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Fourth Series, Nos. 8-9: Spring and Summer 1981


Edited by Frank Davey & bpNichol


Questions, (Some Answers)

  • Dudek interviewed, via an exchange of letters, by George Bowering, Frank Davey, Steve McCaffery, and bpNichol

A Europe Manuscript

  • selected pages of an early draft of Europe, accompanied by the corresponding pages of the 1954 edition

The Atlantis Notebooks

  • selected pages from the first sketches and drafts of Atlantis, accompanied by the corresponding pages of the 1967 edition

Continuations I Manuscript

  • selected pages from the first drafts of Continuations I, accompanied by the corresponding pages of the published text

Silence: some drafts of a previously unpublished lyric

Poetry Mailbag 1951-1955: Two Letters

Geography, Politics and Poetry (1943)

Introduction to a Course in Modern Poetry (ca. 1953)

T.S. Eliot (1962)

A.J.M. Smith, Aesthetic Master of Canadian Poetry (1962)

Arts, Entertainment, and Religion (1963)

Marshall McLuhan Defined (1966)

McLuhanism in a Nutshell (1968)

Poetry as a Way of Life (1968)

Hot or Cold McLuhan (1969)

The Poetry of Reason (1970)

A Letter re =First Statement= (1974)

Is American Literature Coming of Age? (1976)

Whatever Happened to Poetry? (1977)

Interface: Reality and Literature (1978)

Crawford=s Achievement (1978)

Middangeard: The Middle World (1979)

The Theory of the Image in Modern Poetry (1979)

A Brief Note on Poetry (1979)

The Poetry of the Forties (1979)

Notes on Regional Literature (1979)

On Getting to Know Nelligan (1980)

Autobiographical Sketch (1951), with Supplement (1980)


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