in MFworks may well be on the test(s) ***

The vocabulary of logic

In our case object “A” really means:

Connectives — the base set
AND ^ (conjunction)
OR v (disjunction)
NOT ~ (negation)

additional connectives

other connectives

The Truth Table for

Let’s solve together:

To be continued next week...