Western Engineering

CBE 3323 Unit Operation I

CBE 4415 Chemical Engineering Project

CBE 4497 Chemical Process and Plant Design

CBE 9561 Advanced Fluidization Theory and Applications

CBE 9587 Fine Powder Technologies and Applications

Teaching Innovations

New coursenotes and laboratory manuals were written for every course taught so far, except for project courses, to help the students master the course content. Several undergraduate courses were re-structured and re-developed. Two new graduate courses were established --- Advanced Fluidization Theory and Technology (CBE 9561), and Fine Powder Technologies and Applications (CBE 9587).

An innovative teaching method, the Team Structured Learning, has been adopted on teaching several key undergraduate courses. This method actively involves the students in hand-on problem solving workshop sessions during classroom instruction. Students are grouped together to solve challenging problems under the close supervision of the instructor and are given the opportunity to teach themselves. With this new method, inefficient "passive" learning process is replaced by the more efficient "active" learning process. Even though this method does demand more time from the instructor, it greatly enhances the effectiveness of teaching so that it is widely appreciated by the students.

Another innovative teaching method, the Student Participation Lecturing, has been adopted for teaching two graduate courses (CBE9561 - Advanced Fluidization Theory and Technology, and CBE 9587 - Fine Powder Technologies and Applications). In those courses, some topics are divided into weekly sessions where one or two students will deliver a 40-min lecture followed by 40-min discussion period for other students to ask questions and make comments and for the instructor to present any additional materials and to make further clarifications. Because students choose the presentation topics of their own interests, this method provides both in-depth studies for each student on selected topics (those they choose to present) and general studies for the other subjects. Strong interaction is also realized in class.