Instructions for Authors

We welcome submissions from all areas of Kant-studies, broadly construed to include not only contemporary approaches that are “Kantian” in methodology or content, but also the discussion of Kant's immediate predecessors, contemporaries, and successors.
The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2010. Papers should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages. All submissions should be prepared for blind review and should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words. Send submissions, and direct any enquiries, to Prof. Corey W. Dyck by email at or by post at Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario, London ON, N6A 3K7 Canada.
Papers read at any other North American Kant Society meeting may not be submitted. All presenters must be members of NAKS. Membership in NAKS is free, and you can sign up at Presenters at the conference are also invited to indicate their interest in having their paper considered for inclusion in the book series Rethinking Kant, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishers. Rethinking Kant is an anthology of papers presented at the annual Eastern, Southern, Midwest, and Pacific Study Groups of the North American Kant Society. Including work of philosophers at all levels of their professional development, ranging from doctoral students to well-established scholars, Rethinking Kant aims to offer a glimpse at the current state of Kant scholarship.
The best graduate student submission will receive a stipend of $100 and be eligible for the Marcus Herz Prize.
We are grateful for the support of the sponsors for our 2010 meeting:
Department of Philosophy, McMaster University
Research Western
Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanties UWO
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, UWO
UWO Kant Research Group