Geography 280b

Lecture #5

Thursday, February 10, 2000

Digital Elevation Models (DEM); terrain analysis and visualization

The ‘graphic calculus’:

Reading Corner

Reading Assignment for next week:


Self Study: what we won’t cover today on:

The Structure of the Lecture:

Debt from last week: Logic functions

Let’s solve together:


Venn Diagrams

Small Group Assignment

We can represent logic statements using

symbolic clauses can be transformed based on

Basic logic plays an important role in GIS

Set Overlay (logical map overlay)

Selective Set Overlay Operations

What these Operators and Operations do:

AND, OR, and NOT are implemented as Operators

AND and OR are Boolean Operators (T/F)

Can be used for simple Logic work

Cross does set intersection (conjunction) and union (disjunction) and is implemented as an Operation.

Cross and its modifiers (note the hierarchical structure!)

Explanation of the operation and its modifiers:

Complete Set Overlay

Combine and its modifiers

Combine mapname [With mapname...]

Explanation of the operation and its modifiers.

Combine gives all the combinations.

The new zones are numbered sequentially, hence lose their identity.

The real result of Combine is the information in the Text field of the Legend.

Comments: Combine saves work in specifying lengthy Cross operations.

Combine is great for finding errors of omission and comission.

Combine with VoidMap is a good trick:

More on Layer Superimposition

Transparent Overlay, Mask Overlay, Mosaic and SubScene—Cover

Cover and its modifiers:

Explanation of the operation and its modifiers.

Note that [With map] can be repeated several times.

The default spatial extent of the operation, when the layers are not identical in size and/or position, is the set intersection of the space.

The Mosaic modifier is used to specify that the result map is a rectangle that is large enough to accomodate the union of the spatial extents.

This modifier enables the use of Cover for Mosaicking or Joining (areal superset expansion).

An Example.

What would happen if Mosaic is used?

What would happen if Mosaic isn’t used but one of the maps is smaller in its areal extent?

Note: watch out, and correct, for the above problem in Ass 3.

The paired Recode and Cover (or vice versa) are a very common sequence in procedures.


Creating a rectangular areal subset.

SubScene and its modifiers:

Explanation of the operation and its modifiers.

An Example. The use of SubScene:

Less cells per layer without changing cell resolution.

Concluding Note:

The Question is:

Color and MFworks

The Apple HSL Color Model

HSL models are widely used by Cartographers (examples to follow...)


MFworks Colorization — of a single layer

Single color

Color sequences — “paths”

Color Class Schemes: Sequential, Zone Value, Zone Area

End of Lecture