Angela Mendelovici
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
The University of Western Ontario (Western University)

My research is in the philosophy of mind, specifically on intentionality, consciousness, and the relationship between the two.
Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Philosophy at The Australian National University, a graduate student at the Department of Philosophy at Princeton University, and an undergrad at McGill University.
See also my partner and frequent co-author, David Bourget.
The Phenomenal Basis of Intentionality
Oxford University Press, 2018
- Oxford Scholarship Online (full text available with a university subscription)
- PhilPapers (easy access to full-text on Oxford Scholarship Online if your account is properly configured)
- Oxford University Press
- Google Play
- Contact me
- Philip Woodward's review essay in Philosophical Psychology; see also my reply
- Adam Pautz's review in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
- Charles Siewert's review in The European Journal of Philosophy
- Christopher Stratman's review in Philosophia
- Gina Zavota's review in The Review of Metaphysics

TLDR: The Phenomenal Basis of Intentionality argues that the most basic or fundamental kind of intentionality is nothing over and above phenomenal consciousness, the felt, subjective, or “what it's like” aspect of experience. Any other kinds of intentionality are derived from this basic phenomenal intentionality thanks to our dispositions to ascribe further contents to our mental states or ourselves. The end result is a radically internalist picture of the mind.
I have supervised MA and PhD students working in philosophy of mind and related areas, including on intentionality, consciousness, personal identity, and emotion.
Here are some courses I have taught:
- Critical Thinking
- Mental Representation (graduate/advanced undergraduate seminar)
- Concepts (graduate/advanced undergraduate seminar)
- Introduction to Philosophy of Mind
- Advanced Philosophy of Mind
- Introduction to Philosophy of Language

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A Sample Philosophy Paper
In 2010, after my first foray into the joys of philosophy grading, I created this annotated sample paper for my students.
Christopher Anandale made an excellent video of it.