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Thirteenth Series, No. 2: Spring 2007

Into the Looking-Glass Labyrinth


Canadian Revisions of the Labyrinth. FRANK DAVEY

The Aesthetics of Breakage: A Mazing "Controlled Chaos". MARTA DVORAK

Space for Strangeness: Carol Shields's Short Stories. CORAL ANN HOWELLS

Re-writing the Nativity in Alice Munro's "The Turkey Season". HELIANE VENTURA

The Myths We Live By in Alice Munro's "Comfort". CLAIRE LEGOUIC

The Protean Myth of Canadian (Literary) Identity: Makeda Silvera's Her Head a Village. ANA MARIA FRAILE

Riddle and Hermeneutical Quest in Noman's Land by Gwendolyn MacEwen. GIULIANA GARDELLINI

Fantastic and Magic-Realist Elements in Francine Noel's Maryse Trilogy. GEORGIANA M.M. COLVILE

Strategies of Opening and Closure in Mary Lawson's Crow Lake. MIROSLAWA BUCHHOLTZ

The Genesis of a Parody: the Writing and Rewriting of the 'Roman du Terroir' in Marie-Claire Blais's Notebooks. JULIE LEBLANC

'More Like a Devil': Coyote in Sheila Watson's The Double Hook and Gail Anderson-Dargatz's The Cure for Death by Lightning ANCA RALUCA RADU

Myths and Mystery in In the Shadow of the Wind by Anne Hebert. ARLETTE BOULOUMIE

La Reecriture des mythes bibliques au feminin dans Les Enfants du sabbat d'Anne Hebert. ADELA GLIGOR

Re-inventing the Myth of the Canadian Wilderness: Christopher Dewdney's The Natural History. FRANCA BELLARSI

From The Natural History. CHRISTOPHER DEWDNEY

Two-faced Propositions: Myths and Enigma in Anne Carson's The Beauty of the Husband. IAN RAE

Two Poems. IAN RAE

Francine Noel Interviewed. GEORGIANA M.M. COLVILE


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