Works by Hildegard Peplau
Foreign Language Journals and Books
Peplau, H. E. (1970). [Professional closeness--as a special kind ofinvolvement with a
patient, client or family group]. [Japanese]. Sogo Kango - Comprehensive Nursing,
Quarterly, 5 (3), 66-81.
Peplau, H. E. (1974). [Talking with patients]. [Japanese]. Sogo Kango - Comprehensive
Nursing Quarterly, 9 (3), 30-39.
Peplau, H. E. (1984). [Psychiatric nursing]. [French]. Les Soins Infirmiers En
Psychiatrie, 440, 17-27.
Peplau, H. E. (1984). [Importance and specificity of the relation of the nurse helper].
[French]. Les Soins Infirmiers En Psychiatrie, 440, 41-46.
Peplau, H. E. (1994). [I never used the word "model" (interview by Phil
Barker)]. [Dutch]. TVZ, 104 (3), 86-89.
Peplau, H. E., Tsuzuki, N., & Inada, Y. (1975). [Interview with Dr. Peplau: Future of
nursing]. [Japanese]. Kangogaku Zasshi - Japanese Journal of Nursing, 39 (10),