Welcome to our website!

Research in our lab broadly focuses on biodiversity and ecosystem function relationships using soil systems as models. Soils contain the majority of the world’s biodiversity and perform critical functions such as nutrient cycling and carbon storage.

We use a combined approach of large-scale field observations, laboratory, greenhouse and field-scale experimental manipulations, and theoretical approaches to understand how global environmental changes will impact soil biodiversity and function.

As a research group who study the diversity of life on Earth, we place high priority on being inclusive to diversity among students and our colleagues. Please contact us if you are interested in joining our team or learning more about our research.


Lab News

March 20/25 - Wishing Honour's student Emily a fun and productive Ontario Biology Day event this weekend; Emily is presenting her thesis work.

March 1/25 - Happy to announce a Mitacs collaborations with ASPIRE on mite-cricket associations.

Nov 26/24 - Congratulations to João Martin on his successful MSc thesis proposal assessment - mites, crickets, biocontrol... oh my!

Sept. 25/24 - Congratulations to Sam for successfully defending her MSc thesis on climate warming impacts on Sphagnum communities.