

Early Modern German Philosophy (1690-1750): A Reader (in preparation, under contract with Oxford UP)

Kant and his German Contemporaries, C. Dyck and F. Wunderlich, eds., Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)

Kant and Rational Psychology, Oxford University Press, 2014

Morning Hours: Lectures on God's Existence by Moses Mendelssohn. Springer, 2011 (Translation, with Dan Dahlstrom)


Articles and Book Chapters

“Tetens as a Reader of Kant’s Inaugural Dissertation,” for Proceedings of the XII International Kant Kongress, (forthcoming)

“Meier and Kant on Belief in the Immortality of the Soul,” in Dyck and Wunderlich (eds.), Kant and his German Contemporaries (forthcoming, Cambridge UP)

“Power, Harmony, and Freedom: Debating Causation in 18th Century Germany” in Oxford Handbook of 18th Century German Philosophy, eds. F. Beiser and B. Look (forthcoming, Oxford UP)

The Principles of Apperception,” in Kant und die Einheit des Bewußtseins, ed. G. Motta (De Gruyter, 2016)

Between Wolffianism and Pietism: Baumgarten’s Rational Psychology,” in Alexander Baumgarten’s Metaphysics, eds. C. Fugate & J. Hymers (forthcoming, Oxford UP)

"Spontaneity before the Critical Turn: Crusius, the Pre-Critical Kant, and Tetens on the Spontaneity of the Mind” in Journal of the History of Philosophyvol. 54.4 (2016), 625-48.

“The Priority of Judging: Kant on Wolff’s General Logic,” for a special issue of Estudos Kantianos, vol. 4.2 (2016), 99-118.

“Leibniz’s Wolffian Psychology,” in Vorträge des X. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongress, eds. W. Li, et al., vol. 2 (Olms, 2016), 223-35.

“The Scope of Inner Sense: The Development of Kant’s Psychology in the Silent Decade,” in Con-textos Kantianos, vol. 3 (2016), 326-44.

Materialism in the Mainstream of Early German Philosophy,” in a special issue of British Journal for the History of Philosophy (eds. P. Springeborg & F. Wunderlich) vol. 24.5 (2016), 897-916.

Beyond the Paralogisms: Kant on the Immortality of the Soul in the Metaphysics Lecture Notes” in Reading Kant’s Lectures, ed. R. Clewis (de Gruyter, 2015), 115-34.

"Chimerical Ethics and Flattering Moralists: Baumgarten's Influence on Kant's Moral Theory in the Observations and Remarks" in Kant's Observations and Remarks: A Critical Guide, eds. S. Shell and R. Velkley, Cambridge UP, 2012; pp. 38-56.

Kant’s Transcendental Deduction and the Ghosts of Descartes and Hume” in British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2011): 473-96.

"Turning the Game against the Idealist: Mendelssohn's Refutation of Idealism and Kant's Replies" in Moses Mendelssohn's Aesthetics and Metaphysics, ed. R. Munk, Springer, 2011; pp. 159-82.

"A Wolff in Kant's Clothing: Christian Wolff's Influence on Kant's Accounts of Consciousness, Self-Consciousness, and Psychology" in Philosophy Compass 6 (2011): 44–53

"The Aeneas Argument: Personality and Immortality in Kant's Third Paralogism" in Kant Yearbook 2 (2010): 95-122

The Divorce of Reason and Experience: Kant’s Paralogisms in Context” in Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2009): 249-75

The Subjective Deduction and the Search for a Fundamental Force” in Kant-Studien 99 (2008): 152-79

Empirical Consciousness Explained: The Connection between Self-Affection, (Self-) Consciousness, and Perception in the B Deduction” in Kantian Review 11 (2006): 29-54

"Descartes and Leibniz on the Concept of Substance and the Possibility of Metaphysics" in Descartes and Cartesianism, N. Smith and J. Taylor, eds., Cambridge MA, 2005; pp. 21-40

Spirit without Lines: Kant’s Attempt to Reconcile the Genius and Society” in Idealistic Studies 34 (2004): 151-62


Reviews, Review Essays, and Reference Pieces

Review of Elias Sacks, Moses Mendelssohn's Living Script: Philosophy, Practice, History, Judaism, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (published online 2017.06.15)

Entries on “What real progress has metaphysics made since the time of Leibniz and Wolff” and ‘personality’ for the Cambridge Kant Lexicon, ed. J. Wuerth. Cambridge: Cambridge UP (forthcoming)

"The Function of Derivation and the Derivation of Functions” (for a symposium on Dennis Schulting’s Kant’s Deduction and Apperception), in Studi Kantiani XXVII (2014), 13–19.

Review of Heiner Klemme, et al. (eds.), Michael Hißmann (1752-1784) in Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2014): 852–3.

Review of Avi Lifschitz, Language and Enlightenment, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (published online 2013.12.26)

Review of Cambridge Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2011.01.31)

Review of Michael Lee's The German Mittelweg in Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (2009): 476-7.

Review Essay "Paul Guyer's Knowledge, Reason and Taste: Kant's Response to Hume" in Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (2009): 613-19

Review of Scott Stapleford's Kant's Transcendental Arguments: Disciplining Pure Reason in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2009.04.11)